New interest in understanding the problems involved in the acceleration algorithms. Im a little confused I thought that 5D uses acceleration algorithms for printing hence its not 3D. I'm Sorry if these are realy Dumb questions. Question One are there problems with these algorithms in:- 1/ The regular reprap Firmware? 2/ The Tonkip variety of Firmware? 3/. The Teacup version of Firmware? 4by BodgeIt - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
Good reasoning I've just switched over to brass nuts on my stainless bar.. I looked at using 10mm Trapezoidal Spindles for Z axis last year ~10mm was the smallest I could find in the UK. It would mean a re-design of Z drive. The Spindle is expensive & Trapezoidal nuts even more plus a need to change the bearings & gear / motor connection. The Trapezoidal Spindle is about around a £1 pby BodgeIt - General Mendel Topics
@dissidence Speaking to jmgiacalone from E-Maker at Makerfaire in March I qeestioned his use of fans on his set ups. He said that a fan is needed to keep the 4 pololu drivers from over heating even with the fans I belive he still managed to kill off two of his 4 pololu drivers during the two days of the show. The E-Maker set up was very neat not at all bodged or lasshed up. So I think you shoulby BodgeIt - Controllers
Even though Stainless steel is more expensive I use stainless steel threaded bar for the Z drive for these reasons:- 1/ Stainless steel threaded bar seems to have a better screw thread than zinc plated steel threaded bar. 2/ Stainless steel seems to always be straight compared to the zink plated threaded bar. For the above reasons using Stainless steel seems to cut out Z wobble As the zby BodgeIt - General Mendel Topics
I can only asume that Masonite is what we call Hardboard here in the uk. Hardboard in the uk seems to only come in 3mm thick sheets and seems to be structuraly flimsy Bendy. Could Masonite also mean MDF? MDF is avalible in many thickneses 2,3,4,6,9,12mm and is relatively stiff.?by BodgeIt - Reprappers
@ Buback 1/ . Im not sure of a method of implementation of the first one as the firmware will have bufferd some of the Gcode. The buffer size is configuable in the Repsnaper set up from 4 to 100 gcodes in the firmware buffer. So this change would need to be implemented on both Firmware and Hostware.. Firmware side needs a control that overides the curent buffer contents so would need toby BodgeIt - RepSnapper
I think there is also a need for the Host software to be configured as a back up to the Firmware. Thus the host then protects the printer from Firmware failure or hardware failure. Thus the host SW should check curent temp against the target temp for both the bed and Nozzel settings. The host should then take the appropriate action by sending a new target and re-cheking the temp. If that failby BodgeIt - RAMPS Electronics
I run every thing on a 30V 12A supply its less bulky than a standard PC supply. I use 6.8ohms 5W @30V with without any problems PCB heated bed is 4ohms again with 30v supply. The FeTS I use are 0.014 ohms RDS on for the Bed and 0.3 ohms RDS on for the extruder so they both have BodgeIt - RAMPS Electronics
Wow indeed... Wow.. Even with my original home made MDF and fixit block Mendel I achived round circles... it has since been dismantled to steel its motors for use in my other printers. The only problem I found that produced errors was I tried to save heat build up on the steppers by turning them off on X and Y this was a big mistake as it produced an acumulative error on both axis. Don't thinby BodgeIt - General Mendel Topics
Dale yep thats a good change request I also have had that happen on the old Repsnaper .. I had forgoten that one. This could also be handled by the firmware sending a message to the host software saying the printer is not ready like all other printing devices ie like an out of paper message or the buffer is full message. Unfortunatly that would mean a change to both the host and firmware... tby BodgeIt - RepSnapper
This is a place holder for sugestions to make changes to the New Repsnaper Beta build for Windows. This can also be used for user refrence by anyone using the Windows Beta version. The primary use will be to try to improve the operation / usability of the Repsnapper host software on Windows. If these are thought to be worth while changes they could be requested in the Main Branch. Change Requby BodgeIt - RepSnapper
This is a place holder for Problems found when using the New Repsnaper Beta build for Windows located here. This could be used for user refrence by anyone using the Windows Beta version. The primary use will be to try to fix these problems once I find a way to compile the source on Windows. If these problems are fully replicatable in the Linux and Oby BodgeIt - RepSnapper
Thought this could be solved by editing the Tonkip Case 105 From case 105: // M105 Serial.print("T:"); Serial.print( analog2temp(analogRead(TEMP_0_PIN)) ); Serial.print(" B:"); Serial.println( analog2temp(analogRead(BED_TEMP_0_PIN)) ); to read:- case 105: // M105 Serial.print("T:"); Serial.println( analog2temp(analogRead(TEMP_0_PIN)) ); BodgeIt - RepSnapper
There is a communication issue or two standards of Temprature reading.. strings The Teslar Tonkip firmware outputs this string for a M105 gcode. T:temprature B:temprature (Where T=Nozel temp B=bed temp) Repsnaper Beta is expecting the string in a diffrent format... as the bed temp is not seen. I don't know what format its looking BodgeIt - RepSnapper
Ooops .. I did say I was Dyslexic.. Im also gramaticaly chalenged... Midge usualy vets my submisions but she has been busy doing her Art stuff or was possibly alredy in bed when I put my words in the forum into action. I did type a reply to this thread then didnt post.. as I wasn't certain if the whole issue of Working Configurations needed a new thread, or for that matter a whole new entry inby BodgeIt - RAMPS Electronics
Exactly... I opend 20+ wiki pages before I found it again.. I have now stuck it on my watch BodgeIt - RAMPS Electronics
I found this usefull page This could be a starting place as it covers all of the Firmware and Hostware. It also seems to provide a lot more usfull information regarding functionality and compatability. It just hasn't got a table matching up working combinations and versions of the two parts of the system. Maybe adding under the related heading this.. [] with download links. Im not sure howby BodgeIt - RAMPS Electronics
It was only recently added by some onre in the Teacup Thread I BodgeIt - RepSnapper
Whey hey... .. Why dont we just start collating working combinations!! I have listed Just one working combination... in my post to this thread. If I get / find another combination I will post it... (not sure where yet lets find a simple way to do this) Software and Firmware development by their very nature will need to have frozen points in time where development is frozen to produce a wokingby BodgeIt - RAMPS Electronics
What you are seeing is a change to the code. Im not sure why it was made but the Endstop checking was taken out for everything except the "Home all" code G28.. It is documented some place in the release maybe in the read me? Its a pity the end stops have been removed from the other instructions tho as I would prefer to be able to Home an individual Axis. So it can be made to avoid hitting or pasby BodgeIt - RAMPS Electronics
After a Quick read of the last 2 new pages I feel relived that the problems, I have encounterd with all the various Flavors of Firmware & hostware and inter mixing are not peculiar to me.. I have one configuration that still works and I seem to always revert back to after every atempt at other combinations. The only working every time combination I have found is the original Windows Repsnaby BodgeIt - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
Re Comunication protocol for Repsnapper >> Teacup // race condition. On looking through the communication code used by the Tonokip RepRap firmware (that works with Repsnapper) There is this ClearToSend ~ handshake code that is sent after instructions sent from the host. inline void ClearToSend() { previous_millis_cmd = millis(); Serial.println("ok"); } In the Teacup code "ok" apby BodgeIt - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
Yep I had alredy spotted that and tried that ~ I think I changed it from 'S'tart to 's'tart though.. I was comparing it with Tonokip RepRap firmware serial output. I have tried diffrent Baud rates ~ even adding an extra stop bit PC side to give more space between the data ~ an old cure all for serial race conditions. Could it possibly be some thing compiling diffrently in the Aruduino 022by BodgeIt - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
***Note**** I am compiling and Flashing Teacup using the Aruduino 022 Development Environment. Thus not using gnu make with the Makefile. @ Architect The connection times out with No connection using Teacup with Repsnapper. During the time it takes for the time out you can send commands (ie before time out occurs ) These commands can be used.. Jog X , jog Y jog Z , home X,Y or Z Home Aby BodgeIt - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
Is it possible to use the Teacup firmware with Repsnapper? I have made a custom build to suit my Gen3 Motherboard 1.1 ~ initial coms will work till the connection times out indicating. There is a Comms protocol diffrence of some kind or my custom build is affecting the serial comms. Is there a definition of communication protocols for the various Host Packages? Replicator G, Reprap host, Repsnby BodgeIt - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
I think the link from the "new, and sexier place" to the "curent" windows build seems to link directly back to an original "OLD" version and has a file size of 1,260kb. Thus it is not the current version.. is the current version broken for Windows hence the link back to the old version? I have been using the r351 version this version displays on the "Simple" Tab the version number "r351 Wiby BodgeIt - RepSnapper
Looking at drawings of the thermal insulator, is 20mm the absolute minimum insulation distance on an extruder? Is there a way to calculate the expected temprature diffrence. I.E if this length was to be 15mm instead of 20mm or 10mm? Is anyone using an insulator with less than 20mm of insulation? The 20mm dimention is based on this drawaing (35mm - 15mm = 20mm) from the hot extruder to the endby BodgeIt - Plastic Extruder Working Group
I have been using the IDC connectors since Vero first introduced the in the late 70's my Nascom 1 had plenty of IC skt IDC connections. I've been using them and re-using them for years with just a starndard vice for making and a scaple for opening them to re-use them. For the IC SKT type I still have my 1970s collection of soft wood blocks with the collet type IC skts pressed into the soft wood bby BodgeIt - Controllers
Yep every time I do a Forum catch up.. which used to take less than a day ~ now its spread over several daysby BodgeIt - United Kingdom RepRap User Group
Saw this thought I would post a few pics of my abandond CupCakeStrap. I abandond the project as I could not get the Extruder controller to Talk to the Sanguino Board.. I documented the problem in variou places didnt find a solution so I stopped the build. This was around the time of replicatorG 18. This is all made with MDF as you can cut it with a Stanley Knife and cut fine detail with sharp cby BodgeIt - General New Machines Topics