The X & Y Sliders method 2 is now posted on the blog ,.. sory the camera is auto focus and I am not too good at getting it right in the close up shots.. ~Here is the link.. X & Y Sliders method 2by BodgeIt - Mechanics
The method I like the best is the use of the balled chain there is a 2mm pitch version of this chain. Im looking for a simple & easily repeatable method of how to make the drive wheels. My curent thoughts are of using steper motor to position a plastic rod under a drill then drill step drill etc.. I also liked the cycle chain methodby BodgeIt - Mechanics
Here is a picture of method two.. Im making the drawings for the chopping board parts once made and checked by using the drawings I will add to my BodgeIt - Mechanics
Hold off on copying this method I have a much better one for X and Y I am making drawings for it you will need. 32 skate bearings some plain ASDA chopping boards they are £1 for a large and a small one in one pack or just a sheet of 6mm mdf, chopping boards look better thou. A pack of 100 Nylon blocks £6 at B&Q £5 at Wicks. I have 3 of my daughtesrs visiting so I have not had much time thisby BodgeIt - Mechanics
They slide very well with just a little 3 in one oil ~ I have another method that I am trying that looks more promising I will blog it shortly in fact I think the new method is the one I will BodgeIt - Mechanics
Repstrap darwinby BodgeIt - Mechanics
Repstrap Dawin X and Y sliders using skate BodgeIt - Mechanics
The power rating is only the power rateing this becomes invalid as soon as we put the device in a lump of metal. The rating will have been made based on normal use. We can only use the rateing as a rough guide as to the devices garantted maximum power capability. The way its mounted in the block the block material etc will significantly change its effective power rating I guess mounting in a bloby BodgeIt - Controllers
After waiting for nearly three months for the Boards I orderd from the RRRF. I am doing exactly that locating a reasonably priced UK PCB manufacturer for short runs is the problem. As soon as I get some boards I will let the forum BodgeIt - Controllers
So far I have experienced the need to login to access the addional features like Downloading a PDF file or seeing the aditional pictures this is a change. I also noticed that a lot of the users do have the Pro logo in front of their user names. Other than that I have not noticed any diffrence yet on my Free account. It certainly looks like they now have incorperated the ability to lock down theby BodgeIt - General
I thought I would check the status of my order made in May as it has still not arrived. The site was blocked with this message given by Kaspersky Internet security. Reported Attack Site! This web site at has been reported as an attack site and has been blocked based on your security BodgeIt - General
Your problem could be a diffrent problem altogether the example/stepper test sketch uses diffrent controll pins to test the stepers. So you should check the Pins.h file and make sure you have the correct pins used for step and direction if these are ok then. You will need to slow the step rate in the parameters.h file. To slow the step pulses down you need to adjust the feed rate for X Y and Zby BodgeIt - Controllers
As a quick check try connecting any old Hard drive to the supply this will force the supply into regulation. As the HD puts a load on both the 5v and 12v rails. I have been used OLD PC supplys that seem to stablize with just the current drawn by the gen 2 or gen 3 hardware being connected. If this solves the problem you will need dummy loads on both 5v and 12v BodgeIt - Controllers
Fire cement from B&Q is about 3.49 its also sold in Wilkinsons around the same price. I bought a pot from B&Q nearly a year ago I am still using it. In fact it will be used for my two wood burning stoves that I have to renovate. One is a pot belly like you see on old westerns, the others a normal looking glass door'ed stove. For the extruders I am using the Kaptan high temp tape from "by BodgeIt - Plastic Extruder Working Group
Graham, Thank you I think it was both you and Nophead who recomended Kicad as a good PCB design package. I have installed the Kicad package and starting to play with it. Using any kind of PCB design package I am a complete novice so it should be interesting.. Years ago I had a stint in my apprenticeship hand taping black tape 10x size PCBs for 6 months in an MOD drawing office. After that I jusby BodgeIt - Controllers
Victor, Wow they are realy great PCBs for home brew all that time ago. Oh the days of the Atari ST I migrated from the Nascom 1 + Pluto card to the Atari ST in 1987 mainly to connect a homebrew 433mhz 64kb TNC packet radio setup running on the ST untill a very over clocked 486DX25 took over. Was the paint package Degas Elite? The Atari ST the trigerd buying Softstuff Software and producing Eby BodgeIt - Controllers
I have hand solderd 7 of the Gen3 Steppers controllers using the method described In my first post. They all were WFT (Worked First Time) Arnie was built to make the more complex boards like the extruder controllers. Mainly for use on boards using the smaller TSSOP type packages that even with my smallest Weller bit and head set they look almost imposible to manualy solder without bridging pinby BodgeIt - Controllers
There are quite big diffrences between machine types and the host software settings. The default settings are set up asuming you have a Darwin with the belt drive. The settings required for a threaded drive need to be set based on the threads per inch / mm and the number of steps per mm or inch. Using the settings for a belt driven darwin on a MCwire set up will give this effect. Step pulses tby BodgeIt - Controllers
I bought solder paste on ebay from some one suppling old stock from RS I guess because of the address looking just like the RS address some of the packages are marked RS I got 150m syringes at 1.55 each.. you only need one syringe I over bought with 3 they were much bigger than they looked in the picture.. They need to be stored in a fridge BodgeIt - Reprappers
In the Uk the standard Thinknes of MDF sheets are 3 4 6 9 12 18 mm I think I have seen 2mm as well. s for the Acrilic sheet I think that the 4.5mm was all that was avalible from one supplier. You could make 8mm MDF by sticking two sheets of 4mm together. It would be worth checking the file by printing the layout and measuring any slots that the parts slot into. Just to be sure that the files haby BodgeIt - Reprappers
That looks very impresive could you make use the Kicad output in the same way?by BodgeIt - Controllers
Ive recived 3 diffrent AVR/Atmega boards to evaluate based around the ATMega128 cpu with a price range of £19 up to £49. Also the low cost Atmega328 chip > £5 to upgrade the Aurdrino decima eg 16k to 32k flash. Ive added a printer port to my PC to enable flashing boot loaders and bought the AVR USB programer. I will post the results of the investigation/experiments. Back to ready built..~by BodgeIt - Controllers
Looks like some very Nice resultsby BodgeIt - Paste Extrusion Working Group
The halogen lamp is th heat source to bond the plastic powder. The current price would make this comercial printer have lowest price by a factor of more than 10 times lower than any other 3D printer. If it suceeds it will be an off the shelf 3D printing machine that people will buy for home and small buisness use. Its strange if re-jigging a Lazer printer as you describe was as simple. Im suppby BodgeIt - Mechanics
Do you think that this kind of motor would work though? Enough torque to cut I have not played with electric plane motors till now in the day it was glow plug engines. I will get two flute cutters though is this due to 4 flute melting the plastic..? These ones seem to fit your spec :- They have carbide 3 flute as well :-by BodgeIt - Mechanics
I have built a Arnie a temprature controlled surface mount soldering plate here is the BodgeIt - Controllers
Yes the SW provides the ability to have differnt drive resolutions on the axies If you look at Darwin one belt is used on X axis and two drive belts are used on BodgeIt - Mechanics
Aside from direct sun light using an electronic camera pointed at any electronics that is near by should show any other IR source. The Sensors will be made of a material with similar properties to the ICI 962 perspex. This is a special black perspex that effectively filters out all other light except the required IR. I used vacum formed 962 for high resolution IR touch screens around 1980-1984 1by BodgeIt - Controllers
You only need identical scanners if you use two scanners for the y axis. ie 2 drive belts moveing the x axis at both ends of the x axis like the reprap system. X uses a 1 belt drive system Y uses a 2 belt drive system thus 3 scanners needed for two only 2 Axises 2 of which need to be BodgeIt - Mechanics
Of the 5 or 6 scanners I have asimulated to date.. they all seem to have the same drive mechanism a geared 7.5 degree per step driving a tothed belt all of which with a little enginering skill and heath robison enginnering inventivness could make the x axis stage for a repstrap device. For the Y stage you would need two identical scanners and more heath robison enginnering inventivness. Theby BodgeIt - Mechanics