The SKR v1.4 has the uart mode connected via the second row left set of pins where as the SKR v1.3 has the UART on the outside of the stepper driver sockets. All of this seems to be working fine. I can read, change values to it all. My TMC2208 doesn't have additional pins, like the TMC2209 have. And I have tried replacing the TMC2208 with a TMC2209, And bend out the diag pins, as you suggest. Tby webberen - Firmware - Marlin
I have issues with my marlin It has worked fine before I got my final tmc2208 soldered to get rid of error all low with M122 running UART BOARD BIGTREETECH SKR V1.4 X AND Y TMC2209'S (SENSORLESS HOMING) Z AND E TMC2208 But now I get probing failed when it goes from a working G28 to the G29, if I do a reflash it will work one or two times. But whenever it doesn't work it says triggby webberen - Firmware - Marlin
Hey Guys. Funny problem just occured... when I try to connect to my SKRv1.3 it says connection ans starts a list of M105's ??? If connects on my stationary PC but not the laptop... Its true for both my skr boards, bot if i hook a ramps board up it connect at once ?by webberen - CoreXY Machines
I guess that what I did wrong then... I will remove BOTH R5 and R6 right ? End only reconnect R6 ? #UPDATE! It Works now !!! THANKS A MILLION !by webberen - Controllers
I did the unsoldering, connected the two pads together with a brasspin - I then tried different changes in the pins file // Servos // #ifndef SERVO0_PIN #define SERVO0_PIN P2_00 #endif #ifndef SERVO1_PIN #define SERVO1_PIN P1_28 #endif // // Z Probe (when not Z_MIN_PIN) // #ifndef Z_MIN_PROBE_PIN #define Z_MIN_PROBE_PIN P1_24 #endif // // Filament Runout Sensor // #ifndeby webberen - Controllers
Gee Thanks a million.... Perhaps I could have done that on my MKS sbase v1.5. Couldn't get inductive sensor working on because of the pullup... I will give it a try!by webberen - Controllers
QuoteDust With your configuration you seem to have used all the IO pins that are easy to reuse. No mention of a LCD but I presume you have one... Two option 1) You can de-solder the pull up resistor on a unused end stops pins and then use that pin. 2) you can de-solder the resistor that joins TX and RX on ax axis that isn't used them, you can use these IO pins. WOW thanks for the quick respby webberen - Controllers
I am really looking forward to upgrading my DIY printer with this - Setup: SKR v1.3 TMC5160 for X and Y DRV8825 For Z, E0 and E1 (dual toolhead printer) BL touch for ABL I need to connect a second servo for locking the printhead in place... But I only see one SERVO output - which I guess I need for the BL touch ? On my OLD mks-board I used a D11 output and edited the marlin for this pin ? Iby webberen - Controllers
Just realized after my toolchange the second extruder is underextruding ?? What the BEEP !? Ohh I had it on 2.85mm on the T1 extruder... #illHelpMySelfOutby webberen - General
I would love to see the changes you made. I am not super awesome in the Marlin coding ?! I did find something in the Marlin.main.cpp file about the switching but a lot og const_bool stuff i didn't wanted to mess webberen - General
Hey guys. Is there any way to change the code in the MARLIN file to add to the SWITCHING_NOZZLE feature? I use the lifting nozzle concept on my DIY beast, But also has a second servo to block the unused nozzle. the problem is that I may be able to get my Simplify3D profile scripts to do this for me, but I am kinda stuck on the way it puts my ToolChange script in before it calls the T1 and T0by webberen - General
Hey Guys.. I just built my first COREXY system... No matter how I set reverse_X and reverse_Y - true or false one of the axis will be going in the wrong direction ??? Any ideas??by webberen - CoreXY Machines
I am having the same issue all of a sudden... I actually got it to work on my DIY The Beast ( But lately it just ignores the values after the G29 command... I am at a loss as to what has changed. I have been in my conf.h file again and again. Also if i control the printer via repetier host open config it says auto bed leveling:1(in log) but has a 0 in the teby webberen - Firmware - Marlin
Hey Guys. Is there a way to learn some simple if statements syntax for the tool change, EX. if this tool is active do this and switch vise versa. I am trying to get my 1 nozzle 2 extruders diy 3d-printer to work with simplify3D . and I need a certain pull to make sure my filament can load again without being to thick in the end. Thanks in advanceby webberen - Duet