Hi! Are there any tools that can help me cut a model in halves to print (to fit on my bed)? I have it in OpenSCAD and as an STL. I'm trying to avoid just using subtraction with appropriately sized rectangles. Thanks! evamvidby evamvid - 3D Design tools
Leadscrews are too slow (unless you use high speed ones, but those are more expensive than regular old threaded rod)by evamvid - Delta Machines
I would have two swing arms instead of one on each columnby evamvid - Delta Machines
Depends on your build volume, which infill you use, infill %, number of perimeters, layer height, extrusion width, etc.by evamvid - Delta Machines
Yeah, I talked to wjsteele in the thingiverse comments after posting this, and he helped me figure out how to use it.... Thanks!by evamvid - Polar Machines, SCARA, Robot Arms
Go ahead and post it on the wiki! Good job with thisby evamvid - Mechanics
Biggest problem that hinders this is lack of hardware+firmware support....by evamvid - Mechanics
I saw the PiMaker today, which got me interested in polar printers. I was wondering how you would home the R axis...I'm thinking a little flag for an opto-endstop on the side of the build platform, or on the shaft which the build platform rests on.... But my main question is, what is the algorithm to change cartesian coordinates to XYZ coordinates, and how would this be implemented into the firmby evamvid - Polar Machines, SCARA, Robot Arms
I would glue the idlers...by evamvid - Delta Machines
Is that a roller pinion? sorry for grammar/typos etc, im on a mobile device..by evamvid - Delta Machines
where can i get those universal joints?....i cant find them on the interwebs.. sorry for grammar...im on a mobile device.by evamvid - Delta Machines
Plastibot (local company based on reprap) has quad extrusion that works, saw it at Maker Faire NC.by evamvid - Mechanics
I made a rack for a rack and pinion system using the awesome script here. What script can I use to make a pinion for it? I tried using the Parametric Involute Gear Script (http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3575) from GregFrost, but I couldn't figure out how to make it match my rack. I can post the parameters I used if needed. Thanks a lot! --evamvidby evamvid - 3D Design tools
Hey Guys, I recently saw http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:37787 and http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:6011. I had this concept for a Mini Kossel using these as a drive, with the pinion mounted near the top, and the carriage mounted on the bottom of the rack (the rack being the long strip and the pinion being the gear). The main reason for having the rack move and not the pinion is to keep the carby evamvid - Delta Machines
Hey everybody, I just found this, and wondered about using it to print belts (it mentions this below the vid). From the video, do you guys think this is flexible enough to make good belts? Also, what about nylon belts? And how would we stop it from stretching?by evamvid - Mechanics
Thanks for the info and the quick response. I think I'll go with the 20A. Do you think that's a good price, or would it be better to go with something from ebay, like you did?by evamvid - RAMPS Electronics
Hey Guys, I'm building either a Rostock or a PM i2, and using RAMPS I haven't actually bought the electronics yet, but I know I'm going to want a heated bed, and lcd panel, and all of that good stuff. Eventually, I hope to have a dual extruder setup. My question is, how do I determine the amperage I need. I've looked at this with this. The other one I looked at was this with this. Also, I plby evamvid - RAMPS Electronics