Very nice great pictures too!by BodgeIt - General Mendel Topics
trystanlea the open energy monitor looks very usfull for my solar project I bought some low cost ATmega boards for this porpose Im sure I can turn them into Arduino compatibles they have a built in LCD interface as well as USB. This realy will save reinventing the wheel thank you! I had to get my CNC working before I could attempt the hugh piggott turbine just need time to start work on it. Iby BodgeIt - General Mendel Topics
I test newly built boards one at a time using a Sanguino or Arduino processor that uses the 5V supply as I remove the power selector link. Ie not powerd by USB or 12V I have to use a Sanguino or Arduino processor board to test new PCBs as new PC's do not have a printer port to provide control signals to test the BodgeIt - General
I think you are still stepping too fast typical safe timeing for pulsing the step signalwould be 5000ns step pulse length with a 5000ns delay before the next step pulse. Once you have reliabe stepping you can reduce these timings slightly for optimal stepping speeds. You are seeing a spiral as the steps are too fast and are being BodgeIt - Mechanics
Great thanks will give it a BodgeIt - RepRap Host
I have two of these brushless motors and contollers with the idea of using them as direct drive milling motors as they are very light. I have since noticed that a lot of people have a seperate belt drive motor and custom made spindles with bearing blocks some even using roller bearings. So Im not so sure about the sutibility of the bearings on these airplane / boat motorsby BodgeIt - Controllers
>2. Bodgeit mentioned that "The first Sanguino had its own power reglator with the ability to be powerd by usb or by its power regulator to do this a link was set. 2> its a good idea to remove the link completely if you use the first Sanguino boad plugged into the mother board so it is only powerd by the ATX BodgeIt - Controllers
@trystanlea Sorry guys off subject question...Date: October 24, 2009 05:37PM Have you any links to your (wind turbine and energy monitoring stuff at a micro maker fair here in Cardiff) I have a keen interest energy generation stuff like Hugh Piggott's I didn't relize there were micro maker fairs in the UK/Wales either!by BodgeIt - General Mendel Topics
Yes there is a site for a load resistor... I have at least 5 diffrent ATX power supplies in use for powering various combinations of reprap boards. I still have not needed any kind of load resistor to maintain the ATX power. ~(I owned a computer shop form 1988-1998)~ The simplest load I would use for testing the voltage of any PC or ATX PSU would be any old hard drive or CD, DVD drive easilyby BodgeIt - General
Have you a link to a Newzeland supplier please?by BodgeIt - General
Which version of the Audrino IDE/sketch are you using this with please?by BodgeIt - RepRap Host
Hey Joaz, Looks like you only just uploaded it too Great thank you!by BodgeIt - RepRap Host
Has there been any further work towards having an Arduino Mega version? I remember seeing a post from Vik on this subject as wellby BodgeIt - RepRap Host
Take a look at this link and do a search for the Bowden extruder this will save some of seperate casing.. Item June 1st > Item Saturday, April 18, 2009by BodgeIt - Reprappers
Hmm thats a very high internal temprature the REPRAP electronics could not stand 93C and work still most are speced around the 70C temprature. Maybe moving all the electronics out of the seald work area having all the stepper motors and drive chain systems mounted externaly and using an externaly mounted Bowden type extruder would make drastic improvments to print quality?by BodgeIt - Reprappers
Thanks Ian feeling much better as I know I'm not going blind now! I could not find any PLA either.. even though the BFB site is quite hard to use / find stuff BodgeIt - General
Thank you for the pictures better than a 1000 BodgeIt - RepLab Working Group
> Reading through the documentation for the motherboard I noticed that the RepRap doesn't use the RJ45 connectors to communicate with the extruder controller, nor does it use the ATX power supply header - instead it says to to desolder he RJ45s and replace them with 2 pin connectors and to remove the power supply header and put in a capacitor and transistor. Making your own RJ45 leads is quitby BodgeIt - Controllers
Hi Victor, Schleppmesser looks like its a stationary head i.e. it is not spun round.? I gues that it must pivot so as to keep the blade in line with the direction of the cut ?by BodgeIt - RepLab Working Group
On my Arduino all ~ I did was to remove the power source selector link completly. Thus the Audrion is not using power over USB or its own onboard 7805 5v regulator. The Audrion is then powerd using the 5v and ground connection points using Zacks break out board ~ thus it has its very own connection to the ATX power supply. This also removes the need to put any dummy loads on the ATX power suppby BodgeIt - Controllers
I have 6 2.3 stepper controllers built and connected to two machines. I have used the enable pin on all of them to prevent my motors getting too hot when not being used. Look here for the full connection info. Im not sure why you are not seeing the effect of the enable pin on your working board BodgeIt - Controllers
@Mccoyn What is the Length of your barrel.. The Welding tips I have are 25mm long 5.89mm diamiter. Which gives 19.5 mm of barrell sticking out from the peek insulator, 14.5mm for the heater element with a 3.5mm flat for the K-Type Wire Thermocouple with a 2.5mm cone shape tip. with a 0.6mm hole Drilled out to a depth of 23.5mm with 3.5mm drill. Note: The flat area overlaps the cone by BodgeIt - General
This might be interesting as with a cover like that on RepRap you might manage to maintain a slightly higher ambient temprature. From the various postings regarding heating the bed and the printed material this might help prevent warping. It will at least prevent drafts from affecting the print BodgeIt - Reprappers
Hi Josh, First mark the boards to Identify them if you havent done this alredy. Before adding your enable wires you should also check that position of R1 the curent setting resistor is in the same position as R1 on the working board. If the above still fails to fix the problem. If you can remember which one of the two non working ones worked. Then It would be worth examining that board wby BodgeIt - Controllers
I have not touched my arduino or Sanguino in a long long time due to playing with CNC and solar systems. I still have arduino 11, 12 and 13 installed what version is the curent working /recomended version for the Gen3 electronics?by BodgeIt - Controllers
Great thanks m qrius & Nophead I have not powerd any of my heater elements yet. One is fire cement the other two Kapton. I'd asumed that the original A temprature control was more acurate than it appears to be. So I now need to build one of my extruder controllers first this explains the need for the extruder controller with its secondary BodgeIt - General
I would also like to know where to get PLA in the UK tooby BodgeIt - General
I bought mine from Farnell at the time of order they had 6 in stock when the order arrived they only had one in stock ;-( The remainder 5 were automaticly re-orderd by Farnell and about a week later i recived the remaining 5 devices. Then select your Country check the shipping costs BodgeIt - Controllers