What about a cartridge loader similar to that used on Laser cutters / milling machines? I figure you need a stack of pre-prepared (masking tape?) beds with a lip on the two Y axis edges so they will stack without the surfaces touching. The bottom bed in the stack slides in to rails in the machine, locked in place with a solenoid. A pusher (a bit like a desk draw) sits behind the stack to loaby SimonRafferty - Kartik M. Gada Humanitarian Innovation Prize
I'm in Horsham - near Gatwick Airport, so a fair way from you. There does seem to be a growing band of 'rappers' in the UK. The last two years, I've exhibited stuff I've built at the Maker Faire in Newcastle. This year I took an Electric Freelander and an electric walking coffee table. It is my intention next year to go with the Mendel. This year, there was one of the Makerbot Cupcake printerby SimonRafferty - United Kingdom RepRap User Group
Nice to see someone else in the UK embarking on a build! Mine is only a few hours further on than yours - but stalled while I wait for parts! Siby SimonRafferty - United Kingdom RepRap User Group