Thank you from your comments I think I must make it possible to change the extruder tip at the moment they have all been using Nichrome wire wraped around the welding tip. May be having a corse and a fine extruder would be another way to do it. That would require some kind of Extruder selection process in the firmware; Im just starting to get to grips with the firmware so it may not be too muchby BodgeIt - Reprappers
Cool I will have a go at trying that out as I have a spare extruder now and spare extruder controller boards and several packs few of the 1" long welding tips from B&Q before they discontinued them. Your right I had not thought of it being a clerance hole... ;-O I think I will just drill out a pack of tips to diffrent depths to start with from 3mm to 1mm to get a feel for the effect it migby BodgeIt - Reprappers
On reading Wades comment some where here regarding the length of the narrow part of the extruder I made sure my extruder had 0.8mm of length at 0.6mm. As I know my extruder has easily have enough umph to push throght a longer length of hole will I gain a smaller sizer of extrusion if I make the length of this hole longer say twice as long a 1.6mm long? Curently I get a 0.99mm extrusion from myby BodgeIt - Reprappers
Are there any limits or do's and dont's for bowden drive extruders? I have just started experimenting with a bowden extruder drive using clear plastic water pipe, like that used for car window washer BodgeIt - Reprappers
This is an interesting discussion I would like to add my thoughts to. 1/. RepRap could be made to be a lot better than it is at present. Here are my Ideas on how to make it better. Using all the know how & Experience gained over the last 2-5 years of rep raping. A basic simple 3D printer design could be created lets call it Basic RepRap. Basic RepRaby BodgeIt - General
a Lower cost solution to upgrade the memory is £3.20 and swap the 168 for an AtMega 328p As for the firmware the Joaz / reprap-firmware-fork found here. This is a good place to start as it covers most combinations of CPU hardware available. For Arduino there is triffid/FiveD_on_Arduino BodgeIt - Firmware - mainstream and related support
I think the RS485 not nesersary with the configuration used in Mendel, the distance between the two processor boards is < 10mm. The extruder serial TX and RX pins are within 15mm of the mother board a straight serial connection would be quite adequate. In fact the TX and RX signals travel further on the extruder PCB to get to the RS485 chip than they need to go for a direct connection to the mby BodgeIt - Firmware - mainstream and related support
I have come accross the similer problem with running the embeded Skeinforge in ReplicatorG17 where Skeinforge/ReplicatorG17 reports that it cant find Python. My Python was installed on C:\python so I have removed it and reinstalled it as C:\Progam files\python. I added a path statement in the batch file as well. Unfortunatly Skeinforge in ReplicatorG17 still will not recognize Python..I'm Stillby BodgeIt - RepRap Host
Solution to the problem find a copy of the old depreciated bat file add two more paths and hey presto working replicatorG batch file listed below. @echo off REM - if you're running out of memory, change the 128m REM - (which means 128 megabytes) to something higher. set SAVEDCP=%CLASSPATH% set SAVEDPATH=%PATH% set JAVA_HOME="C:\Program Files\java\bin" if %JAVA_HOME% == "" GOTO Error set CLASby BodgeIt - RepRap Host
Has any one out there tried ReplicatorG17.. the fully intergrated sulution? So I downloaded ReplicatorG17-R2 JVM Launcher comes up with the message "it cant find the Main Class." Originally this was solved by editing the batch file used to start replicatorG. However ReplicatorG hasnt had this batch file since V007 ! Windows XP is run from Drive D on my machine any suggestions how to Fix this Jby BodgeIt - RepRap Host
This design looks like the % of non reprapable parts could be dermaicaly decreased. Making Adrians dream of a truly self replicating machine even closer to reality. The design demonstrates the advantage of an adaative build process as well with no waste generated by cutting material out of solid form. This is an Ideal starting point to look at making mendel with a lot fewer BodgeIt - General
You could just buy an off the shelf PID controller to controll the temprature of the extruder and another one for a heated print bed. This would mean you just need to wait till everything is up to temprature befor starting the CNC process. You could use the PiD to indicate this and feed the PID outputs into the CNC control system as ready to print/extrude signals Spindle up to speed input couldby BodgeIt - General
The glas used to provide UV transparancy is called Woods Glass. So lenses and mirrors are not totaly out of the question. Though finding some where to get Woods Glass mirrors and lenses might be more dificult. Posibly expensive to buy as they will be reserch lab quality and price. UV cure dental fillings are becoming more common place so that might be another source to start looking at for getby BodgeIt - General
The spring shown is the standard used in every flat bed scaner I have seen so far. Another neat tensioner Idea used in inkjet printers looks a bit like a lollypop on a spring or bike front fork with suspension. The round parts a pully on a stick, a spring is on the stick thats mounted through a U bracket thus providing a compresion belt BodgeIt - General
Having taken a break from reading the forum in March I have been trying to catch up over the last two weeks Nophead is right it is becomming quite repetative in places. Fortunatly I am now only 1400 post behind now in General discussions. Im caught up in all the other sections.. Im not using RSS feeds.. Yet so it takes a while to catch BodgeIt - General
I have two sets of the old Gen2 electronics still in use... As dave said they just need heatsinks and fans I also have upgraded a basic arduino by adding a 328 AtMega chip as it doubles the program space.. Mendel is far easier scratch build/repstrap than Darwin was as BodgeIt - Controllers
Use a magnifing glass and read the atcual chip number on the ATMega processor you have it could be a ATMega644 or a Atmega644A once you know which ATmega chip you have you can then. use the correct file and instruction to flash the chip for example here is the 644 version of the command. avrdude -c usbtiny -p m644 -B 8 -U flash:w:AtmegaBOOT_644.hex I had a similar problem. Avrdude reads the dby BodgeIt - Firmware - mainstream and related support
I'm still not sure why anyone needs to have high current drive for RepRap steppers. Using 1A NeMA 17 steppers for the XY and Z axis is more than adequate for speed and tourque. Even extruding using a worm gear extruder drive a 1A stepper is quite adequate. Now for a CNC machine yes you will need much higher power steppers but Mendel and Darwin work ok very nicely with only 1A BodgeIt - Controllers
Interesting post.. I also ordered and received a "motherboard 1.2" from Makerbot in February. Closer inspection.. reveals that despite ordering the 1.2 motherboard and the packing note indicating it was a 1.2 version. I actually received the 1.1 version of the Motherboard which has the older track layout . As I escaped any extra handling chages from the post Office on this order I did not senby BodgeIt - Controllers
The only reason for 2 of the thick sheets is to mount the electronics on. There is no need to drill or cut every hole or slot I used 6mm or 1/4" MDF. Placed the aligned the MDF to the frame drilled mounting holes to mount on the frame. Then placed the electronic boards as required drilled the holes to mount them 4 per BodgeIt - General Mendel Topics
Yes you can use them, as most of the bearings sets are adjustable and 2.5thou is nothing to worry BodgeIt - General
WoW been so busy with the workshops I'm thousands of post behind on Reprapping. Glad you are all still here though looks like there are loads of Mendel parts up for action as well now. Is there any results from the survey yet?by BodgeIt - General
For Bertha the CNC machine I had to use 4 8mm bars for the X and Y axis due to bar flexing with four 8mm slider bars the problem vanished. For the Big Bertha CNC 4'x 2' I have 20mm hardened steel slide bars 8mm bars are quite adequate for Darwin and Mendel neither machines are stiff enough to mill maybe light engraving like PCB engraving ~ I think you could just about get away with using a boby BodgeIt - General
For the Solar power in the Mendel workshop. I have 8 15W panels that will be providing 120W to charge a 220A solar battery with two 1kw inverters. I'm expecting most of the power to be used directly from the panels during daylight hours only as the sun goes down will the battery power come into play. The 12v battery charge controller maintains 14v max on the battery in peak sun the 12v Panels wby BodgeIt - General
I documented the process in my blog.. as every time I have done boot loaders I have had to re-discover how I did it previously. This time I noted it down. I use the windows version of AVR studio. My version is version 4 there is a newer version I think.. so my screen grabs may not be exactly the same as the new version. I use this as I prefer the windows interactive interface for doing BodgeIt - Firmware - mainstream and related support
I have been busy.. /just re found this Thread.. boy has it been moving along at a pace.. Love the break out board just printed it to see if I can make one later as Its nigh on impossible to access the Mega pin out short of wire wrap.. onto pins. Been fighting with KiCad think I'm just awful slow learning new SW packages. Andy did you ever have a Map80 or Nascom2 system or the Nascom 1 with thby BodgeIt - Controllers
Sorry bout the wrong attribution.. Reading your reply and thinking Farnell must conform to BS9002 I have set about testing all the other components on all three Extruder controllers. The 4k7 was not 47k phew but it did read low on one of the boards. Intersting removing the 10uf cap.. corected the resistance reading.. Hmm thinking are these 10uf smt capacitors that I have robbed off an oby BodgeIt - Controllers
Using an NTC Thermistor N03R00104. Data sheet specifies Rn @ 25C = 100K Beta = 4400 Using Nopheads table generator with these settings provides a table loking very similar to the ones here Generated table... #define NUMTEMPS 20 short temptable[2] = { {1, 649}, {54, 226}, {107, 187}, {160, 166}, {213, 151}, {266, 13by BodgeIt - Controllers
I have three steppers from 2 from old 5.25 hard drives NEMA 14 0.9/400 step 1 from a 5.25 Disk drive NEMA 15 feels like 400 step I will be trying them on my recycled bits Mendel build. As for 3.5" disc drives look at Spark fun or search Beam they are tiny NEMA 05 steppers with their own long spiral drive shaft. Printers have usualy have 1 Tin can stepper that drives the paper usual 48 steby BodgeIt - Reprappers
If you use Nopheads no compromise worm driven Extruder a I have just experimented with you can get 4.7kg or more of pull from a 0.101 Nm NEMA 14 stepper. I had slipping problems from drive shafts and gears so have not managed to get the stepper to maximum torque yet i.e when the stepper says hey too heavy and stalls. You can see how tiny the steeper is in this BodgeIt - General