Well.. if he is the owner, he can always test his own products, sort of quality checkby MPower - For Sale
20x20 can handle the task.by MPower - Extruded Aluminum Frames
You probably should get CO2 at that price range.by MPower - Laser Cutter Working Group
Last time I got a RD3010B12H, which is 4CFM (http://www.alibaba.com/product-detail/FILN-China-factory-12-volt-dc_1272306273.html). The photos on E3D website show a different manufacturer and model though.by MPower - General
According to the author comments in that videos, the two diodes are not pointing at the same spot, they are just used to work on two lines in the same pass. As a result, the job time is halved. As plexer mentioned, the gantry obviously climbs after each pass, moving in the upwards direction.by MPower - Laser Cutter Working Group
It tends to be kinda annoying when you copy an object (duplicate it on the build platform) the point of view is changed by zooming on the copied objects. Unless I am missing something, it doesn't help at all and you have to zoom back out and recenter your view every time you duplicate an object.by MPower - Repetier
In any other circumstances, yes, it would probably be a communication issue caused by various factors such as invalid baud rate or USB cable quality. However, in this case - the end of the PID auto-tune process, this is normal and nothing is wrong with your setup.by MPower - General
The "line number is not last line number+1" error at the end of the auto-tune process is "normal", it occurs on every setup, you should not worry about it.by MPower - General
Probably no jumper is installed, which makes it full step, which is 5 steps/mm indeed. 5 * 16 microstepping would be the desired 80 steps/mm.by MPower - General
I take it the changes are not live in the downloads section, yet? Just tried a fresh install and nothing.by MPower - Repetier
Use the Manager function and add a watch directory where Repetier host should look for generated gcode files. Integration will not be as smooth as Slic3r/Skeinforge/CuraEngine, but it will work ok. There also is a Repetier specific forum area.by MPower - General
Regarding the skirt, Cura is a slicer, it knows if you are using a skirt in your slicing settings and it knows how far from the object you have set it to be. In contrast, Repetier host just calls your slicer in the background and waits for the resulted gcode, without computing your slicing parameters for additional validations.by MPower - Repetier
Traditionally endstops are wired as NC, in order to avoid connection accidents. You can use M119 to debug your endstops, an output showing the status for each endstop will show up.by MPower - General
You probably want ball screws if accuracy is vital.by MPower - General
It would also be great if all modal windows having a Close button could also be closed using the ESC key.by MPower - Repetier
It would be more convenient to keep the old remove object method by using the Del button on the keyboard (or at least bring it back and keep the trash button also). Also, it would be more convenient to allow multiple objects selection, like the older versions.by MPower - Repetier
Is it just my setup or the file watch feature no longer works in v1.00? More specific, if you load a STL file and then you make any changes to the file, Repetier used to warn you that the file has changed and if you wished so, you could reload it.by MPower - Repetier
You could use G1 X until and if the feature will be implemented.by MPower - Repetier
You can build a printer from anything, from conduit to wood sheets. Actually it is belt pulleys are characterized by teeth count, the more teeth - the larger the diameter - the more belt pulled in one motor revolution. Proper machines are probably not designed using drag'n'drop software like you described.by MPower - General
You would just have to get a new chassis, according to the printer you wish to obtain. The rest, motors/electronics board/endstops/hotend/etc would get recycled into the new printer. Probably your new printer will use longer axis parts (belts, smooth rods, threaded rods).by MPower - General
Visually there is no print quality difference between v5 and v6.by MPower - General
According to the video posted by E3D, yes, pretty much the same assembly procedure, except a PTFE liner going half way through.by MPower - Mendel90
It is also mentioned on the Pololu DRV8825 pageby MPower - General
Hello, Has anybody developed a plugin or "patch" to make Skeinforge complete all adjacent perimeters in the same pass? For example: if you set Loops > Perimeter > Infill, Skeinforge will execute all inner perimeters of all areas, then come back again for the outer perimeters. The plugin I am looking for should execute inner and outer perimeter of the same area in the same pass.by MPower - Skeinforge
Let me guess, the 3 buyers of world top quality filament have chosen the gold, silver and bronze colors?by MPower - For Sale
Baud rate issue probably. (assuming you have a working ATMEGA chip there)by MPower - General
QuoteLevent - Which motors and where them to connect to card. Especially the z axes motors. According to my photo, at the bottom side of the board, you have the pins to connect all the motors. They are all marked E0, E1, E2, X, Y, Z. E0 being your extruder motor for single extruder machines. Reading the writing on the board is more then self-explanatory, like I mentioned. QuoteLevent - Z axes esby MPower - General