If you build one from the two kits (electronics and the bitsfrombytes mechanical kit) then you remove all the machining and tooling problems, for a bit more cost. I'm a software engineer and I've managed to assemble a complete reprap and electronics. It moves and works, just waiting for some spare time to configure and calibrate it properly so I can build stuff. In difficulty, the electronicsby DaveR - Reprappers
That sounds like an interesting project.by DaveR - Let's design something! (I've got an idea ...)
I bought the full electronics kit from the RRRF too. All the boards and components are there, and it's easy to put them together. You could build similar boards and find alternative uk components, but it would probably be much more effort. Unless you wanted to do it for fun.by DaveR - Controllers
Be careful and check the polarity of your wires at both ends. I wired up the plugs backwards and swapped the 5v/ground polarity. Luckily, I was lazy and had only wired up the 3 min boards. This meant that after a few days of testing, wondering why the 'home' function wasn't working, they permanently reported closed (I think they're blown). Because I had only used 3 (min stops), I had three sparby DaveR - Reprappers
There's an interesting study on non-circular gearing with some python code here : We could use that to generate a gear train with several non-circular meshing gears. If all the gears are roughly the same size, you would need to place them in the right order and orientation for the train to turn - similar to the tri-gears puzzle, but in a straight line. I was initially going to reproduce the stby DaveR - Let's design something! (I've got an idea ...)
Of course they're not how much it costs to produce - it's the research, skill and expertise that goes into making the puzzle that costs. These are limited run/prototypes by an expert puzzle designer. I was referring in the post to the ability to make similar puzzles, and to have a go at designing my own. The software link allows you to build your own puzzles. It's a really good example of whatby DaveR - Let's design something! (I've got an idea ...)
This guy (http://puzzlepalace.com/index.php5) uses 3d-printing to prototype puzzles and has some excellent designs. This is an great use of prototyping. There is an open-source puzzle design program called Burr Tools with STL output at Looks great - I can't wait to try some of these. DaveRby DaveR - Let's design something! (I've got an idea ...)
Try emailing Ian Adkins (one of the two chaps who run BitsFromBytes) - I've found him to be very helpful. If mine was calibrated and working, I'd print you some. For some of the parts, you may be able to form a temporary replacement out of CAPA (polymorph). Probably not for these bits, though. You might want to try building the extruder barrel while you're waiting. My BfB extruder kit came witby DaveR - Reprappers
My black sleeves didn't require extra filing, only the holes they went into. One or two were a little bit loose, but once the x-assembly was complete they all seemed fine. If your sleeves are very loose, you could use a small amount of glue to hold them to the acrylic. Or, you could wrap a small length of tape (insulation tape? sellotape?) around the bearing before you insert it to make it fit tby DaveR - Reprappers
When I initially assembled my x carriage, some of the holes required smoothing before a rod would even go in. I smoothed it until a rod placed in the hole vertically would drop out the bottom under its own weight. When the x-assembly is complete, it should move smoothly along - it shouldn't have to be forced. You can also use a bit of lubricant (wd40, cycle oil, or even candle wax) on the rods tby DaveR - Reprappers
Hi I bought a BfB full mechanical kit and a complete arduino electronics kit. I also bought some ABS filament. I had everything I needed to build (apart from tools). my blog is a record from current state - built, moving well on all 3 axes, extruding OK. RSI has slowed my fiddling progress, but should be fixed soon.by DaveR - Reprappers
Thanks. My trials so far are on I've just done all this so I'm happy to help others :-) DaveRby DaveR - Reprappers
Many of the larger holes (and some of the smaller ones) still had the center plastic attached. Normally, I could press this out with a bit of force. a nice sharp craft knife was useful for trimming off the outer tabs, and the internal holes often needed filing. For some reason, that paticular hole (the large bearing? hole) is not used in my completed Darwin. The extruder is attached using 4 M5 bby DaveR - Reprappers
The guys from BfB have been great - they're a small operation ( so don't expect next-day delivery) but they are friendly and helpful. My kit arrived fine and is together, just need to calibrate and start printing.by DaveR - General
p.s. Be gentle when tightening the bolts. It's easy to crack the acrylic, so buy some superglue. I found that if I held the nut with my fingers I could tighten it with the allen key, but if I used pliers or a spanner it was easier to crack. This was particularly easy on the corner brackets. YMMV :-)by DaveR - Reprappers
The earliest docs (near the bottom) have assembly instructions I found for each part, you needed to remove the blue plastic from both sides (which ends up sticking to your fingers with static) and then tidy it up with a file. I found some small needle files of various shapes (round, D, and flat) from a local market stall. The internal holes sometimes needed a bit of filing to make them smootby DaveR - Reprappers
I'm experimenting with some augur drills i got from a cheap tool shop. i'll post more details when my hands are better (rsi)by DaveR - Mechanics
Hi Bruno, The RRRF complete electronics kit includes all the PCBs and even a thermistor. From what I understand (and have ordered), I have bought: RRRF Complete Arduino electronics kit (with Arduino and USB cable) BitsFromBytes Silver mechanical kit ( I believe this includes the toothed belts/equivalent, extruder, etc) RepRap software downloaded I have also bought: ABS reel (from RRRF) - fby DaveR - Reprappers
I'm a novice and I've just started building a reprap (http://renoirsrants.blogspot.com/) and it's going OK so far. I'm treating it as a research project and a hobby. I'm really interesting in what I can build with it, so I've decided to spend the money to go with the kits (RRRF for the electronics, bitsfrombytes for the mechanicals) to shortcut the time and effort needed to build from scratch. Nby DaveR - Reprappers
Hi Kim, If you type sudo update-java-alternatives --list then it will tell you what java JDK/JREs are available. This is what I get on my PC: davidr@bender:~$ sudo update-java-alternatives --list java-6-openjdk 1061 /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk java-6-sun 63 /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun davidr@bender:~$ I have 2 javas installed: java-6-openjdk and java-6-sun. I can then select which one using sby DaveR - RepRap Host
I've thought about using a standard crosscut paper shredder to cut consistent chips of HDPE. Some of them will take CDs and several sheets of paper. OK, it will only work on relatively flat sections, and you'll need to cut it up a bit first. I've not tried it, only thought about it. I reckon it should work OK on the flatter sections, if you remove the corners.by DaveR - Plastic Extruder Working Group
Hi chaps, I've started building a RepRap and I'm blogging my progress at . I'd describe myself as having reasonable theoretical knowledge ( a Mechanical Engineering Degree and a day job in computer software) but minimal practical skills (usually restricted to plugging PC bits together). I've only got limited funds and limited time, so I'm planning to blog the process of building a reprap, startiby DaveR - Reprappers
DOH! After loading the code from subversion (where you get the eclipse project) it opens to a list of TODOs... Note to self: Use the suggested development, rather than building your own project using GIT!by DaveR - RepRap Host
I think an object library is pretty important. Since the current wiki is locked down until the spam is fixed, how about a 'quick and dirty' interim solution? that way we can capture all the built objects and transfer to a 'proper' library later on. I suggest we use a new section of this forum - 'object library'. Add a single 'sticky' post with some rules/guidance (as a suggestion) 1) Please crby DaveR - Administration, Announcements, Policy
I've managed to get the host software compiling. Is there a list of improvements or suggested new features? I've found the todo page (http://reprap.org/bin/view/Main/DarwinTodo) but it looks old. I'm happy to put some effort in to improving the software (since that's my day job). I just need to know what is most important to be done. Currently, I can't test any of the interesting bits (actuby DaveR - RepRap Host
Nice :-) They look really good. I like the slightly rough finish - it gives it a bit of character. Now all I need is a rep-rap to build my own! I've decided to start, just waiting for the electronics kits to come back in stock (should be soon). Portal rocks!by DaveR - Let's design something! (I've got an idea ...)
I may get a roll of abs with my electronics kit order - it might need some modification to the extruder to print reliably at those temps, but I see you've had good results with it.by DaveR - United Kingdom RepRap User Group
Hi guys, I've decided to take the plunge. I'm ordering a full electronics kit from the RRRF and when I've fixed that together, I'm planning to get the BitsFromBytes full mechanical kit. I've got a lot of PC bits and spares (including a PC 750W PSU) which I think will supply the power OK :-). Has anyone got good UK supplies for the 3mm feedstock? Or suggestions for the prefered material? I was wby DaveR - United Kingdom RepRap User Group
"Segmentation fault" This is a pretty fatal error and is internal to the java VM In short, pretty serious. It's not likely to be something easy to debug through the program. It's most possibly caused by:- corrupt java files (could try re-installing java and the libraries) a configuration problem (wrong port for arduino comms?) Possibly a problem communicating with the arduino? I'd run as manyby DaveR - RepRap Host