Did you have the chance to extensively test this? Is it a public design?by MPower - Plastic Extruder Working Group
Yes, Skeinforge On the serious side, you could probably adjust it by increasing extrusion width, or E steps/mm, etc. to artificially make the lines come together. Unfortunately I didn't bother and I returned to Skeinforge. You could also try KISS or Cura, I think they didn't cause this issue for me either.by MPower - Slic3r
Oh well.. it's not a big deal for me, but it would have been nice if it worked in the future.by MPower - Repetier
I get smooth pan/zoom with Fine quality. It is only the Ultra Fine setting that freezes on almost any object. This is the startup log: 09:58:34.220 : OpenGL version:4.3.0 09:58:34.221 : OpenGL extensions:GL_AMD_multi_draw_indirect GL_AMD_seamless_cubemap_per_texture GL_ARB_arrays_of_arrays GL_ARB_base_instance GL_ARB_blend_func_extended GL_ARB_clear_buffer_object GL_ARB_color_buffer_float GL_ARby MPower - Repetier
1 FPS flat when showing complete code after slicing at 0.2 layer height. Single layer goes around 75FPS. The Object Placement tab is doing 1600+ FPS though, even if dragging the object is laggy due to the large STL filesize.by MPower - Repetier
I probably explained it wrong, Mach3 doesn't change speed based on how long you keep the key pressed (well besides the intial acceleration to get from zero to the set feedrate, which being an acceleration is a change in speed). Working in a different system, the LPT way compared to the ATMEGA way, Mach3 sends signals to the drivers as long as you keep the key pressed. Anyway, forget about this idby MPower - Repetier
Tough decision as I did not expect the question I myself would like a settings tab to set this up, instead of having them hardcoded, such as: -jog distance normal -jog distance shift key -X/Y/Z +/- key bindings However, if this is too much work, a setup like you mentioned is also welcome, of course. Another path to go is jogging exactly like Mach3, based on how long you keep the key pressed anby MPower - Repetier
My settings show Draw method: VBOs (Fastest). Is that ok? On your system you can pan the view smooth using the Ultra Fine settings?by MPower - Repetier
Does the current Repetier-host version support some sort of keyboard shortcuts so you can jog the printer head? What I mean is something like Mach3 where you can jog using the arrow keys for X/Y and PgUp/PgDn for the Z axis.by MPower - Repetier
The system was running i7 3820 at 3.6Ghz, 16GB RAM and GeForce GTX 660 4GB VRAM and the sliced STL was a MendelMax top vertex at 0.3 layer height. You wouldn't expect it to cause any issue. Anyway, just wanted to make sure I didn't miss some particular video setting, I can live with the normal rendering as well.by MPower - Repetier
Is there any trick to make the Ultra Fine settings work at decent frame rates? I just bumped into it and even on a top notch graphics card/cpu/ram system it freezes when you rotate the view.by MPower - Repetier
I am looking for a MendelMax 1.5 X-Ends design that will fit LM8 and a cilindrical lead screw nut of 17-18mm outer diameter. I am not using this specific lead screw, so I would rather use an already proven design, then starting a design from scratch. So, if you have a thingiverse link for it, feel free to share The nut OD can be anywhere between 17mm and 25mm, as it has not been machined yet. Iby MPower - General
PLA turns white-ish as soon as you bend it (unless it snaps). Same for the areas where it was filed. So you will probably need a paint job even after mini-sand-blasting. Worth a try though, you already have the equipment anyway.by MPower - General
Same issue with this 0.9.9 new version. Tried it on all printers and hotends I had laying around - solid infill looks more like a 0.8 infill printed with other slicersby MPower - Slic3r
Yeap That's the cut I am looking for. I am going to cut up to 5mm thickness, but I would like to have it capable of going up to 8mm maybe 10mm. I take it that beyond 8mm the 40W one will not go all the way through? If yes, what type I should go for then? Talking about it, how do you exactly establish what material and up to what thickness, a specific laser type can cut?by MPower - Laser Cutter Working Group
Thanks, that would be great. Looking forward to see the photos. Also, it would be very helpful to see some photos of the laser, maybe I can purchase the same one.by MPower - Laser Cutter Working Group
Do you happen to have any photos of it? I could try to match it with the ones I find on ebay maybe.by MPower - Laser Cutter Working Group
Yeap, it was extruded plexiglas (Plexiglas XT). A bit harder to mill on my CNC, compared to expanded type, as it tends to melt quickly and you need quick chip evacuation flutes, such as the Onsrud SuperO. Do you have a specific product link (be it ebay or other shops), that you are sure it can get me polished edges? Thanksby MPower - Laser Cutter Working Group
I am looking for a laser type that will cut plexiglas (say 5mm thick) with a clear cut edge, not burned. I tested a few laser cutters and they either burn it really bad, like scortched, or they end up with a not so clean edge, sort of jagged. Hence, anybody successfully tried a specific laser type and obtained clear plexiglas edges?by MPower - Laser Cutter Working Group
I didn't bother to investigate the cause as I am happy with the effect. All boards are 1.3a with reset jumper on; they took quite a few seconds to get the firmware greeting when connecting; now it's click and connect. Gonna test the new @execute next week, a feature I was looking forby MPower - Repetier
I just tried the new 0.85b and it seems the connection time improved a lot. The previous version took around 7-8 seconds to connect to my Sanguinos with 644p and now it's instant. Is it just a placebo or it's actually improved?by MPower - Repetier
Wait.. is this already available, or are talking about future features? Anyway, yes, that works great for me. The triggered cmd would then handle everything else, once it is being executed.by MPower - Repetier
Creating the notification handler would not be a problem. I will code some exe that will email/text me. The problem is that we need this handler to be triggered by Repetier host, once the job is done. This will probably be implemented by either future versions or by the server release. Monitoring doesn't sound like a good choice, since it is an emulated COM port. With the right code you can evenby MPower - Repetier
I don't think it should be related to microstepping, the same way you wouldn't know if my pololu is at 1/4 or 1/8 or 1/16 when you see me move the printer head from A to B. From the printer head point of view, the speed and the acceleration are the same, no matter what microstepping the motor is at. Though, you could probably fix some steppers skipping issues by lowering the jerk.by MPower - Firmware - mainstream and related support
Yes, but it's still an issue with Repetier host, that is what I meant. And I wish it was fixed, cause going to Multiply, print, back to Multiply to revert it, etc, is not coolby MPower - Repetier
I sliced and printed an object that was cloned/copied in Repetier host. It was a thin wall object that was printed 4 times on the same plate. 2 of the objects came out with 2 perimeters and 2 objects came out with a single perimeter in Skeinforge. They were diagonally identic, the 4 object being placed in a square.by MPower - Repetier
So much mystery around this jerk ..that it aroused my curiosity and I had to dig into the source. So here it goes: We set it in Configuration.h via: #define DEFAULT_XYJERK 20.0 // (mm/sec) which turns into max_xy_jerk in ConfigurationStore.cpp via: max_xy_jerk=DEFAULT_XYJERK; and is then further used by the planner in planner.h as: extern float max_xy_jerk; //speed than cby MPower - Firmware - mainstream and related support
Thanks, but it's still generic, no real formula or technical description of the value you set there. Lower = smoother, higher = rougher, but not the math relation. I guess I will have to poke through the marlin source when I have some free time and deduct it from there.by MPower - Firmware - mainstream and related support
I thought about the firmware addon route, adding an extra thermistor inside the case and running the fan for a specific temperature readout. Has this been done yet?by MPower - Sanguino(lolu)