Thanks, jaguarking11 - that certainly helps and I'll be building one of these once I've got my printer working successfully. Richardby RGN01 - 3D Scanners, Book Scanners, and Optics
I really like this and considering making one very similar. I have a comment and a question, though: In the sample scan the lasers are not illuminating the top of the head and under the chin very well. This is demonstrated through the scan being sparse at the crown, for example. I was wondering.... What would happen if you ran the rotation and scan process twice - once with the lasers and camerby RGN01 - 3D Scanners, Book Scanners, and Optics
I'm new to 3D printing - so new that I'm still waiting for my kit to arrive - but I've read a bit about the safety issues as I'll be using mine in my home and don't want a fire, and I got to thinking (which may be a dangerous thing!)....... It seems that one major fire concern is thermal runaway in the hot end. Perhaps from a faulty thermocouple or wiring issue and that this can lead to uncontroby RGN01 - Safety & Best Practices
Quotepsyvision It looks a good kit - I think you'll be happy. The improved X and Y tensioners will be very useful! I also like how the LCD is integrated. Enjoy Agreed. I've been impressed by their support - I had a few questions (surprise, surprise!) and they were quickly and effectively answered in good English despite it being a Spanish company. It was little things like that, plus the intby RGN01 - General
Well, I've done it - I have just ordered one of these with a 1.75mm E3D and some PLA. Thanks to everyone for their help so far! I'm sure I'll have lots more questions...... Richardby RGN01 - General
I'm new to 3D printing and am currently trying to decide on the components for my first printer - and have another question. I see much discussion about 3mm and 1.75mm filament and direct and sleeved hot ends but I've not been able to find reference material that helps me understand why one is chosen over another. So why should one choose a 3mm over a 1.75mm filament (or vice versa)? Intuitivelby RGN01 - Plastic Extruder Working Group
Richard (Exeter), while I can't claim any experience of aluminium or steel framed printers, I believe that the extra mass of steel can only help reduce unwanted movement over the aluminium version - even if the design was exactly the same as the aluminium. As I don't need portability, this extra weight is a benefit. In addition to that benefit, AndrewBCN confirms my understanding that there areby RGN01 - General
Quotepsyvision Hi Rich, I have the P3 Steel kit from kitprinter3d and I'm also in the UK (also called Richard too :p) The kit delivery was fast (from Spain) - maybe 2 days max with tracking. The instructions on the wiki are great - so many kits don't have instructions so you need to use information you can find elsewhere. The frame is sturdy, the PLA they provided seems good quality. I wentby RGN01 - General
Thanks very much, Andrew. For some reason I was battling to get to the wiki last night so I couldn't find that. I'll go and review now. Richardby RGN01 - General
I'm leaning towards buying a full kit, ideally the P3Steel. The only P3Steel kit I can find in Europe is this one Am I missing alternate suppliers? Is this a good starting kit? Would I be better off buying components or kits of components (e.g. frame, electronics) separately and assembling it? If so, where can I find a full list of requirements for this type of non-kit build? Thanks. Richardby RGN01 - General
QuoteRalph.Hilton I built a Mendel90 with a kit from nophead and a Kossel mini from . Both work well and customer service is excellent. The Mendel90 needs a bit of adaptation to work with an E3D hotend. The Kossel mini comes with the E3D so I would recommend that one. The print quality is excellent for small details: Thanks, Ralph. Useful information. I'll have a look at both. Richardby RGN01 - General
Quotemadmike8 Easy answer... Build'em both... Sounds like a good idea, Mike!......but which one first? Richardby RGN01 - General
Thanks, Ralph. Location is UK, budget is as little as necessary! I'm prepared to experiment and work to get good prints like that - but I didn't want to start on the wrong foot, if you like. Richardby RGN01 - General
Thank you, Andrew! I have been considering the Prusa i3 range - and have only recently found the Prusa P3 Steel, as well as a Cherry Pi III and these were behind my query. My knowledge is currently low but I'm experienced in 3D engineering drawing, reasonably experienced in programming and computer languages and have good mechanical knowledge so I'm confident that with a few pointers I'll pickby RGN01 - General
My first question here so please be gentle! I'm entirely new to 3D printing but am reading a lot at present. I want to buy a 3D printer to produce high resolution prints - quality like this would be great - in sizes up to about 200 x 150 x 100mm. The items will be mostly organic shapes and surface detail is more important than actual resolution. There are a bewildering number of types and modby RGN01 - General