Yes, units are in stock and ready to ship! www.cowtechengineering.comby jasonddsmith - 3D Scanners, Book Scanners, and Optics
The BQ, which you felt that we ripped off, sells for at least $350. I think we created a far more affordable machine. I don't really understand your intense jasonddsmith - 3D Scanners, Book Scanners, and Optics
The main idea behind open source projects is that other people should be able to expand and improve upon the original idea. I don't feel like we have "ripped off" the project, but rather that we are contributing to the open source library of technology and knowledge. Let me share with you a snippet BQ has posted about the technological heritage of humanity: "Technology is part of our everydayby jasonddsmith - 3D Scanners, Book Scanners, and Optics
If you are looking for scan shield but don't want to build your own (because its pretty much impossible to land a ZUM Scan Shield in the states) I will be producing a bunch. They are for my own version of the Ciclop but they have identical functionality to the ZUM scan so you can use it to build any 3D scanner you jasonddsmith - 3D Scanners, Book Scanners, and Optics
CowTech Ciclop: The first 3D laser scanner under $100. Currently live on Kickstarter: The 3D printing revolution has come, and it’s time for 3D scanning to follow. The CowTech Ciclop is a RepRap 3D scanner with a large scan volume, simple, yet elegant design, and a disruptive price point that blows any other laser scanner out of the water. The user prints the plastic parts on their own printeby jasonddsmith - 3D Scanners, Book Scanners, and Optics