I am running Firefox on Linux and I used the Moonlight plugin (although I also had to install the MS codec pack). Firefox has just had an update however which stopped my Moonlight 3.9.9 plugin from working. Given that I am now running Firefox 15.0.1 I guess it was either Firefox 14 or 15 that I was using.by reece.arnott - New Zealand RepRap User Group
Sorry it took so long to respond but I hope the length makes up for it :-) If you go to and install Silverlight/Moonlight+Microsoft Media Pack into your browser you will be able to watch the talks held at the public academic symposium. The talks are all run together into a 6 1/2 hour webcast (warning: I have had odd issues navigating forward and backward through it and have found that if you cby reece.arnott - New Zealand RepRap User Group
Massey has just opened a Fab Lab associated with the original MIT Fab Lab at their Wellington campus (there are around 130 such labs around the world). There is a you tube video of segment of the Breakfast show reporting on the opening. They are also hosting the Fab8 conference this year. See the below link for information about both: This is an annual conference for people associated with thby reece.arnott - New Zealand RepRap User Group
A list of most of the conversions can be found in the Notes section of with quantities of each specified in ---Rant begins---- Slight correction to the previous post: according to the CIA factbook (via wikipedia ) aside from the US it is only *almost* the rest of the world that uses metric: Burma (Myanmar) and Liberia are bucking the trend as well at the moment plus the US military has been usby reece.arnott - General
I'll be coming up from Dunedin for a conference that weekend anyway so I'll be there.by reece.arnott - New Zealand RepRap User Group
Clive, do you accept LaTeX documents? If so, do you have a particular layout style/template that can be downloaded?by reece.arnott - General
How long have you got? In my my part of the world a dissertation is normally 1/4 workload for a year. If so, you don't want to tackle anything too ambitious but you could help me with what I probably won't have time (or know-how) to do myself in my PhD. I am currently working on 3d scanning from ordinary handheld digital camera photos with the intention that the photos eventually come from a coby reece.arnott - General
Just a point of clarification: the rabbit is the popular Stanford bunny that is replacing the Utah teapot as the computer graphics community test model object of choice. Aside from that piece of trivia I have nothing to add to the discussion :-)by reece.arnott - General
I'm at a good stopping point in my PhD so I'll be taking next week off, sticking a mattress in the car and tripping around. I thought it would be a good chance to meet face-to-face with any South Island Reprappers out there. Just PM me and I'll work you into my very flexible schedule. At the moment the only thing I've got on is to see the seal pups in Kaikora and maybe have a soak in the hot pooby reece.arnott - New Zealand RepRap User Group
I just published my software as a 0.8 beta. See the postby reece.arnott - 3D Scanners, Book Scanners, and Optics
@Adrian Oops. Sorry about that. In reference to the David LaserScanner, yes it is better and is likely to remain so for a significant period of time but I went for the low tech route and try to solve the problems in software so that once they are solved it is easy to spread them around. As far as the issues with the test juggling ball looking not particularly ball like. Yeah it sucks and I wasby reece.arnott - Experimental
I have just uploaded my 3D scanning from photos software, now called Carapace Copier, to SourceForge. Zip files are available for download at and I have created a folder in the Reprap SVN repository under trunk/reprap/miscellaneous/ called CarapaceCopier to store the files. It is a Java program that just needs JRE 1.5 to run. It will take as input a calibration sheet, simply a white backgrounby reece.arnott - Experimental
Just posted this in the comments section of the Makerbot blog after reading Bre's post there Hopefully this is just another little storm in a teacup but everyone should use this as a learning experience. I see the original situation as someone wanting to do the right thing, being a little unsure of how to do it but trying their best … then Bre comes along and stirs things up. I was in a similby reece.arnott - For Sale
Yes people are looking into it. The software has the capability to automatically add in support structure material based on the the orientation of the object to be printed. For the best use of this you'd need a support material extruder (with appropriate support material) and another head as the build extruder. However, at the moment most of the Repraps in the wild only have a single head so thby reece.arnott - Plastic Extruder Working Group
As a response to the last comment:'RepRap does a good job of not staying on top of academic-type research in 3D printing' I (slightly) disagree. I'm trying to keep on top of my small sub-specialty and find that the majority of interesting projects/papers that I find, I either find out about from the Reprap forums, or I hear about them on the forums a week or two after I see them somewhere else.by reece.arnott - General
I am working on some (Java open source) software for my PhD that takes as input photos and outputs a 3D model. The only assumption(s) I am really making is that there is a known calibration sheet in all the photos and that the object you are wanting a model of is sitting on it (and is not moved between photos of course). As long as the object has a good contrast with the background the outline shby reece.arnott - 3D Scanners, Book Scanners, and Optics
Thanks. I'll keep an eye out for it and if I get enough time before Christmas I may look at converting it to Java. I may be hamstrung by the fact that I've only written a small 'Hello World' program in VB but thats what the internet is for :-)by reece.arnott - RepRap Host
Oops. Those spreadsheet calculations are totally wrong. That will teach me for posting while sick! The new one is attached with new doubling times; 254 days for the user forums (a little over 8 months). Rounding that up to 9 months doubling time gives: July 2010 - Double the current number. Jan 2012 - 10,000 users April 2017 - 1 million users Everyone in the world by the start of 2027 That seby reece.arnott - General
I am feeling a bit sick at the moment so I wasted a bit of time creating a spreadsheet with some updated figures (attached) EDIT: I created the spreadsheet in OpenOffice and saved it as Excel format. For some reason when downloaded it from here to check it out it had #MACRO error messages in it. I just had to edit the cells, move the cursor forward or back and hit enter on each to get it to showby reece.arnott - General
Try EDL Fasteners for most of that sort of stuff For the solid rod I used Aluminium rod from Ulrich 7.94mm Can be cut to order, comes as 5000mm rods (I got 2x2m and 1x1m). It may be too flexible, it looks solid enough in the Darwin configuration but I haven't had it actually printing yet. For completeness the other places I got stuff from other than the RepRap online stores were Dick Smith Elby reece.arnott - New Zealand RepRap User Group
Yeah, what he said :-) Over the last couple of years I have spent a little over $NZ2000 and have a Darwin Reprap that just needs the last few tweaks to get it working (which isn't going to haqppen until the software development side of my PhD starts looking like its near completion). And that is after replacing all the electronics with newer ones and getting nearly two of all the plastic parts sby reece.arnott - New Zealand RepRap User Group
I was updating a presentation about Reprap the other day and updated some of the numbers on a slide about how many people were involved with reprap. The numbers in brackets are the numbers as at 1st August 2008 and the others are from 15th May 2009. Main Blog – 14 (12) contributors Builders Blog – 70 (47) contributors Places on Google Maps – approx. 120 (90) User Forums – 700+ (400+) reby reece.arnott - General
The Live DVD is probably quite out of date now. It was made when it was harder to install the Reprap Host software. Now, it is easy enough to download the zip file from sourceforge and the Java Runtime for your machine from Sun and run with it. Plus, I no longer have time to spare for updating it so personally, I won't be updating it anymore but if someone else does, thats fine by me :-)by reece.arnott - RepRap Host
The short answer is "I'm working on it". I'm doing a PhD as an excuse to do just that. I hope to have some software ready for general public testing near the end of the year that will allow you to take photos of an object from different angles with a digital camera and create a 3D virtual object that can be further massaged with 3D design tools or directly loaded into the Reprap host software anby reece.arnott - 3D Scanners, Book Scanners, and Optics
I'll send you a spreadsheet I've made over the last couple of years. Its a bit of a mess but the short answer is "everything but the electronics and the reprap plastic parts" (the most expensive bits ) and you could probably source most of the electronics (except for the boards themselves) as well if you really wanted, although it is easier just to buy one of the kits.by reece.arnott - General
It would be bad if you rammed the platform into the nozzle so I'd guess its not supposed to touch, just come quite close. How much space is there between the bottom of the nozzle and the platform at maximum height? PS Pics would help, if you did do something wrong it would be easier to see.by reece.arnott - Plastic Extruder Working Group
I think its about time I stopped deluding myself that I'm going to have 'more spare time' in the near future to do another version of the Reprap LiveCD. It just isn't going to happen. The original reason I made the LiveCD was twofold: so that the install process for the host software could be made easier, and so that there was a standard testing platform available for others to try and replicateby reece.arnott - RepRap Host
Also, thats actually pretty much what my PhD (now 1 week in) is going to be about: adding 3d scanning software and hardware to the Reprap suite. Hopefully, I'll be able to design the hardware to be printed by the Reprap as well. At the moment I'm thinking of a toolhead with a mount for a generic digital camera or webcam which then feeds pictures/movies into the software. Along with an internetby reece.arnott - 3D Scanners, Book Scanners, and Optics
No, there are no additional pages on the wiki except for the main one There just didn't seem much point as pretty much all you'd want to know would be in the changelog or readme on the CD itself. Maybe somebody with wiki access could add a few lines and point to the appropriate Ubuntu screenshots and documentation to avoid this confusion in the future.by reece.arnott - RepRap Host
Yes the current LiveCD (0.6 or 0.7) looks just like a normal Ubuntu LiveCD until it boots. Once its booted you will see extra icons on the desktop and in the menus. Read the readme on the desktop for more complete information of what is there once its booted. Note that both versions of the LiveCD are now quite out of date and the look and feel of the reprap-host software has changed considerablby reece.arnott - RepRap Host