Hi all - I am using Sanguinololu 1.3a and am interested in adding a cooling fan control. I heard one can make a simple mosfet switch to turn the fan on via the PWM pin. Is there a pin layout diagram link somewhere out there that describes all the pins on the accessory header? Thanks! Robby rtrahms - Sanguino(lolu)
Hi - I have built and currently use a Prusa Mendel i2 for all my 3D prints. I am starting to print parts for a second Prusa, and was wondering why I couldn't increase the scale of the second Prusa Mendel. I think I would just use the same printed plastic parts, but I could get longer threaded rods, smooth rods, and a larger bed. Am I missing something, or can this be done? It sure would bby rtrahms - General Mendel Topics
This video is almost magical in how fast the extruder lays down PLA with incredible speed. It also seems like the Z=0 height is a little high. I have not been able to achieve this speed (or adhesion with such a Z=0 height). Any comments? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OmmIAJbNhH0 Thanks, Robby rtrahms - Printing
I have a working theory that this is a bed-leveling issue. I do check levels regularly (four corner method, etc), but I releveled once more and things seem to be much better (no blobs). The theory goes, if the bed gets "out of level" even by a little bit during the print, then plastic will be squished outwards and cause a blob. My heated bed is suspended above the metal plate by four springs iby rtrahms - Printing
And I forgot to mention my retraction is set to 1mm. I am playing around with this parameter now.by rtrahms - Printing
Hi all - Fully calibrated Prusa Mendel I2, 3mm filament, slic3r. I have been printing many parts, and most come out okay. I do get occasional blobs that seem to accumulate in certain areas of the print, and cause problems with upper layers. Image attached. Anyone had similar issues? What is the cause? As you can see, most of the print is okay, just certain sections have this seemingly randoby rtrahms - Printing
Hi - Not sure I follow. Are you talking about the way the painters tape is laid down? If so, I wasn't aware front to back was important - the extruder is moving in all directions. What I did find (check other posts) is that I had two mistakes. First, my filament width had not be set correctly based on actual filament width measure (I just had 3mm in as the parameter). Second, my glass plateby rtrahms - Printing
Attached is my latest print sample. I am extremely happy with the precision! Also, another (supposedly obvious) item I missed while trying to have more precise prints was having enough firmness in the registration of the glass plate with the heated bed. My glass plate was held on by two large clips - I have now come to realize that THAT IS NOT ENOUGH. There was a little wiggle if the extruderby rtrahms - Printing
Hi all - I have been posting my steady progress toward clean prints, but was puzzled in the way my printer always appeared to have excess plastic. I have 3mm wide PLA that I use. I calibrated everything, but forgot to adjust this value in Slic3r. I just left the default 3mm value. Oh my. After measuring my filament thickness with a caliper, I found that it was actually 3.3mm. This would expby rtrahms - Printing
Prusa Mendel i2, Wade Extruder, GT2 belts & aluminum pulleys (great, btw) Fully calibrated X,Y,Z & E motors 3mm PLA Slic3r 200C first layer, 190C every other layer Very precise, but do get the occasional BLOB which is annoying (see the pic). Any suggestions here? Thanks in advance! Robby rtrahms - Printing
I think the following made this situation quite a bit better: 1) Raise the Z=0 level a bit, not squashing the first layer so much, in combination with 2) Going a bit slower on the first layer (10% speed instead of 30% speed) to make sure the PLA takes to the bed without moving around. So far results are promising! Less excess overlap. Thanks all for the feedback! Robby rtrahms - Printing
@demetris - That is exactly what I thought it was, and what it looks like - going sideways and overlapping/interfering with the neighbor lines of plastic. As many know, the reason for the squishing is to have good adhesion to the print bed. This is definitely a first-layer phenomenon. @konwiddak - That's an interesting question. I calibrate between runs, so the extruder is hot, but not 200C.by rtrahms - Printing
One other thing - I am using 200C for the extruder on my first layer, and 180C on all others. In the interest of turning over all stones on this puzzle, I am lower the temp of the extruder at steps of 5C and retrying to see the results. Stay tuned.by rtrahms - Printing
Correction: My extrusion width (using Slic3r) was set to auto. I am running another print with 0.5mm explicit width and 0.3mm layer height. Pic uploaded soon.by rtrahms - Printing
Hi all - My Prusa Mendel i2 prints are steadily improving, thanks to all your advice - thank you! I now have machined pulleys and GT2 belts (BIG improvement there), and have fully calibrated X, Y, Z and E. Still have excess plastic on my layers though. Thought my E calibration was off, but that does not seem to be it. Thought it was the fact that I was using 200% infill on the first layer... nby rtrahms - Printing
Okay, I am getting noticeably closer to a precision print - very exciting. I have calibrated all motors (including E-steps), and prints are better for it! I am thinking my e-steps are a little low because of the following phenomenon: exterior surfaces look great, but interior ones look like they don't have enough filament. Look at the attachment. Is that what is causing this? If not, what?by rtrahms - Printing
Hi all - Here is the latest. As I was going through the Triffid Hunters Calibration Guide above, I noticed that instruction was to have 95% infill while using the calibration model. My setting was 25%. For a SMALL part. Here are some pictures of my print using 95% infill as suggested (to start). Wow - very nice. Apparently small parts need a higher infill percentage. That may be obviousby rtrahms - Printing
Thanks for the input! This is definitely getting me on the right track. In reviewing my parameters, I did a few things: 1) Recalibrated my extrusion steps/mm setting in sprinter 2) Found that I had my extrusion multiplier set to TWO (whoops) when it should be around one. 3) Reduced my post-first layer temps to 175C ext/ 55C bed. Doing these yielded a much improved result - take a look at theby rtrahms - Printing
More info on my settings: Layer height: 0.3mm Ext width: 0.48mmby rtrahms - Printing
Prusa Mendel i2 Sanguinololu/Sprinter 3mm PLA filament 0.5mm J Head extruder Heated bed slic3r No fan (yet) First layer: 200C ext, 80C bed Other layers: 185C ext, 60C bed I have been struggling a bit with more precision printing, trying to determine what could be affecting print quality. Example: I printed three gear spools, and while the general shapes turned out well, the gear definition andby rtrahms - Printing
Thanks all for the great suggestions! I will let you know how the investigation into these areas goes! Robby rtrahms - Printing
Hi all - - Prusa Mendel I2 - Repetier Host - 3mm filament/0.5 mm extruder I have been running a number of parts, all successful, but somewhat coarse in their precision. When I try to run a part like one of the gear wheels for the printer, the teeth are all munged together in a big cylinder. Small features like holes are also not as crisp. I have read about calibration exercises, and have theby rtrahms - Printing
Nevermind! Found the problem - wiring mix-up in the extruder cable. Crossed wires led to a short before current even got to the extruder hot end. Swapped them and now the extruder heats up properly!by rtrahms - General Mendel Topics
Hi all - I have built a Prusa Mendel I2 (with Sanguinololu) from a kit, and included is an extruder assembly. Everything works (motors, endstops, heated bed, etc), but the moment I turn on the extruder heater the ATX cuts out. I thought it might be my old ATX (350W), so I bought a new beefier one (500W) and the problem still happens. The ATX comes back after shutting off for a few minutes. Hasby rtrahms - General Mendel Topics
Hi Bob - That's what I thought. It has some pretty beefy wiring, and looks like a big ceramic resistor. The thing is, I am not sure what to do with it. I took a picture of the current extruder I have from the kit, which looks pretty much plug and play... This heater cartridge might be a replacement for all I know... Possibly related to this, I am having issues turning on the extruder heaterby rtrahms - General Mendel Topics
Mystery Item Imageby rtrahms - General Mendel Topics
I have built a Prusa Mendel Reprap, but cannot for the life of me know what this part is. I already have an extruder assembly, and a heated bed. What is this?? Thanks in advance! Robby rtrahms - General Mendel Topics
Hi all - I have built a Prusa Mendel I2 printer with a Sanguinololu board, and have successfully tested control of the movement of all motors using the Repsnapper binary. My host computer is Win7 using USB as COM4 with a bitrate of 115200, no issues. The problem is I cannot get RepRap Host to control the motors in the same fashion. The console debug log says I am connected, but I do get a numby rtrahms - RepRap Host