Dear administrators I am a student doing a MBA. As a student team we are studying leadership amongst online communities. We think that Reprap is a very good example in the core of our subject. The aim of our study is to understand quantitatively what are the good practices to enhance online communities. This could also help you enhance community life. To do that, we need statistics. We would likby erylon - Administration, Announcements, Policy
How I solve the problem : instead of launching printrun from its install dir (/usr/share/etc...) I launched the copy made in my home dir by the script from the install procedure. I don't know why it works but it works. I wouln't say either that the problem is erylon - General
Hello I have a macbook pro with linux ubuntu 14.04 on it. I followed install procedure successsfully but when I launch pronterface it says : Traceback (most recent call last): File "./", line 24, in os.chdir(os.path.realpath(__file__)) OSError: Not a directory: '/usr/share/printrun/' I really don't undersatnd what to do next : oby erylon - General
The problem you may will have is that the filament break inside the nut : it will be horrible to remove. It's why I choose to thread with screws instead of nuts. Thank you for keeping us in touch of your erylon - Mechanics
Ces profilés sont des profilés standards pas des V-slot ! En France pour l'instant non distribué.by erylon - RepRap Groupe d'Utilisateurs Francophone
Hello I just wanted to share to your attention the following topic about the possibility of a dedicated profile for deltas' that I may have posted in the wrong forum. My concern is, for those of you who might be interested, to know what you think about it. Please leave comments on the original topic ! Thank youby erylon - Delta Machines
May be I posted in the wrong topic to gain wider interest? @vreihen:your point is interesting. Then why people managed to setup makerslide and v-slot ? They could have done the same result using available guidings. Is it because the price went down ? If so, with a new "delta profile" there would be even less parts so it should work : why nobody is then interested ? About making on our own lackiby erylon - Extruded Aluminum Frames
Great ! contragulations ! I expect to see the video soon ! Have you done a test with a both side cutted filament to see what's happenning with the torque?by erylon - Mechanics
Thank you very much vreihen for your post. I agree with you: it's a "niche market" as some business men would say. Delta architecture could also adress CNC : delta CNC heads exist and can be mounted on traditional milling machine to give them additionnal degrees of freedom and digital abilities : that is still a niche market. To cap the end is an interesting question : What do all of you say aby erylon - Extruded Aluminum Frames
Hello all, I wanted to build a delta and I found that the v-slot and maker slide were not really designed for delta. We need a lot of extra parts including printed parts. So I start designing a special profil for delta printers based on the same technology than maker slide or v-slot but that will allow to: -mount the linking profiles with no parts -mount the pulley with just a t-nut and a shouldeby erylon - Extruded Aluminum Frames
Great ! I agree with the fact that there will not be any torque in between the two nuts, but there should still be a torque outside of the nuts. (The torque is between the nut and the whole filament not considering somewhere in paritcular) As there is a counter nut torque, there will be no resulting torque in between but that's all. So you should see a torque before and after your extruder. Pleaby erylon - Mechanics
The cheapest on Misumi France is 0.33€ (taxless) each for less than 500nuts !by erylon - Mechanics
Hello Does any one of you use this nozzle : This sounds nice but would you please tell me which size of thread is it to screw inside : M6, M8 ? or something in inches ? Thank you ! Emmanuelby erylon - Mechanics
Thank you A2 for your comments. On the proposed design, 105 and 115 series bearing are used. The filament is stopped rotating, I should say the torque on filament before the motor is largely reduced, by the M6 anti torque ball plunger roller. You can see them better on the section view: Kraken is very interesting. Thank you for this information. He could improve his design by removing one motorby erylon - Mechanics
People interested should have a look at Werner Berry similar erylon - Mechanics
Sorry, I miss typed the motor ref : it's Nema 14 with hollow shaft. You can get them on ebay. They look like that: @Nicholas: Thank you for your feed back. Well, I choose not to place a groove bearing because it would lead to a contact spot instead of a linear contact as with the key. Nevertheless, you are right: I should apply a constant force instead of a constant gap. So I updated my designby erylon - Mechanics
Happy new year to all ! I gave up with the spring because it doesn't not allow regular and controled speed. I updated my design to that : . Notice that the thread for the hot end is not designed. The key has a pull spring to pull it back (The clever mounting seems to work fine here). The pressure against the special screw can be adjusted with the screws pressing the key. The filament is in beby erylon - Mechanics
First results : I turned several bolts with my lathe for 1.75mm and 3mm filament. The D3mm has recurrent problems : as I am making a thread in the filament when turning the bolt, the PLA must creep and as it is a M3, there is no free space to go. So quite quickly the PLA breaks. And then there is another problem : when the PLA is inside the bolt, its very hard to remove. The easiest way is to hotby erylon - Mechanics
I machined with my lathe a hollow shaft with a thread inside with same sizes of the nema I am waiting for. I am currently out of filament : it should arrive in the coming days. As soon as I get it, I will post a video on youtube showing it working with a screw gun. @wissing To know the good rpm is easy : it is a flow calculus. It depends on : s : printing speed (mm/s) T : thread step (mm/revolby erylon - Mechanics
Thank you A2 for these comments. Here are my answers : Heat exchanger Well I did not really work on the nozzle. I just wanted to show what the interface might look like. I am glad you comment that. To be that as it may, the heat exchanger is not a thread but layers of discs, each disc acting as a exchanger. Following your advice I would like to add an undercut but I don't know what you mean or wby erylon - Mechanics
I dealt with a nema motor producer. He can produce motor with hollow shaft D3. Meaning a shaft with a D3 hole on its whole length. At the end of the shaft I glue or fix a special M2 or M3 bolt depending of the filament size (See joined pdf). So the idea is to move the filament through the shaft. There is no side gear or side driving making it, I agree, a mechanical "non sens". The motor is direby erylon - Mechanics
Hello I had the same idea quite in the same time but I have posted on the mechanic part of the . Why rotating the extruder ? You will have to guide it to maintain precision, what about the hot end wires and so on. With the same idea you can screw the filament throught the motor shaft and then go to the extruder that won't rotate. A join may be needed between the two. Another advantage is thatby erylon - Developers
Thanks guys The idea is to have Nema 14 motor with its shaft threaded (making it a special motor). So the motor will itself be the extruder. So the thread as to be about the same size as the filament. Luckily M2 is near 1.75mm (M3 is to close to D3mm). M3.5 (that exist) as a step of 0.6mm so only 0.1mm to grip : not enough. A M2 as a step of 0.4mm that's why it needs to rotate quite fast dependby erylon - Mechanics
Hello guys I wonder if some one has ever tested an extruder that instead of some gear rolling on the filament, is like threading the filament with a rotating bolt. Advantages are : - the whole perimeter of the filament is used to pull the filament. - the longer the thread the more the filament can be pulled - easy to insert : just make the bolt turning to screw - easy to remove : just make tby erylon - Mechanics
Hello dear Makers ! I noticed that, from my point of view, the makerbot endstop V1.2 could really be enhanced. -First, considering that the endstop is an electrical end stop and not a mechanical end stop, it should not be possible to bump against it. I mean that no part from the end stop should be in the way. This is currently the case but this must be kept in mind for next points (specially poiby erylon - Controllers