Sadly not so simple. If I didn't do that I would of never got the motors working in the first Phizinza - General
Hi. I've had some trouble with the stepper drivers I've used in the past. As I've always been very tight on a budget for this hobby I tended to get the cheapest parts I could find. I bought A4982 from ebay originally and 3 of the 4 died, wouldn't drive the motors without skipping. So I bought a bunch of A4983's from Hong Kong and now the extruder one is doing the same thing. Keeps skippingby Phizinza - General
Hi, It appears that when I print I always get a bad corner, and it is the same corner on each print no matter how many times I print it. It tends to curl up and cause the usual curling problems. 3 corners will look great, and that other one just curls up! ? Prusa i1 Gen 7 Marlin Slic3r Pronterface Does it with all 4 ABS's I've tried so far, some worse than Phizinza - Printing
I found supplying a very thin layer of glue stick glue by wetting the glue and doing several passes gives me good adhesion and a smooth bottom surface. The new abs i have does dissolve, but isn't nearly as strong our flexible as the orange Phizinza - Reprappers
Thanks, that looks like a pretty comprehensive setup and quite well priced Phizinza - Controllers
Hi, Is there electronics out there that can run 6 steppers for XYZ and three extruders? Without needing to mod it? Thanks!by Phizinza - Controllers
Printed at half speed (half of what I was before 40 perimeter, 60 infill) and its much better, but still just a couple of Phizinza - Printing
I just tried blue abs from the same supplier and it's acting the same. Might try printing much much slower and see if that helps. Should of stuck with the more expensive supplier!by Phizinza - Printing
Sorry to bring this back to the top but I needed to add that I just had the printer apart and while I was there I took the zip ties off the two sets of wires, wrapped the sensor wire in aluminium foil (1 to 2 layers, nothing really clean or tidy), sticky tapped it on, zip tied the wires back together and now Pronterface shows an accurate steady reading. Cheers for the help!by Phizinza - Reprappers
If the pipes join in on the inside (insert into this adapter) then just print it with a square block on the bottom of the 40mm all the way down to the bed so it looks like _________ |......___......| |..../........\.....| |....|\___/|.....| |__|____|__| from the side. If you get what I'm talking about. Oh I see, also at the top would be an issue. Print it flat at the top using bridging and dreby Phizinza - General
I'm having an issue with this black ABS on my Prusa i1 running Marlin on Gen7 and gregs extruder. Has anyone come across this and is there a known fix? It tends to do it less at higher temps but the accuracy of the model is lost due to seeping I think. This picture is of a 205c temp extrude, I tried at 250c and it's a bit better but not there yet. Printer printed with other orange ABS withoutby Phizinza - Printing
So I've been experimenting with print bed adhesion methods since changing to another brand (import from China) ABS. Originally I bought a roll of ABS from someone in Sydney (Australia). And after a lot of fiddling I managed to get relatively good adhesion with 260C/120C head/bed. I couldn't do the ABS juice with this ABS as it would not completely dissolve in Acetone. So my adhesion ended up jusby Phizinza - Printing
I put screw terminal on the heatbed output, I also did the standby power mod for the thermistors. Not my only problem is I sometimes have a lose connection on the hotend. I've used chocolate block terminals to connect it, but even they are getting so hot it is melting a bit... Still, with this new lot of ABS I have I seem to be able to print it at 20degrees less, so not having as many problems wiby Phizinza - Next Wave Electronics Working Group
Have you calculated your tables using the generator from the Marlin firmware? That's what I had to Phizinza - Next Wave Electronics Working Group
I Have dropped the temp for this new filament significantly lower than the last filament, but perhaps it can go lower. It does bleed out the hot end more than the last batch. Here is a better photo. Left is up the way it printed, right is up side down. I Think it is a combo of problems related to too much jerk, too hot and to high over hang on this model. But i can't see am effective way of supby Phizinza - Printing
With me I only have photos from that angle, I'll try and get a photo tonight if I Phizinza - Printing
I've got some new plastic, ABS, and it doesn't seem to be doing over hang well. It curls up and ends up looking like this. I had this issue with the last ABS but I solved it with a fan and duct. I've tried fan, even on full, and the picture is the end result. Any suggestions?by Phizinza - Printing
Very interesting. Would of never thought of that. My wires are running together (zip tied). I'll look it next time I get Phizinza - Reprappers
Can't find a forum to stick Pronterface questions in so here it is... I have an issue with my Gen7 1.3 (modded with constant temp sensing on standby 5v), running Marlin. Pronterface keeps showing random drops in the heat on the heatbed. I can't see how it could be the thermistor as that is firmly siliconed to the bottom of the board with heatpaste as well. Here is an image of it acting up stranby Phizinza - Reprappers
I found that the server you hosted the videos on wouldn't stream them fast enough so I downloaded them and had a watch. Great proof of concept there. I would like an easier way to convert drawings to cut paths but it looks like you're well on your Phizinza - CNC Routers, Mills, and Hybrid RepRapping
Cool, what software are you using? I saw pronterface but the video stopped after Phizinza - CNC Routers, Mills, and Hybrid RepRapping
Hahaha, I'm in the same boat trying to convince the Phizinza - CNC Routers, Mills, and Hybrid RepRapping
I'm wondering if anyone knows of an open source CNC plasma cutter? Something like in this video with it's dodgy background music . And also if it could play that dodgy promo music while it cuts that would be awesome... Looks like a pretty simple thing to build, using large steppers, belts, etc. My question probably lies more with the software side of things. I'm guessing as RepRaps can be turnedby Phizinza - CNC Routers, Mills, and Hybrid RepRapping
Check out these two sets of gcode. The older version draws straight lines across the "grip pads" to bridge while the newer version of Slic3r goes diagonally. Which leaves a result no where near as good on my Prusa. I'll just slice this part with the old version for now but just thought I'd point it out. Cheers, Phizby Phizinza - Slic3r
I have a J-Head Mk V-B. I thought these could go faster? At the moment print quality is lost after 60mm/sec on the X/Y axes. Pronterface doesn't show any drastic drops in temperature. Just +/- 4 degrees throughout the Phizinza - Printing
I've tried setting the ejerk to 1, also to 15 = no difference. I upped the max feedrate on the extruder and it made no difference. I tried setting the xyjerk to 5 and it helped a little bit. If I print slower it is better but not as good as what Teacup firmware was there is still gaps that change in size between the infill lines. Looking at it closely it looks as though when the infill gets toby Phizinza - Printing
Hi. Sorry about replying to this late but I have been away. The extruder is a Greg's using a Nema17, it's 4.3:1 ratio. Belts are tight, I have tensioners on them. Is the mm/sec on the extruder for the input or output? As in, is it 5mm/sec of 3mm filament? Or 5mm/sec of 0.35mm extrude?by Phizinza - Printing
I have a Prusa, Gen7, Pronterface, Slic3r and Marlin. This is happening now. Before when I ran Teacup I didn't have anything like this problem, infill was great. So I am assuming it is Marlin causing it. I have a feeling it might be something to do with the jerk settings but not sure and hoping someone here can shed some light on it? Here is my config for acceleration and jerk #define DEFAULT_by Phizinza - Printing
This is how I imagined doing it...?by Phizinza - General
Hi, I've been thinking about how to print scaled tyres. I've read there is, or will be soon, good rubbery plastics that can be printed. I've also been planning to design and print an RC car from scratch with as minimal bought parts as possible (just as a hobby project). I came up with this idea to be able to print tyres on a barrel/cylinder instead of a heatbed. Basically the barrel replaces tby Phizinza - General