you want to home using endstops in pronterface? pronterface doesn't send G161/G162 by default, you have to edit the homing stuff in if you want the home buttons to work properly with teacup. Alternately you can send G161 X0 Y0 Z0 to find min endstops and set position to _min from your config, or G162 to find max endstops and set position to _max from your Triffid_Hunter - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
no idea, but it definitely helps.. probably raises the impedance vs the chip's input capacitance or something, same reason that op-amps driving cables need resistors on the output. Haven't had a single false positive since I put it Triffid_Hunter - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
As far as udev goes, I usually let the kernel pick a name, then get udev to create a symlink named 'arduino' or 'reprap' or something like that, as well as a second symlink named 'reprap-' in case of multiple things plugged in simultaneouslyby Triffid_Hunter - Controllers
temperature rating is +300c, good nominal resistance @25c is 100k, good glass bead size is 1.35mmx3mm, good beta is 4267, so you will have to generate your own thermistor table since the default table is designed for beta 4066. This is no biggie, and if you want really precise readings you have to generate your own table anyway. I say buyby Triffid_Hunter - Controllers
Looks like adding a 100r in series eliminates the false positives from the microswitch, confirming the theory that it's acting as an induction Triffid_Hunter - Controllers
Ollie Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Cheers! I'll see if i've got one lying around. > Can you use mechanical endstops with kliment > printrun? If so, how? of course, many people do. The endstop signal is extraordinarily simple, short to ground or floating/5v. Just hook ground to NC, 5v to NO, and signal to C via a 100r resistor. The resistor is to sby Triffid_Hunter - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
Ollie Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > By the way, anyone know of any diy heatsinks > for the pololu drivers? I used a VGA/chipset cooler Most others use ram heatsinks or similar, applied with thermal adhesive (not paste!)by Triffid_Hunter - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
try kliment's Pronterface insteadby Triffid_Hunter - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
aka47 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Emergency stops that don't are likely to be > terminal either for machine or operator. Or am I > perhaps misreading your intent. Yes, what I mean is this: // M2 - end program case 2: queue_wait(); // no break- fall through to stop code below when queue is empty // M0, M112 - emergency stop case 0: case 112: pby Triffid_Hunter - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
aka47 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I think having had a read through the G-Code > processor that some more of the commands need the > buffer empty bit first in them. I hope you enjoyed it, it was fun to write > First of not really critical unless changing units > etc mid print (So could stay as is, I mention it > cos I noticed) > > Gby Triffid_Hunter - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
spaztik Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Just some feedback about the m104 oddity when > using p1 I commented about earlier. Its seems m104 > p0 sorts things out until the next m104 p1 is > used. Yep, it uses previous P until a new one is specified, just like F. Apparently not intuitive behaviour. commit 57c08486f in multi-extruder branch changes thisby Triffid_Hunter - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
brnrd Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > That's what I have in my RAMPS too. You don't have > a heatsink on it? How hot does it get when you're > bed is at 120C? better question, how hot do they get when the bed is at ~65c on its way to 120c? At that point they've probably been on for enough time to reach equilibrium without any breaks for temperature contrby Triffid_Hunter - RAMPS Electronics
karandex Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > /config.h:479:2: error: #error this config is > marginally, and may be incorrect! please post in > forum or via git any corrections So comment that line, and tell us which bits need changing : pby Triffid_Hunter - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
we don't have tool changing implemented yet, but the parser supports it. Teacup should accept T1 M6 but do nothing. What do you experience it doing? You could always tell your gcode generator to use tool 0... copying config.gen3.h is probably better, as you can then diff or revert vs your altered config.h. renaming or moving won't hur anything Triffid_Hunter - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
just don't put any DEFINE_TEMP_SENSOR or DEFINE_HEATER lines in your config and it'll leave out all the sensor/heater code. As for E axis, it's just another axis. if your gcode never says to move it, it may as well not exist as far as firmware is Triffid_Hunter - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
yes teacup runs on gen3 with acceleration. ReplicatorG has issues interpreting the returned serial data, so does reprap host and repsnapper. Kliment's pronterface seems to work nicely though. We don't have LCD support, but I do plan on adding it at some point. Now that I have a mega, I have enough I/O to hook one up and have a Triffid_Hunter - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
Try these: * *by Triffid_Hunter - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
sheep Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Sadly I can not look at the code in the quoted > article as it requires an eeTimes registration. It let me view it earlier today without registration, perhaps the link has changed. I have it in pdf format, although googling for "stepper motor real time" finds me various versions every timeby Triffid_Hunter - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
aka47 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Yup the M109 problem was that I haven't got a > heated bed and needed to put in a dummy 100k > resistor and then set the temp of the bed to what > ever the 100K resistor read out at. Why not just remove the definition until you do have a bed?by Triffid_Hunter - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
I am gearing up to implement a start/end speed for the acceleration ramping. Feel free to beat me to it- everything you need to know is in this article, and equation 16 is the one for implementing start/end speed. Implementing it in a sensible way is the tricky part, we have to work out the proper start speed for each axis, and if any exceed the limits we have to cut them all down to maintain geby Triffid_Hunter - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
excellentby Triffid_Hunter - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
how about a walk-through? 1) fet is off -> drain voltage is 12v via load 2) fet turns on -> drain voltage drops to ~0.1v or less, load inductance prevents instantaneous current, but current quickly builds 3) fet remains on -> maximum current flows through load 4a) fet turns off (D1 in place) -> load inductance tries to "throw" drain voltage to a few thousand volts, but D1 forward biby Triffid_Hunter - Controllers
TB6560 can take a bit more, and ST dSpin L6470 is interesting tooby Triffid_Hunter - RAMPS Electronics
M114 is known to be inaccurate. Be assured however that your Z axis is moving to the correct position- only the back-conversion from steps to mm is inaccurate, not the forward conversion or steps actually Triffid_Hunter - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
You seem to be confused about the protection diode above the fet, and the fet's internal diode. A fet's internal diode is a side-effect of its manufacture. Basically, a mosfet actually has 4 connections, gate, channel1, channel2 and substrate. It's the gate-substrate voltage that activates or closes the channel. In almost all fets, channel1 is connected to substrate internally forming the 'sourcby Triffid_Hunter - Controllers
NoobMan Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Mendel heated bed has "schematics" for both > thermistor read and fet, there is a 47uf C2 cap > but i guess its not really needed, and a 1000u C3 > which is redundant with the psu output capacitors > if psu isnt in the other room that is; For high frequencies (and fast transients), even 5cm can be too far. Doby Triffid_Hunter - Controllers
yes you can use any stepper controller that accepts 5v ttl step/dir/enable with the various reprap electronicsby Triffid_Hunter - Controllers
I have 8x oversampling on my endstops during homing such that I need 8 consecutive positives before deciding we've found home, and that microswitch's noise /still/ causes false positives. Just about to start fitting a resistor to see what happensby Triffid_Hunter - Controllers
jcabrer Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Are you sure you followed MY setup? One wire from > the bed goes to the GND on D8, the other wire goes > to +12vdc on the RAMPS power connector. Check the > resistance on the bed. Maybe you have a short. There's no short, his math is good, I checked it myself. simple result of P=I^2.R, Rds(on)@Vgs=5v, Tj(max)by Triffid_Hunter - RAMPS Electronics
please tell us what the problem was, and how you fixed it. Not only is that the best way to thank hackers, but it means that anyone who stumbles across this thread with similar problems can at least try what worked for youby Triffid_Hunter - Controllers