QuoteHephaestus0000 I'm also curious about one of your previous comments about changers my "retect on layer chage" from 1 to 0. This was the single most effective change, however I'm not sure how to make that change permanent. I've just been editing the gcode from 1 to 0 before each cube print (after you mentioned doing so of course) Well I seriously doubt that changing "; retract_layer_changeby Koenig - Printing
QuoteTha_Reaper QuoteKoenig Quotehacker QuoteKoenig QuoteSir_Death QuoteGrAndAG Quotehacker Perhaps I'd try some thermal compound on heatbreak threading to improve thermal transfer to heatsink. Just FYI.. Regular (usually for computer coolers) thermal compound is not designed for high temperature, such as in our case. It will degrade rapidly. But it worth to try, if it solves the problem (at lby Koenig - Delta Machines
QuoteHephaestus0000 Hmmmmmmm My config.h in Marlin still says my max default_max_accel is already at (1000,1000,100,10000) And I'm 100% certain I've never changed that. Right, sorry it was not you who posted those numbers. Sorry about that. Anyway, the fan?by Koenig - Printing
Quotehacker QuoteKoenig QuoteSir_Death QuoteGrAndAG Quotehacker Perhaps I'd try some thermal compound on heatbreak threading to improve thermal transfer to heatsink. Just FYI.. Regular (usually for computer coolers) thermal compound is not designed for high temperature, such as in our case. It will degrade rapidly. But it worth to try, if it solves the problem (at least for short time) - you fby Koenig - Delta Machines
QuoteSir_Death QuoteGrAndAG Quotehacker Perhaps I'd try some thermal compound on heatbreak threading to improve thermal transfer to heatsink. Just FYI.. Regular (usually for computer coolers) thermal compound is not designed for high temperature, such as in our case. It will degrade rapidly. But it worth to try, if it solves the problem (at least for short time) - you found the problem. Thatby Koenig - Delta Machines
QuoteSir_Death QuoteKoenig Not that much to get assuming you have a flat bed that is perpendicular to the towers + having some clue as to how long your rods are (can be calibrated rather precisely later). Z-height, endstop ajdustments and delta radius. If your build is not so correct then you might want to add angles or/and tower offsets. For me, this is Standard calibration. Z-Probing and/orby Koenig - Delta Machines
Quotexile6 QuoteSir_Death Threw the z-Probe away, after it engraved the Heatbed. (Self-Deploying while printing...) Did an extra round on manual calibration --> perfect. (Deviation of heatbed <0,0... --> smaller than I can measure...) If - somewhere in the future - object does not stick to heatbed anymore, I will recalibrate... what method did you use to calibrate the printer? i hear ofby Koenig - Delta Machines
QuoteHephaestus0000 I set it at 30mm/s and noticed no change in my slicers estimated print time. So I got curious and changed the value to 20mm/s and 2000mm/s and the estimated print time remained the same. Fearing drastic changes, when I went to print the cube again, I merely dropped it from 80, down to 60, and then another at 40 and observed no visible changes or changes in the print time. Iby Koenig - Printing
Try turning the motor connectors on the ramps 180 degrees. There's also a delta specific part of this forum.by Koenig - Reprappers
QuoteQdeathstar I'm going to try to mess with the retraction settings.. I have it set to 4cm on a Boden drive, which I read somewhere else a while ago is way to high... Will report back Yeah, 4cm is way to much, 2-6mm is more likely where you want to be at depending on the length of the bowden tube.by Koenig - Printing
Quotepaul_delta QuoteKoenig I think 0.35V is a little high on the small motors provided by FT, if they haven't changed it they ship this kit with Chinese a4988 pololus that have 0.1Ohm sense resistors which would result in a 0.7A current for a motor that is only rated for 0.4A. There are some reports about melted/deformed corners due to hot motors. . Yes, they are slightly overpowered, but reviby Koenig - Delta Machines
Quotepaul_delta QuoteLegrand Does anyone have any better instructions than given on that sheet? They're not really all that great and I don't want to toast something. It mentions removing a capacitor and such from the boards... I'm a little concerned about that. It's easy. Actually, you don't have to change anything, just set Vref voltage. Hook your multimeter "-" probe to the ground (on RAMPSby Koenig - Delta Machines
QuoteQdeathstar Oh, forgot the decimal .1mm Heh. Edit: Hey, I didn't forget the decimal No you didn't. It was my bad, misread your post, sorry. Have you tried reprinting the cube with another extrusion setting? That your "normal" prints seems to be ok/over extruded may be explained by that the latest version of slic3r seems to have problems with over extrusion.by Koenig - Printing
QuoteLegrand I have been homing prior to any move. The move I've been inputting is "G0 Z200" (or some other Z value) immediately after sending it home and it doesn't move vertically, but rather at some sort of diagonal. How many of the motors actually move when you give the command?by Koenig - Delta Machines
QuoteQdeathstar Oh, forgot the decimal .1mm Heh. Edit: Hey, I didn't forget the decimal About retraction, I am using it, but how do I calibrate it with regards to the test cube? I see, that makes quite a difference.by Koenig - Printing
QuoteQdeathstar yeah, I know that. however, for the thin wall test my understanding was that the wall thickness should match your nozzle width.. eg here: .5mm wall for a .5mm nozzle, Ok, I get that point but 1mm layer height with 0.4 nozzle, how did you figure that? I mean you're trying to extrude an oval out of a circular hole, on top of that you expect the oval to be 2.5 times the size ofby Koenig - Printing
QuoteQdeathstar after reading how you are supposed to print a single walled cube to calibrate the extrusion multiplier, I decided to give it a go... I made a quick cube that was 20mm square and .4mm thick, the same size as my nozzle. then I printed using .1mm level height... the result I got was a lot of gaps which looked like a clogged nozzle/under extrusion... but when I print a normal cuby Koenig - Printing
QuoteHephaestus0000 QuoteJamesK I see in the config seam_position = aligned, is the seam on the problem corner? No the seam is actually at the opposite corner. The last one there was printed with 80mm/s (from your slicer settings - max_print_speed = 80) Try printing it slower and add some cooling to it, put a table fan to blow across the piece of hook up some computer fan and rig it somehow.by Koenig - Printing
Quotedc42 I can't find any specification of that Power Expander, so no way of telling whether it is suitable or not. QuoteTECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Power handling designed for 12 to 24V DC (absolute maximum 30V DC) Signal_in 5 to 24V DC Signal_in and power_in are galvanically isolated. Maximum power current up to 60A peak (unfused) Board outline 30X30mm Mounting holes 22X22mm (Ø3.2mm) Pleaby Koenig - Delta Machines
Quotepaul_delta AFAIK RAMPS doesn't support 1/32. This is just plain wrong!!! RAMPS do support 1/32 stepping. If you wish to use the DRV8825's and still get 1/16 stepping you must alter the small jumpers underneath the driver on the RAMPS. Just have a look under: "Step (and microstep) size" on this page: Or: Look under: "Configuring the micro stepping" On this page: But if you wish to usby Koenig - Delta Machines
Quotepaul_delta Koenig, I respect your patience but I'm really tired of your RADII Probably it's just terms misuse... Again, I'm talking about per axe size disproportion of printed item. This is what DIAGONAL correction does (Corr. diagonal A/B/C in Repetier). I don't care what is the reason of such disproportion - I just know that diagonal rod corection per tower is the way to handle it, with mby Koenig - Delta Machines
Quotepaul_delta Quotedavidf01 My rods are damn close. I made a jig to make them and they are measured and all of them are the same size or at lease within 0.1mm. I'm guessing my tower offsets are the problem. I just need to know what to adjust to test if it is the tower offsets or not. I think it has something to do with the build. My aluminum corners were not perfect and I had to use a belt straby Koenig - Delta Machines
Quotepaul_delta PS: I assembled my Folgertech Kossel pretty accurate, all parts were attached almost with zero gap.All rods were assembled using special tool that I build especially for this purposes, so all rods were absolutely identical. But after measurement one axe was OK, but two another had around 0.5-0.7mm off with asterisk calibration model. Finally I printet DIY asterisk with maximum raby Koenig - Delta Machines
Quotepaul_delta QuoteKoenig Quotepaul_delta Repetier configuration tool sets these values to zero. I guess your diagonal rod lenght is the reason. If you will print asterisk from thingiverse, you will see which tower has longer or shorter diagonal rod. Both marlin and Repetier allow to correct the lenght of rod per tower - repetier via GUI and Eeprom, Marlin via changes in calculation in .cpp filby Koenig - Delta Machines
Quotepaul_delta QuoteKoenig Quotepaul_delta Repetier configuration tool sets these values to zero. I guess your diagonal rod lenght is the reason. If you will print asterisk from thingiverse, you will see which tower has longer or shorter diagonal rod. Both marlin and Repetier allow to correct the lenght of rod per tower - repetier via GUI and Eeprom, Marlin via changes in calculation in .cpp filby Koenig - Delta Machines
Quotepaul_delta Repetier configuration tool sets these values to zero. I guess your diagonal rod lenght is the reason. If you will print asterisk from thingiverse, you will see which tower has longer or shorter diagonal rod. Both marlin and Repetier allow to correct the lenght of rod per tower - repetier via GUI and Eeprom, Marlin via changes in calculation in .cpp file. IF that is his problem,by Koenig - Delta Machines
Quotedavidf01 QuoteKoenig Quotedavidf01 Can anyone tell me where the measurements are taken for: DELTA_CARRIAGE_OFFSET DELTA_EFFECTOR_OFFSET I measure from what point to what point for these two settings? Thanks Do keep in mind that the "DELTA_EFFECTOR_OFFSET" is an imaginary point between the rods in a pair. However, both these measurements don't really serve a purpose, the only interestinby Koenig - Delta Machines
Quotexile6 If you get longer rods does that mean you can print bigger then 170mm? Yes, but mounting longer rods means less build height.by Koenig - Delta Machines
Do you have the hotend fan on all the time, blowing air over the fins? + do you have a "space" between the heatblock and the fins? To me it seems the filament has melted to high.by Koenig - Printing
QuoteLegrand Quotethevisad Sounds like your endstops are either not actuating or are backwards. The fact that they light up is an indication that this is occurring, but RAMPS is not obtaining the signal. Check the wiring on the end of the harness and that you have them plugged in correctly. There is only one way to plug them into the small boards where the switches are, and that's keyed so youby Koenig - Delta Machines