Hmmm swapped the extruder stepper and the pololu driver board with one of the other axes. The axis I swapped with works fine and whichever motor or driver board I use the stepper motor still just judders so there is perhaps something funny going off either with the firmware or the configured pin-outs for the extruder driver. My Thermistor table is a touch out too. fine at low temperatures but aby aka47 - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
I am currently using whatever repsnapper and Repg24 comes out of the box with. I guess I could drag the axes to home by hand before powering up the machine bit it is'nt very good for the electronics. Will have to have a rummage around in the apps and see if there is something I can set to make it all match aka47 - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
OK Further testing. RepG24 and Repsnapper both do the same thing. I have run up the machine and used both of the above host-wares. You can flick to the manual controls in the host-ware and move the axes in a + direction. But not in a - direction. So for example doing the following :- Y0 Y10 Y20 Y10 Y0 Y-10 The 10, 20, 10 moves the y axis to +10, to +20 and back in a - direction to +10. Soby aka47 - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
Architect 230 certainly is high for PLA. Usual for ABS (higher temp plastic than PLA is around 235. I have no experience with PLA so can't give you real sensible figures. Camile at MendelParts seems to work exclusively in PLA so would be a good guy to ask (He is frequently on IRC #reprap). As well as having a quick look at the Reprap wiki for info and maybe the BitsforBytes site I seem to remeby aka47 - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
Nearest I worked out with RepG24 is that you set an RPM, make sure the enable stepper button has been selected and then select the direction. (Or other way around for the last two, but it does bring about a change in running state for the extruder stepper, and you should see the control G-code/s go in the sent window under RepG) This seems to make my stepper do something, but it doesn't run. I aby aka47 - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
SOmething I forgot to mention re the thermistor python script. It refuses to run on my Ubuntu workstations (pretty much up to date Lucid, 64 bit and 32 bit) Unless the character encoding is stated at the top of the script. Python was a bit picky. So the first lines from the script were changed from:- Quote #!/usr/bin/python # # Creates a C code lookup table for doing ADC to temperature converby aka47 - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
Yeah it was a great afternoon and evening. My personal thanks to everyone that took part, from the Gist Lab, group members, curious visitors, Sheffield Hallam University, Adrian (Of course) and everyone who came from the most distant corners of our country. A special thanks to people who brought their machines (Nophead, eMakershop, Oliver) for all to see and were very patient in explaining whatby aka47 - Sheffield RUG
We're celebrating the creation of the Sheffield RepRap Makers' first machine with a special visit from Adrian Bowyer, the inventor of the paradigm-shifting RepRap, in an extended two-part season finale of the Self-Replicating Machine Odyssey.* * 2pm - 4pm: Meet the Machines Hands-on session with some of the RepRaps spawning in the Sheffield Makers community. A chance to see first-hand how thby aka47 - Sheffield RUG
Sorry posted to the wrong aka47 - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
yeah pretty much a machine controller is something that controls the machine. As most don't have a console thingy. Replicatorg and Repsnapper are examples of machine controlers that include the CAM (computer Aided Manufacturing) Layer of the design stack. I guess I am thinking of a design stack here as CAD, CAM, Machine Controller, Machine. If you take a look at CNC machine tooling (lathes, miby aka47 - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
Yup I had found that, or use cute com or another such. The draw back is that it requires the user to speak g-code. A diagnostic MC (Machine Controller) would generate the standard G-code lines that we want to prove the firmware modifications against (bit like a menu driven test suite) for manual control. It would show what was sent to the machine, what was returned and idealy copy the bidirectby aka47 - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
Interesting. Although we were getting the initialization strings from the Firmware there was no response thereafter. Having a thermistor LUT over a certain size (don't know what the critical size is) appears to crash the serial transmit and or firmware. Having a Mega 1280/RAMPS setup I was not too worried about having a larger LUT and generated loads more values for the Extruder aka47 - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
Checking with cutecom serail comms is indeed running correctly at 57600. The initialization string returned from the firmware is :- Start okby aka47 - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
Forgot to mention the driver selected in repg24 is the 5dreprap aka47 - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
Ok feedback I have now built repg24 and repsnapper both under lucid ubuntu both 64 bit (laptop) and 32 bit (Desktop). Since git fetching rebuilding and reloading the firmware I cannot get either hostwares to connect successfully to the firmware. Oh I generated a new set of thermistor values too using the python script. I can see repg24 trying the resets and then timeing out. Repsnapper does'nby aka47 - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
Dig out your Pocket Tech (or Diary) and make a note of the 28th of March. Adrian Bowyer The man, maker and reprap visionary is coming to Sheffield to visit the Sheffield Reprap Users Group. Everyone is welcome, if you would like to drop in and meet Adrian, see some Reprap machines, hear Adrians presentation or get in touch with the User Group, sign up for a ticket (currently free) and come visiby aka47 - Sheffield RUG
Just in case these words were missed in my previous posts :- QuoteTeacup is great there is no doubt about it. QuoteI intend to stay with teacup for a while, Hey traumflug, if I have touched a nerve or in any place suggested other wise then I apologize. I have tested repg24 with the current state of play for the teacup master branch, pulled down git wise and it don't work reliably. The issue lby aka47 - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
QuoteAs hosts change often, and always without notice, such a list would be even less reliable. Sure I agree, the usual technique for dealing with this is to publish a numbered release of your firmware and pick one hostware and version that definitely worked with it. It will change for the next release but at least someone less skilled coming at this has the option to go with an older host/firmby aka47 - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
OK Teacup is great there is no doubt about it. There are gonna be those (I am turning into one of those as I have some deadlines at the moment I need to meet with a machine that prints) that need to commission and test hardware/electronics and need a degree of confidence that they are working with a RepRap Tool Chain that can at least print a mini-mug. If only to eliminate them from the bucketby aka47 - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
Looks like you are experiencing similar problems with RepG that I aka47 - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
Chased all over the place locally today looking for a tape supplier only to find that they are a wholesale supplier fo the most common stuff and Kapton/Polyamide is a special. Ugg They could have said on their web site instead of trying to convey the impression they had it over the counter. Architect, nice picky thanks, much appreciated. I also hoped the same tape supplier would do silicone tapeby aka47 - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
I am struggling to find a log file anywhere, even did searches etc for log files and checked /tmp. not a sign. Although I can see the terminal window fine. Turned the logging up to all. Been discussing RepG in Reprap managed to slide a little something on topic into the mix. Maybe time to plat up a copy of repsnapper tomorrow. While I continue debuging the hardware. Traumflug, complaining is pby aka47 - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
Just had a rummage through the back posts here looking for piccys of your extruder hot end but couldn't find one. lots of electronics bits though. Any chance you could post one up when you get a spare mo. I would like to see it. Cheers aka47by aka47 - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
I like the idea of covering the hot bits with silicone as an insulator. Thats aka47 - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
OK #teacup on was already taken. But #ProjectTeacup is good to go. Just opened the aka47 - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
irc channel #ProjectTeacup on freenode is good to aka47 - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
Just had a go on freenode there looks to be an irc channel already called teacup, that is something to do with novels. Gonna try ProjectTeacupby aka47 - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
I use cerastril ceramic glue stuff. nophead recommended it years ago and I have a small sample. Looks like white powder, mixes with water to make a thick sludge and sets like ceramic. With anything new I like to ease the temperature up by stages and burn it in. Gives me confidence that it is working about right and the thermistor is reading. The PID needs a tune up as it overshoots badly, easyby aka47 - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
Architect Thanks for those tips I will try them. My baud is currently set at the usual 115200 so dropping it a bit may help. never hurts with comms issues. Have'nt adjusted current yet. next stop though. Endstops I will check too. Question ? Did triffid get around to using a separate loop for homing or if end-stops are disabled does this turn them off completely ?? I would like it to home atby aka47 - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
Ok Problems I am getting with RepG24. (Ramps board and build) I got it to connect ok by tweaking the setting in machines.xml. I started with the RAMPS profile under arduino. Needed to extend the timeout as RepG timed out before the Start came from the firmware. So they initialize ok and I get the green banner to confirm in RepG. Heading towards the manual move screen I get random aka47 - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future