Quotethe_digital_dentist Believe it or not, ALL problems are NOT solved by 3D printing. As we've seen in the White House response to the virus, some things are best left to experts, especially when lives are at stake. I think many people will find that an imperfect solution that will probably work is preferable to certain death, even with the Hippocratic oath taken into account. An ad-hoc 3D-pby 626Pilot - General
I saw a story recently about some Italians who printed ventilator valves for a hospital. The manufacturer wanted US$11,000 (equivalent) for each one, had none available, knew perfectly well that people would die without them, refused to provide CAD files, and threatened to sue people who offered to design and 3D print replacements. (The finished parts were about US$1 each.) Personally, I think tby 626Pilot - General
For the feedstock, you can shred jugs (used for milk, orange juice, etc.) made out of high-density polyethylene (usually called HDP or HDPE). I assume these are common in Brazil. If not, you can probably find them in other products. If you have access to large-scale manufacturing waste, you can probably get as much of it as you want. Thoroughly wash and flatten the material, run it through a confby 626Pilot - Polymer Working Group
QuoteWZ9V 626Pilot, I'm considering a similar migration. How has the Duet and DC42 firmware branch been working for you? I did a comprehensive Duet vs. Smoothie comparison here, earlier today: here Quotedc42 PanelDue currently provides controls and status for only the first 2 hot ends. The next PanelDue firmware version will support 4 hot ends on a 4.3 inch screen, and 6 hot ends on a 5 or 7 iby 626Pilot - Controllers
Quotedc42 Yes I would like to wrap the messages to at least 2 lines, but I have more pressing work on the PanelDue firmware, in particular I have two users who need support for more than two extruders. I migrated from Smoothie to the Duet platform because it has hardware support for 3+ extruders. Is that not working yet, and if not, do you have a rough ETA?by 626Pilot - Controllers
Quotedc42I think sending M574 E1 S0 will do that. It does indeed! Now it reads 0 when the switch is free, and 1000 when it's pressed. I saw this in the calibration file: G30 P0 X0 Y0 Z-99999 ; dummy probe, because the mechanical probe gives inaccurate results the first time it is used after deployment When I type G32, it crashes into the bed, I assume during this step. Why would thaby 626Pilot - Delta Machines
Thanks - that helps a lot! Is there a way to invert the pin for the Z probe? Mine reads 1000 normally and 0 when pressed. I was hoping to avoid re-soldering it.by 626Pilot - Delta Machines
Looks like I missed a step. I flashed your latest binary, and it does seem to work. What are the actual commands for testing the Z probe and running the calibration? I don't see anything in the Duet commissioning doc that says how to do this on a delta machine. (I feel it's a significant weakness of those documents that they assume every last person reading them is running an Ormerod printer.) Tby 626Pilot - Delta Machines
Hi, I'm working on a fork of the dc42 firmware that will have config files specific to a SeeMeCNC Rostock MAX v1/2, as well as the Trick Laser Rostock MAX METAL delta printers. That way, people with those printers can just download everything and it will be ready to go, with little or no editing. I may also bring in some elements of my parallel simulated annealing auto-calibration that I implemeby 626Pilot - Delta Machines