Midge my Artist partner just took a look at your videos and thinks it could be a low cost or economy form of mountboard with a water colour paper textured finish as they make a mount board with canvas texture finish too. can you measure the thickness of it?by BodgeIt - General
I'm quite supprised by the differences that you have shown.. Very interesting plots.. Given the nature of the print material sagging into its final shape. I wonder how we could start to define the optimum accuracy that is needed to get the best print. As using a higher accuracy could be wasted by the natural sagging of the molten plastic.by BodgeIt - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
That texture and roughness on the edge looks like its is 200g or 250g~300g water colour paper. Used by aritsts its made like that so it can stand large amounts of water without tearing. It is a specialist paper and quite expensive compared to any other art paper. Where did you buy/get it from?by BodgeIt - General
This is interesting I have only run from desktop PC's so have not seen this problem. I am about to run from my New laptop also trying to running from one of my daughters old Netbooks as well. Reading the whole of the thread is sounds like it is the host power saving that is causing the problem. Looks like I will need to also solve this problem on both of these portable machines.by BodgeIt - General
It looks like it is going to be a very usfull tool ...great work!by BodgeIt - General
Hey thank you I have just finished making my first Ramps board to go on a machine this week.. I did notice one problem with the Ramps pcb if you etch your own board. The tin case around the USB port needs some insulaton on it to prevent it from creating an extra intermitent ground connection.to the Ramps 0v track.by BodgeIt - RAMPS Electronics
Do NOT be tempted to use the enable line during the print process on the X or Y axis I'm not sure about Z . I had these concerns in 2010. I added enable and disable commands within the firmware and lost all the positional accuracy in fact it looked like bad belt slip. So Enable steppers just before printing disable steppers after printing is completed. If a print is taking hours you will neeby BodgeIt - General
It is possible to define a spec as this must be exactly the way the commercial machine manufactures get their stock. The RepRap/Makerbot/Ultimaker/TomDick&Harry Open source hobby printing community is be coming big enough to define its own printing material spec. Once that is defined we have enough usage to be able to start specifying our own material definition. Lets call it 3D hobby printby BodgeIt - Reprappers
I have just had to unblock my first cooked extruder tip when my thermocouple fell off (thermocouple wire snapped). It had plenty of burnt ABS in the printing tip and on the outside. I put the tip in an old 50ml acetone bottle from Boots (the largest size they sell). Filled it up from my 1ltr bottle of Nail varnish remover (acetone with glycerin additive) from Boots and half the price of the 50mlby BodgeIt - Reprappers
Check out the Reprap shops listed in the Wiki.. Im sure pre made parts come to a lot less than £60 more like £30 I think.. or less plus delivery. I cant recomend any of these shops as I have been making my own. Im sure someone will though...by BodgeIt - General
I think maybe a picture would show us what part of this is quite diffrent from the Extruder designs seen hereby BodgeIt - General
Where are you based Noobman? Reading your Wiki page it looks like you are not in the UK where our gas jets have a 1BA thread.by BodgeIt - Plastic Extruder Working Group
This is already in the wiki.. I Just cant find it at the moment...Im sure it was for the Ramps board here is a video clip think there are afew more thoughby BodgeIt - Reprappers
I do not think this is a strange design!!!! This "strange design" is not very strange to me it resembles and contains ALL of Nopheads designs and ideas. Just search on to see the Original ideas / variations of this design !! It is certainly very very expensive 60 euro or £52.03 compared to Nopheads original designs. It seems strange that there is no mention of the creative commons licencby BodgeIt - General
At Maker Fair UK there were:- 3 Makerbots, 1 RapMan, 1 Mendel, 1 Laser-cut Mendel, 2 E-maker Huxley's and 4 Huxley seedlings. Surprisingly as the country of the project origin we didn't have an "Official RepRap Booth". However the UK Maker Fair organisers put nearly all the RepRap community together seperated from the Maker Bot community who were on the mezeneen floor with the exception of theby BodgeIt - General
Just a thought on this subject with every one talking about re-use of Gardening nylon from garden strimmers/weed wackers. I have not seen any mention of using Monofilament (Nylon) fishing line which acording to this link is extruded .. This could be mean very low presure extruders with Nylon fishing line being avalible Like this:- Favourable nylon monofilament fishing line diameter from 0.1mmby BodgeIt - General
Did you realize the details of using Carburetor injectors and another on Calor gas tips goes way way back in this forum from years ago. I cant re find the calor gas one but its is mentioned in forum posts. Carburetor injectors The UP printer designers must have seen this old old forum post and applied it to their printer. If you look at the Ultimaker extruder tip it is also looks to be basby BodgeIt - Plastic Extruder Working Group
I looked at the hobbed bolts being sold by various people noticed that they all use a much bigger thread so I used a much larger thread at random from my taps box its 7mm - 8 mm tap this is suficent for both 3mm and 1.7mm filament. I also could not find Springs strong enough and just tighten the four clamp screws down 1/4 of a turn until the grip is just making very slight marks in the filament.by BodgeIt - Plastic Extruder Working Group
@Wade I have not found springs in the UK strong enough to work. So I just gently tighten the 4 screws to get a good grip for extruding. It seems to work ok.. so far.. I have several boxes of hobbyist springs selections sold in the UK none of them have enough spring in them. I have tried the springs from various plastic clothes pegs they have the strenth but not the length or the internal diby BodgeIt - Plastic Extruder Working Group
Cool.. That is tiny.. the 4mm version looks very intertesting. A 4mm x 12.5mm @ 6-10 ohms 24V would be nice. But for those of us in the UK they will be expensive with import tax at 20% plus delivery costs.. Are they RHOS certified? The enamel resistor still remains the proven low cost working option..by BodgeIt - Plastic Extruder Working Group
A 0.9mm extrusion hole will give you maybe a 1.1mm - 1.3 mm extrudate so would mean very corse printing. Making a metal block heater is quite simple to do with just a drill and a vice using enamel resistors fitted into the block again is easy and proven. Making the extruder nozel is more dificult I have sucessfuly used welding tips and if you have high temprature solder its is easy to make a smaby BodgeIt - Plastic Extruder Working Group
@ Nophead I agree with you In the days of valves and high voltage DC power supplies. I have seen enamel load resistors glowwing red hot yet remaining functional. There was at least one heater resistor failure at Makerfair in March jmgiacalone had one fail on his E-Maker Huxley. I'm not sure if it was a ceramic it could have been a Silicon coated resistor im not sure if it was just one that faiby BodgeIt - Plastic Extruder Working Group
I think the 12V regulation will depend on the design of the Switch mode PSU hence this variation people are seeing. All of the PC Switch mode supplies I have used so far have been very old power units. I have not seen a lower voltage on the 12V line either. It could possibly be only on some of the newer Switch mode designs where this shows up as a problem maybe? I curently do not use a PC supplby BodgeIt - Controllers
Data sheet link The single sided board I included shows they useed 4 resistors in parallel. There is a popular CNC board design where there is an attempt to compensate for the affect of using wirewound resistors here. I would still avoid using this design.by BodgeIt - Controllers
It could also be the timing/length of the step and direction pulses sent to controll the motors.by BodgeIt - Controllers
Looking at BEEF again after not managing to keep up with Forum posts.. Its a nice development platform to start from. Reminds me a little of the Map80 Nascom modular computer backplane solution. Where things Like the Pluto i8286 graphics board with Inmos colour pallet, Ram disks boards, Rom disk boards, Hard disk & SCSI controllers and Speach processor boards were added to the original Z80by BodgeIt - Controllers
Do not be tempted to use wire wound resistors for the L298 as inductance will affect the curent measured this is mentioned in the same DATA sheet that the SS PCB layout is on. From Blogger Picturesby BodgeIt - Controllers
Head positioning slides used this kind of drive screw in the old 3.5 floppies and in some old CD players. Some Old 5.25" hard disks have a small rack and pinion other 5.25" hard disks have a sping steel type of belt arrangement. All of these were used before multiple platers and the swing arm head positioner became the standard in hard disks.by BodgeIt - Mechanics
@ Bnrd Intresting as the only reason I asked jmgiacalone about the fan he had mounted pointing at the 4 pololu drivers I was supprised that the fan was needed. What power supply voltage are you running them on? What curent setting do you have your pololu drivers running the steppers at? I think jmgiacalone might have been running his set up at 24V ... I can't remember. He was using Ramps andby BodgeIt - Controllers
If I remember it correctly there is a Singe sided PCB design in one of data sheets... for the L297 or L298.by BodgeIt - Controllers