Hi Lykle, I've got it sorted now. I needed to change the size of the magnet wheel and add more magnets. I now have 24 magnets arranged around the edge of the wheel so get about 1 pulse per mm. I'm currently using them on my old belt driven extruders and will update the Thingiverse files of that to include this as an option. I've redesigned our mount almost completely - I narrowed the carriage byby RGN01 - General
I think I've answered some of my questions. I found the M602 command and have been using that to debug and to see the pulses and am now tuning it to work effectively. I'd still like to know if there is an optimum pulse / mm or pulse / extruder steps setting or design parameter so that I can optimise that. Richardby RGN01 - Repetier
Does anyone have a link to a step-by-step guide to configuring jam detection on Repetier, or have any suggestions to help, please? I am using Repetier Host v2.0.0, Server v0.80.3 and firmware v0.92.9 and have added a Hall effect filament jam detector that pulses onto pin D40. I have configured it in firmware using: Extruder stepper: 255 steps/mm Jam_Steps: 1366 steps (the detector gives 1 steby RGN01 - Repetier
My filament movement sensor assembly is now complete - and works a treat. Here is a photo of the double version for the Chimera etc. It is populated with only one actual sensor as I'm still developing and refining it - and designing the mount (so constrained until the Nimble arrives) Richardby RGN01 - General
I made my morning coffee while doing it! Richardby RGN01 - General
3 minutes with Excel doesn't quite hit the 'worked so hard on' scale for me but, hey, I was just trying to help others with a handy, easy, free way to do something. I really didn't expect a lecture! Different strokes for different folks Richardby RGN01 - General
So, my workflow is like this: Open Repetier Host click Server select a saved 'print' (GCode) hit Print select Manual Control type in the multiplier (calculated once per spool) Then go and do something else, checking the print periodically using the webcam and wait for Repetier to tell me it is finished.. That's it - pretty simple, I'd say and best of all I can have someone do it for me withouby RGN01 - General
The reason I take this approach is simplicity - I slice the item with the 'nominal' filament size and can then save the GCODE for future use, making it easy to reprint it later using filaments that vary in size. I do this quite a bit, often making the same item in different colours of filament - these can vary quite a bit in diameter so the approach of amending the flow multiplier works well.by RGN01 - General
After battling to get a good print with a new filament I measured it and discovered that it was 1.67mm instead of the expected 1.75mm. This explained why I wasn't getting a good print even after pushing the feed multiplier up to 1.05. I created a spreadsheet to help make the compensation calculations easier when faced with non-specification filament. To use, simply measure the filament diameterby RGN01 - General
My printer can accommodate a heatbed of 28mm wide maximum. It appears that this one is over 250mm so that rules me out, I'm afraid. Richardby RGN01 - Prusa i3 and variants
Very interested! Two questions, please: 1. What are the overall dimensions, please? (excluding the electrical connector area) 2. Is it designed for 12V or 24V Thanks.by RGN01 - Prusa i3 and variants
Quotenebbian The wheel has already been invented: Just sayin' Not sure what you are sayin' We have already discussed that the microswitch will detect a complete break but not a slow down / slippage situation and the entire switch is too big to use as a tensioner. Anyway, I've overlaid my sensor assembly (bearings, hobbed wheel, magnet and board) onto my mount (Nimble and Chimera) and it loby RGN01 - General
My interest is far more partisan :-) The one that I am working on - quite separately to Lykle and the Nimby team - is specifically designed to suit my printer combination. As such, I don't have the constraints that Lykle describes (symmetry, flexibility etc.) but much of what we are doing is very much aligned. Lykle, some thoughts: 1. use a micro torsion spring for the pressure wheel. Cheap andby RGN01 - General
I'm on my mobile at present so not able to get to my CAD tool to test this but my current thinking would be to add it to the base between the Nimble and the Chimera heatsink - even if it makes that slightly thicker. It may be necessary to use a chisel- or wheel-ended probe to enable the microswitch to be mounted remotely. Firmware changes are way out of my comfort zone so my current thinkingby RGN01 - General
Quoteo_lampe An indirect way of sensing filament jam would be to observe (Firmware-internal) the relation between extruder heater-PWM and extruded material. A sudden drop in PWM indicates that no new filament reaches the heating chamber, while the extruder is still pushing. That won't work immediately after mid-print temp changes, but it's a starting point ( and its for free ) Really clever alby RGN01 - General
Quotebriangilbert QuoteRGN01 I am now able to print 0.2mm PLA layers easily, 0.1mm about 80% of the time. The other 20% fail within the first layer or two and appear to be when the fist layer does not adhere properly or has inconsistencies in height. I find using multiple processes with S3D makes printing with very small layer heights infinitely simpler, print first layer at 0.2mm then so far,by RGN01 - General
I like the design, Lykle, but must say that I generally don't trust 'plastic' springs - I'll be using wound extension springs. I particularly like the orientation of the sensors with the shafts facing forward like that. I'll probably review my design as a result. Not sure why David and Tony are concerned about the magnet rotating? Despite my comments about plastic 'springs' above, if the 'sprinby RGN01 - General
Haven't really thought about that yet - I guess a hinge would work or maybe I'll just increase the gap between the filament monitor and the Nimble. I've now sourced and ordered tension springs - will finalise the design when I receive them. Richardby RGN01 - General
I've been experimenting with filament monitoring so designed this. It uses Hall effect sensors to provide 12 quadrature encoded pulses per revolution (2 sets of 12 pulses). I'm waiting for the shafts and bearings and still have to add a tension spring to put a bit of tension on the rollers. Hope it works when complete! Richardby RGN01 - General
Have a look at my upgrade parts for my Prusa i3 Steel inspired printer The X-motor sits on a carriage on extended X bars. Richardby RGN01 - Prusa i3 and variants
I am using a Chimera at present - and have been for about 18 months. I have a Cyclops but it did not work well with PLA and the E3D tech support said this was a known issue and to use ABS. As I mostly print in PLA I've kept on using the Chimera. I initially had that lifting problem you describe but have largely sorted it. The key fixes included keeping the non-printing nozzle hot and, most impoby RGN01 - General
For avoidance of doubt (as I have been accused of collusion on another thread), I want to be very clear that I am simply a customer, trying to build the best printer I can and prepared to provide my ideas and thoughts and experience for nothing in order to do so and to further this fantastic technology for the good of all. This is largely a hobby for me - I have no commercial interest at all inby RGN01 - General
Needing to print flexible filament for a customer, I started looking for a remote direct drive type effector for my heavily modified Prusa i3 derivative printer and E3D Cyclops / Chimera with Bowden feeds back in September 2016. In early October I signed up and paid to join an early-birds programme for one such design of unit as I was assured that "we will collaborate closely, proof design, iteraby RGN01 - General
I have recently installed an E3D Cyclops and am having huge problems with leakage into the cold areas and then blockages. I'm looking for advice, please. I am printing PLA and insert both filaments when the heatblock is cold. I then allow it to heat up and feed material through from both extruders as far as possible. After heating, printing is OK when one feed is used but when it changes over toby RGN01 - General
I was fitting a new hotend and I've changed something and I'm struggling to identify what it is. I hope someone can help me identify the problem. I have a Prusa printer using Repetier 0.92.9 firmware and it has a mechanical Z-min endstop. When I home Z from the Repetier Host, it travels down to the Z endstop, triggers it, rebounds and then returns to trigger it again before backing off 2mm. Whby RGN01 - Repetier
Thank you, Dust - I've only seen your reply now so apologies for not thanking you before!by RGN01 - Prusa i3 and variants
I still haven't found drawings that show this part but it now appears that the dimension is 17mm, not 18. I'm still searching for diagrams if anyone knows where to find them.by RGN01 - Prusa i3 and variants
Could anyone point me to drawings of the i3 please? I need the distance from the Z motor shaft centre to the centre of the Z vertical rod. I plan to replace the rods with 10mm ones and want to design a set of new ends for the X carriage so need that dimension. I have measured it as best I can and it looks like 18mm centre to centre but I'd rather be sure! Thanksby RGN01 - Prusa i3 and variants
I'd agree with that - my extruder made that sound at one time. Try doing as Lykle says or some other thoughts: 1. raise the temperature to help soften the filament more (for fault analysis only, accepting that this may result in inferior extrusion) 2. increase the idler pressure 3. clean the teeth on the hobbed bolt / gear 4. use a more powerful stepper / gear the stepper down further I solved mby RGN01 - General
I'm with DD here - this doesn't make sense to me either. That belt must go around an idler pulley at the other end, right? Is that free to turn? If so, the tension on the two sides of the belt MUST be essentially the same at all times as the idler will rotate to balance the tensions out - if it doesn't rotate freely then that is where the problem lies, not the motor end. Also, does the motor shaby RGN01 - General