QuoteYellobello I have the same leadscrew.see sunhokey i3 printer Sir, i cant thank you enough. Im not going to buy those leadscrews, im going tot buy that whole printer you just mentioned. Bowden setup, leadscrew, SD reader and no printed parts! Plz tell me, where did you get yours? And are you all happy about it?by navyblueboss - Mechanics
Im looking into leadscrew for my z movements. Ive found some, but the pitch is 8mm. Isnt that too much? I dont know how much steps that will be but its a lot less than what its now. (5mm threaded rod). Im affraid the layers wont be as precize as using leadscrew with a 2mm pitch. Edit: I mean the lead, not pitch. So the distance the z moves when you turn the rod 360°by navyblueboss - Mechanics
Hey thanks for you reaction. Made me understand a lot. Still, the problem remains and ive seen more extreme prints right now. A few days ago I printed a part of 7 cm high. It turned out to be 9cm!!!! You can clearly see the distortion, there is a hole on the side of the print, its shaped as this -> 0 Then I turned off the printer, sliced again, turned on and printed again. Size: 70,06mm Mby navyblueboss - Printing
Very wierd issue, maby some of you know what can cause this? Im designing a hexacopter and ive printed some parts/prototypes the last few days. Sometimes I chance just a very little detail and print it again. Ive noticed that some parts are a lot bigger (higher) than ive designed. To be clear: its the exact same part, I just make a hole 3.5mm instead of 3.3mm, I make a wall 2.1mm instead of 2.5by navyblueboss - Printing
No this was a PLA print. Printed at 200c and with bed at 70c. After the first layer it goes of till it reaches 50c. It happens all over the print, not a specified area.by navyblueboss - Printing
There are 3 infill speeds: - Infill (the one thats honeycomb by default and of which you can controll the %) - Solid infill (The area's that would be infill as above, but are to small so there is no honeycomb or anything, 100% infill) - Top solid infill (the top layer thats visible when finished) I would try 30 for the first two and 20 for the last one, so you can determine if it has something tby navyblueboss - Printing
I saw the Elephant foot but its not the same, just like Ohmarinus said. There are just a few layers which are smaller than they should be, the first layer is just right.by navyblueboss - Printing
I dont know how to explane it very well so I attached a picture. You can see how the print goes from normall size layers to smaller/narrow layers and back to normal size layers. This only happens in the first centimeter, after that its all normal. (even on very tall prints). This is not something that happens sometimes or only at some spots, it happens all the time and arround the whole print (soby navyblueboss - Printing
Its solved, indeed the PS was the problem.by navyblueboss - RAMPS Electronics
Lol, dont know if i should cry or laugh.. But anyways, nice its solved.by navyblueboss - Printing
You did the basic troubleshooting? Like, print at 200 and see what happens. Print with multiplier of 1.1 or 0.9. Etc. And then see if one of those prints is better. Ive no clear answer for this messy print.by navyblueboss - Printing
Why isnt temperature the problem? If i print at 180 degrees there is no way I get good results. Most of the time its 200 for me. Settings look fine by me, almost identical to mine. What happens when you slow down your whole print?by navyblueboss - Printing
lets start with the (not so) sticky problem. If its an option for you to get a heated bed: grap it! It is so much easier, its worth the money! Since you have a glass plate you can just put the heated bed under the glass and print without tape or anything. It will stick as hell, I have to let the glass cool down to room temperature in order to get the print of the glass. By the way: I print my PLAby navyblueboss - Printing
Do you have a heated bed? And if yes, what's the temp? Try also to set you extruder at 190, maby its only because it cant reach the temp.by navyblueboss - Printing
Im... You... What?! Thats amazing bro!by navyblueboss - Look what I made!
@cdru I think you're right about the PS.. I'll replace it and see what happens.by navyblueboss - RAMPS Electronics
But it only happens when printing ABS. PLA doesnt have this problem. If something would be loose, it would happen all the time, right?by navyblueboss - RAMPS Electronics
I noticed some weird behavior when printing. Im not going to explain much, but show you the curves. Note: its some kind of cyclus, +- 15 min of normal and steady temperatures and then that wierd bumpy road, then again +- 15 min steady.by navyblueboss - RAMPS Electronics
Yeah but i couldnt find the right mosfet and ordering a new RAMPS cost me less time Everything is fixed now. Thanks for your help!by navyblueboss - Controllers
Jep, MOSFET even started smoking when i was testing the stepperdrivers.. Thanks for the handout, im going to replace the Ramps and one of the stepperdrivers.by navyblueboss - Controllers
If your home Z is a little off you will measure a different value. So it depends, how much was the cake off? Also if the home Z is to high the print wont stick very well. I also had problems getting it to stick. I thinks its your temp. When the contact between the glass and the heatbed isnt very well the glass wont heat up. You can buy a infared thermometer for a few bucks at eBay. For example:by navyblueboss - General Mendel Topics
Hello everyone, I just fixed some issues with my i3 but facing new ones allready. I was being very very stupid and created a short circuit while trying to measure the voltage but the multimeter was set to ampere. I connected the + and - of the heatbed for like 0,0001 second while it was on and heared a little cripsy sound. After checking every function of the printer there are two problems:by navyblueboss - Controllers
I measured the shield (gnd) of the USB cable and the body of the printer. There was 4.8V?! Which means the power of the USB goes to the printer and then back trough the shield (gnd) of the USB. Because it was 5V I was sure the Ardruino had somehow contact with the body of the printer. Turned out one of the nuts that holds the Ardruino in place touches a metal pin on the bottom of the board (whicby navyblueboss - Controllers
1: you just messed up the wiring. When ill get home ill send you a picture. 2: no clue, but first lets make sure the wires are all right.by navyblueboss - General Mendel Topics
Hello reprappers, I've build a i3 a few weeks ago and I'm happy printing. But there's something odd and I can't figure out why it's happening. First wierd thing: When I'm trying to connect the printer (mega 2560) with the PC its a pain in the ass. I connect the USB to my PC and I hear the normal USB inplug-sound. After that I plug in the power of the printer. When I do this, most of the timeby navyblueboss - Controllers