If anyone wants my lerdge board, let me know. See my post on STM-32 boards and their current state of development and end user satisfaction at this time. If the board does what you need with today's firmware more power to you. I wish you all the best. But don't hold your breath waiting for a group of closed source programmers to solve your problem if you have one or want to add anything to your bby mshievitz - Controllers
Well if anyone wants one I would happily sell mine. I am not sure what is going on in stm land, but the STM boards all seem to run closed source. The only reason I can think of for not disclosing the source is licensing or attribution. Either the manufacturers are using tools to gen the code that require licensing from stm, or the code is stolen and they don't want to reveal that to reprap commby mshievitz - Controllers
* I am working on a large delta build and could use some input. * Frame: Open builds store 3x 1500-2040, 3x 500-2040 upper, 6x 500-2020 lower, RobotDigg xxl corners, . * Running Gear: Robot Digg 1.8 degree nema 23 motors with Robotdigg nema 23 dampers, rails/wheels running on the support towers. Pulleys are GT2x32 6.25 bore (sizing??), * Opto-Endstops, * Bed: 300mm aluminum heat spreader and rubbby mshievitz - Delta Machines
* I am working on a large delta build and could use some input. * Frame: Open builds store 3x 1500-2040, 3x 500-2040 upper, 6x 500-2020 lower, RobotDigg xxl corners, . * Running Gear: Robot Digg 1.8 degree nema 23 motors with Robotdigg nema 23 dampers, rails/wheels running on the support towers. Pulleys are GT2x32 6.25 bore (sizing??), * Opto-Endstops, * Bed: 300mm aluminum heat spreader and rubbby mshievitz - Delta Machines
its the bed leveling transform matrix data if you have access to a Mac, you can cut and paste the numbers into the app Bed Plotter and see what they mean. but there are really just informational, there is nothing else to do with themby mshievitz - Delta Machines