The thicker the better but it should work fine especially if you have some kind of probing for the bed Demolux_D1 - Mechanics
You need to have that nozzle sit tight not only in z but also laterally in xy. Your mechanisms have no mechanical actuation in the lateral direction and also only partly in the z direction, especially the latter mechanism. You would need some kind of precision slot to achieve that or a conical shape which makes a thought fit using an actuation in z. Just for consideration. The latter mechanism wby Demolux_D1 - Mechanics
You could probably make this work albeit with some serious challenges or compromises. PLA or PVB I suggest, the latter warps even less than PLA if thats a concern. But there is one drawback sticking with a standard cartesian system actually in comparison to the majority of infinite z printers with an angles printing plane: Your object can never be larger than your print bed (or your floor). I mby Demolux_D1 - General New Machines Topics
True, I completly forgot about that dance when they turn on ^^ Would be interesting to know more about this. But - in the end it uses the nozzle in some way and I suspect the print surface also plays a role so changing it (or the nozzle) would maybe throw off the measured values using a capacitive method without a touch. So you get the magical Z offset for that specific configuration (but then yby Demolux_D1 - General
You can use PLA yeah. It's quite good actually because it is comparably stiff. There are PLA/CF variants you can also use but you should make sure to use one with long fibers, so stay with some brands there. I personally would prefer PLA however, I mean, we are talking about a Snappy here which has its advantages in low cost and printability not in high rigidity and precision. You can use PVB beby Demolux_D1 - Reprappers
Cool! I would love to see the finished build. Good luck and have funby Demolux_D1 - Reprappers
Well, I would not be that generic as e. g. there are laserprinters or other 2d printers which operate without any calibration. Sure, you can calibrate printheads and stuff but the machine does work reasonably well without it. In contrast, an unleveled or uncompensated warped build plate usually leads to a failed print. Yet I am on your side considering a lot of other machinery, especially whenby Demolux_D1 - General
Well, there is a possibility left where you can claim it though: If a z offset calibration is not needed in the first place, e. g. because of a very precisely and sturdy built machine with a factory-one-time-calibration. But I don't know any FDM printer that has this, especially in the consumer world. It may exist in professional machines and it does exist in the resin printing world. I suspectby Demolux_D1 - General
Hi! The top speed is far more complex to define than you probably think. It has nothing to do with extrusions or kinematic but solely with moving mass and velocity. You want to minimize the first and maximize the latter. Several design mantras can be derived from that. For high acceleration you need low moving masses. For high acceleration you need strong motors. For low moving masses you needby Demolux_D1 - Extruded Aluminum Frames
Hi! Sounds like the Snappy RepRap is the perfect match for you: Snappy 3 RepRap It's one of the most 3d printed 3d printers I know of. Alternatively you can also take another design such as the i3 and print as much as possible, e. g. I did that back in the days with the frame thickened and I then filled with concrete - the Prusa i3 mk2 low cost variant was quieter than an Mk3 and has double theby Demolux_D1 - Reprappers
Hi Mike, it can't be done without further preparation or modification. What I can think of is using a thin piece of the material the contactless probe can detect, let's say steel. The contactless probe detects the steel build plate but does not know about any additional layer on top, e. G. PEI sheet. You need a small reference piece of that material somehwere on the PEI layer. Presuming you (aby Demolux_D1 - General
0.9 steppers are more precise leading to less VFAs on your prints surface. Their main drawback is they reach slower speeds with the same configuration as 1.8 steppers (roughly half of theirs). It may be beneficial if you print fast and/or are very keen on maxing out your print surface quality.or when you use large pulleys (which translate precision to speed themselves) for some Demolux_D1 - General
Keep in mind you can decouple these designs: How you mount the bed, be it kinematic with 3 studs or 4 or be it fixed or whatsoever, is not necessarily dependant on how you mount the bed undercarriage. E. g. here the bed is mounted in 4 places but the undercarriage is on 3 leadscrews: In the end it is all about stability. If you are using CNC parts and you can properly align everything I wouldby Demolux_D1 - Reprappers
Hi! Just be aware that optical endstops are optical in the end - so you need to keep them free of dirt/dust and stray light. This also includes UFPs, which you sometimes see accumulating in a white-yellow deposit around the extruder assembly especially when printing in an enclosure and with filaments such as ABS, but also others. Stringing or debris also are potential problems, consider that wheby Demolux_D1 - Mechanics
Hi! I am in the design phase of a large format 3D printer. Its moving gantry uses a mirrored double layer H-bot kinematic with a Nema23 bipolar 1.8° stepper motor in each corner. Each stepper has its own Trinamic 5160 with a custom driver board on a custom mainboard. Firmware is Klipper, the belts are Gates GT 3mm belts with a width of 15mm. This results in a total of 8 motors, 4 for each H-botby Demolux_D1 - Mechanics
Hi Brian, I browsed the forum because I develop a large scale 3D printer and stumbled across your post. I would want that printer to utilize a pellet extruder optionally (initially it will be filament based). I am also in the need of a handheld extruder and, mostly as backup should the first not be feasable, potentially also a static filament extruder. I did not really start that project yet buby Demolux_D1 - Mechanics