How about eSun ePC? It has worked well for me for some structural parts. Not cheap, but very strong and Traveler0612 - General
My Folger FT-5 has worked far better than my first Kossel Mini, but is has it's share of issues. You will likely want to mod it a fair bit. You could do far worse, but I don't recommend it for a first time builder. If I knew then what I know now, I probably would have used the FT-5 design as a basic template, but bought all the parts myself, from higher quality suppliers. I have really replacedby Traveler0612 - CoreXY Machines
This might be useful:by Traveler0612 - Controllers
They make Volcano nozzles down to .4 size. It is the same length as the other Volcano Traveler0612 - General
It works very well with my .4 nozzle. Nothing but the nozzle needs to be Traveler0612 - General
PEI holds tight to ABS at 110C and room temperature. Just get it to 60C, and pop it off. Worst case for me, with PC, I did the 60C, and the edge of a razor blade to start. I use a painters spatula to walk under the blade, and the rest of the print. That great hold prevents Traveler0612 - General
I have found that PEI lets go of ABS easily if you let it drop to 60 degrees Celsius first. On a rare occasion, I might need to gently slide a razor blade under the edge. PEI is the best surface I have used to Traveler0612 - General
I like my Folgertech FT-5, but it would be a horrible first printer. It needs a lot of work and upgrades to become even a bit Traveler0612 - General
I own the following: Ramps 1.4, MKS Gen 1.4, Panucatt X5 Mini 1.1, Panucatt Re-Arm with Ramps 1.4, and a Duet Wifi In order of preference: Duet Wifi - great controller and support. A bit pricey, but after all the controllers I have owned, easily worth every penny. Panucatt Re-Arm with Ramps 1.4 - so far so good. Panucatt support is dismal. Smoothie is okay, but I have read many threads with aby Traveler0612 - General
I read the recommendation for the cast aluminum build plate with PEI and gave it a try. It solved many frustrating issues. I found ATP 5 to more more affordable than MIC6, and very Traveler0612 - CoreXY Machines
I have had two Panucatt boards that run Smoothie. I have one Duet Wifi. The only thing I don't like about the Duet is the price. If I had it all to do again, I would have two Duets. I added a PT100 sensor in about twenty minutes. The DuetWifi forum support is courteous and prompt. The Panucatt support is dismal at best. They still have not returned my Azteeg X5 v 1.0 board that I sent in for repby Traveler0612 - General
Would this extender cable be of any use?by Traveler0612 - General
My scale says 174 grams. That is with a PT100 / Volcano block, and all of the contents of the box. Pretty much the worst case Traveler0612 - General
Well this is funny. I pulled the nightly build ( Build version: edge-7796e28, Build date: Mar 25) and it is working now. This forum is Traveler0612 - Controllers
Does anyone have this working with the E3D PT100 sensor and amplifier? I have the wiring correct, and I am on the Edge firmware, but the temperature reads 950C. I wired it up on 1.30 and put the entries in the config.txt per the Traveler0612 - Controllers