Thank you, I will try that. Richardby RGN01 - General
Has anyone found the secret to printing successfully with E3D Premium - Flex-PolyEster (Shore 65D)? E3D Premiun Flex-PolyEster I have tried: plain glass hairspray on glass kapton tape on glass blue masking tape on glass four different brands of glue stick (including UHU yellow - the E3D recommendation) on glass Nothing sticks! I've tried everywhere from 75ºC to 100°C bed temperature and a ranby RGN01 - General
Never seen those before but you could try some high temperature silicone sealant and create a tapered boot from the brass end. This will spread the bending load over a larger area. HTHby RGN01 - General
Right, tried Sainsbury's and I concur with David - their basics range hairspray works well! And I can hardly believe the price - 35p per can! Thanks, David! Richardby RGN01 - General
Success. The bed heater is now on pin4 and I'm currently doing a PID calibration. I had to change pins.h in two places (line 51 and 215) - my pins.h file is attached. Note that I have removed all that was not obviously RAMPS and Arduino Mega256. I then enabled PID bed heating, ran a PID Autotune - the bed now stays within 1°C of the desired temperature. Pin 8 and D8 are now free for use by anby RGN01 - Firmware - mainstream and related support
Thanks for your response Olaf. My plan was to use the D8 FET combination for another purpose - a fan - so I wanted to free it if possible. I have added a 5V regulator to the mix - it feeds the appropriate ground and +5V pins on Aux1 - this was mainly to stop problems with the LCD unit I have attached. It was 'dimming' and the messages were corrupted. Adding a 5V external supply has almost compleby RGN01 - Firmware - mainstream and related support
Can someone please help me? I've built a SevenSwitch to control the bed heater to eliminate the mechanical relay because ultimately I'd like to use PID PWM heating for the bed. The D8 output isn't suitable because the negative pin is switched. I therefore need to find a pin on the RAMPS board I can use. How do I do this? The pins.h file has this entry: #define HEATER_BED_PIN 8 I guess tby RGN01 - Firmware - mainstream and related support
Thanks, David, I'll try Sainsburys! Richardby RGN01 - General
OK, so I never expected to be asking about hairspray on any forum but here goes...... My printer kit came with a can of hairspray to help stick items to the heated bed. It works incredibly well . I have no adhesions issues to the glass plate on my heated bed with PLA yet it loosens itself when the temperature drops. By comparison, without it the edges curl up and I can't complete prints. The prby RGN01 - General
Have you upgraded the Arduino software? See and HTH Richardby RGN01 - General
Have you upgraded the Arduino software since you last compiled successfully? I found problems with Arduino 1.6.4 - see Might be worth reverting to an older version. Hope this helps. Richardby RGN01 - Firmware - mainstream and related support
Thanks, both. I'll search for that. Richardby RGN01 - General
I've read a number of criticisms of the various linear bearings used for 3D printers and am wondering if engineering plastics may not be a better alternative. As the rails the bearings travel over are (or should be) very smooth, wear should be very low. These plastics don't need lubrication and have long life. I appreciate these links are both from a single manufacturer but they certainly makeby RGN01 - General
Quotedc42 If you use that cover on Thingyverse, you must secure the mains cable somehow so that the connections to the terminals of the power supply are protected from stress. I used a plastic P-clip screwed to the frame for that. Richardby RGN01 - General
I found this on Thingiverse - and have printed one for my PSU. I use a separate fuse and enjoyed the safety and aesthetic aspects of this simple solution. Richardby RGN01 - General
Thank you, Dust, that's it! I don't know how I missed it with Google. but I did! Richardby RGN01 - General
My i3 kit came with RAMPS v1.4 and stepper motor drivers that have two pots. I've tried searching for setup instructions - or any details - but have drawn a blank. This is quite possibly because I don't now what they are called! Can anyone help, please? What are they called and where can I find setup instructions, please? Richardby RGN01 - General
Try regressing the Arduino software to an earlier version as this sounds very similar to a problem that took up much of my weekend and my remaining hair! Richardby RGN01 - General
QuoteAndrewBCN There you go! Congratulations! And indeed, Marlin has been reported on numerous occasions to not compile with Arduino versions > 1.06. The problem was that I hadn't seen that anywhere and assumed that it would be a good thing to upgrade Arduino when it offered the new version to me. Lesson learned! Tim, I did a deep clean - removed the entire Arduino directory with all my skeby RGN01 - Firmware - mainstream and related support
I uninstalled Arduino 1.6.4 and installed Arduino 1.0.5-r2 and it works. I did exactly what I did all the other times with v1.6.4, using the same version of Marlin etc. so there must be some kind of incompatibility between Marlin and Arduino v1.6.4. Oh, well, at least it is working. Richardby RGN01 - Firmware - mainstream and related support
Thanks, Andrew! My apologies - I won't do that again (long inline log file). That is the problem, there is no error keyword. The attached file is the most recent log. I ran Arduino_debug as Administrator and this is what the console / command window showed (in the attached log file) - it hung at this point and there was nothing further in the log. As far as I can tell, the text in the debug wiby RGN01 - Firmware - mainstream and related support
I've tried again - this time running Arduino as Administrator to eliminate any possibility of permissions errors (a long shot, I know!) and an hour later it hasn't moved on. This screenshot is after an hour of no progress. I just don't know what to try next. Richardby RGN01 - Firmware - mainstream and related support
Hi Andrew. Thanks for the response. It freezes and does not continue when I try to compile or upload. This is the last thing it displays when run under debug conditions. I've left it for about an hour and it never proceeded from that position. Richardby RGN01 - Firmware - mainstream and related support
I've now tested this on a Win XP machine. Again, full, new installation of Arduino and same results. There must be something wrong or missing in that distribution I've been sent, I guess, but my Arduino skills simply aren't up to debugging this at present. Richardby RGN01 - Firmware - mainstream and related support
I've now found the debug feature in Arduino and this is what it returns when I try to compile: Loading configuration... Initializing packages... Preparing boards... Starting... cardreader.cpp: In member function 'void CardReaderpenFile(char*, bool, bool) ': cardreader.cpp:301:25: warning: ordered comparison of pointer with integer zero [-Wextra] while(dirname_start>0)by RGN01 - Firmware - mainstream and related support
I hope someone can help. This is my first printer so I am probably doing something very basic incorrectly but I simply can't see what! I have one of these except that I have the E3D 1.75mm direct hotend. I have assembled the printer and all went well with the mechanical parts. I’m now trying to load Marlin and failing dismally! I am using Windows 7 and have downloaded and installed a clean, nby RGN01 - Firmware - mainstream and related support
This is what happens (see attachment). It stops there every time. Richardby RGN01 - Firmware - mainstream and related support
I've now managed to source the manufacturer firmwars but it simply hangs when compiling or uploading in Arduino v1.6.4 under Windows 7. I have re-installed the Arduino environment and this still doesn't work. What am I doing wrong, please? Richardby RGN01 - Firmware - mainstream and related support
I've proven that the display works using // include the library code: #include <LiquidCrystal.h> // initialize the library with the numbers of the interface pins LiquidCrystal lcd(16, 17, 23, 25, 27, 29); void setup() { // set up the LCD's number of columns and rows: lcd.begin(16, 2); // Print a message to the LCD. lcd.print("hello, world!"); } void loop() { // set the cursoby RGN01 - Firmware - mainstream and related support
I'm assembling my first printer - an I3 Steel - and am having problems with the RAMPS. It is probably my error but I can't see what is wrong. I have a RAMPS v1.4 and a GADGETS3D Shield with Panel . I have v1.6.4 of Arduino and Marlin v1.0.2. I have followed the guidance on the page listed above under Software Configuration so my configuration.h has these lines: / The GADGETS3D G3D LCD/SD Contby RGN01 - Firmware - mainstream and related support