Nice work, but right now it's not GPL compliant: Missing proper attribution. Missing source AndrewBCN - Delta Machines
QuoteZavashier I'll spend maybe 200 hours on the whole process. Do you want a quotation ? Nope, and I don't think that's the point AndrewBCN - General
QuoteZavashier Don't get me wrong, I don't say the P3Steel can't be any good. Just seems to me that half the way is done ... ... You would probably think differently if you had built one or two... Basically you are saying that you could design a folded steel sheet cartesian printer frame that you could demonstrate is as rigid as the laser cut P3Steel frame and would cost less to manufacture; whby AndrewBCN - General
Zavashier,, To fold a structure like the frame for a Prusa i3 or P3Steel, you first need to laser cut the 1mm steel and then fold it. That's two industrial processes instead of one. Logically, it will cost you twice as much, perhaps even more depending on how many folding operations would be involved. And you'll still need holes to attach various things. Irobri, the original designer of the P3Steby AndrewBCN - General
QuoteAndrewBCN The main point here is that the Adafruit display you mention uses SPI whereas the Full Graphics display uses 4-bit parallel communication. It makes no sense for you to try to use the Full Graphics routines and pin assignment in Marlin for the Adafruit display. Sorry, my bad: the Full Graphics display can use either 8/4-bit parallel or serial but as configured it uses a serial inteby AndrewBCN - RAMPS Electronics
You could also take a look at Grbl and consider that your pneumatic extruder is a AndrewBCN - Firmware - mainstream and related support
The main point here is that the Adafruit display you mention uses SPI whereas the Full Graphics display uses 4-bit parallel communication. It makes no sense for you to try to use the Full Graphics routines and pin assignment in Marlin for the Adafruit AndrewBCN - RAMPS Electronics
QuoteZavashier I'm a Prusa i3 user. To me the Mendel90 is better for many reasons, the cheap and simple wood frame, less steel for the rods, wire management, and so on. I didn't know the P3Steel. Interesting but why don't they rework the I3 for folded sheet metal technology ? Since you use steel sheets, it's cheaper, easyer and stiffer than using screws like on unfoldable materials. Unfortunateby AndrewBCN - General
Quotevorac I checked the P3Steel. It's built on the same idea of the Mendel90, I guess. But you don't need all those plastic parts to assemble the sheets. Do you know what's the print quality? It's an improvement compared to the Prusa i3 or to the Mendel90? The P3Steel is definitely not built on the same idea as the Mendel 90. Did you check the wiki? The P3Steel uses a perfectly rigid steel fraby AndrewBCN - General
Take a look at the P3Steel, it is imo the best Prusa i3 variant at the moment and it is much easier (and cheaper) to build than the Mendel 90 for approximately the same print AndrewBCN - General
Hi Denny, Thanks! Progress is slow (it's not like I am putting together a kit), but I keep working on it. I just published my latest blog post with a photo of my first test fit of the entire structure. More details in the blog:by AndrewBCN - Delta Machines
I definitely like it. Thanks a bunch! Cheers, Andrewby AndrewBCN - Administration, Announcements, Policy
Hi, I am more or less 80% done with the page: Cheers, Andrewby AndrewBCN - General
Also check : and which is the chip used in the Full Graphics Smart Controllerby AndrewBCN - RAMPS Electronics
QuoteAdhithya i'm building my reprap 3d printer but i'm using my powersupply from my old pc so i referred this link . But when i connect the power supply to the RAMPS 1.4 board its is working but when i connect my usb cable to the laptop the power stops Plz help me Out Hi, I am the author of the page you linked to, and I also wrote this here: Nowadays I don't recommend reusing old ATX PSU forby AndrewBCN - General Mendel Topics
Please feel free to contribute!by AndrewBCN - Developers
The schematics for the 12864 display are right there in the wiki, including the RAMPS AndrewBCN - RAMPS Electronics
1) Wiring issue. 2) Properly adjust X-axis current (trimpot on driver) 3) Bad stepper (exchange with extruder stepper temporarily)by AndrewBCN - RAMPS Electronics
1. Check stepper current. 2. Check steps/mm in your AndrewBCN - General Mendel Topics
You have two problems: 1) Windows XP ceased to work with the printer because of the USB serial driver. 2) You changed the controller board and now you have a problem with one of the endstops. Each problem has its own separate solution. 1) Reinstall Windows XP with a proper driver, or install Linux on your PC. 2) Fix the faulty endstop: check wiring and/or change the endstop or the controllerby AndrewBCN - Prusa i3 and variants
About the LCD: I checked the schematics for the Full Graphics 12864 LCD Controller and the datasheet for the LCD module itself, and it seems there is no problem with using 3.3V for it. The only part that needs 5V is the LCD backlight and I can have a separate line for that. Even the SD card reader does not use 5V at all. I wonder why people have stayed away from using these LCD displays with ARM-by AndrewBCN - RAMPS Electronics
An interesting idea, certainly worth looking into and experimenting further. Keep in mind that the final resistance of the PCB heatbed (when hot) should be such that you get 10A from a <12V supply i.e. the resistance should be under 1.2 Ohms when the heatbed is AndrewBCN - Next Wave Electronics Working Group
Where you have carbon steel, you have rust, almost invariably. WD40 or anything similar is the usual remedy and prevention AndrewBCN - General
Congrats on your choice of 3D printer kit. Marty is a great designer and I am sure the quality of his kits are top notch. Please post a few pictures of your build if you have the time. BTW there is only one thing I would ask Marty to change in the kit as you have described it above: personally, I am against the use of cheap LED strip PSUs, I strongly recommend a good quality ATX PSU, in the US tby AndrewBCN - Prusa i3 and variants
As ggherbaz wrote above, you may have to adjust the current supplied by the Pololu driver (I assume you are using a RAMPS controller) to the extruder stepper. This is explained very clearly in the wiki. Also, make sure the fan that cools the E3D hotend is permanently spinning and cooling the hotend body. This is not a layer fan, so it should be connected to +12V and left on all the time the prinby AndrewBCN - Reprappers
HI, Is it a Kossel mini kit we are talking about? If so, are you using exactly the parts shipped to you by the kit seller? If so, I would suggest contacting the seller and trying to get some official support. Now, if you are building the Kossel mini yourself from various parts bought on the web, I would suggest trying to get hold of or printing yourself a Greg's Wade's Geared Extruder with a Bowby AndrewBCN - Reprappers
Quotedc42 That depends on the firmware you use. I would expect most firmware to initialize the ports early on, ... I am willing to try three or four different firmwares in this project (it's a delta), respectively and in that order: Bobc's version of Marlin. Your own version of the Duet firmware for deltas. Repetier firmware. Apparently someone is working with Markus to get the required code inby AndrewBCN - RAMPS Electronics
Thank you indeed dc42, that is some excellent additional information. About point 4. that you made above, how long do you think the Due would take during+after reset until it effectively initializes the GPIOs to the MOSFETs? If it is a matter of 100 ~ 500 milliseconds then I am thinking that having the MOSFETs turned on during that time would not be a problem, since neither the heatbed, nor theby AndrewBCN - RAMPS Electronics
Stuart, Thank you indeed for the very detailed answer. QuoteCefiar There are problems with using the Due with the standard RAMPS boards. That was the reason Bob and I were working on RAMPS-FD. Bob and myself just dropped the project after a bunch of issues where we both pretty much decided that the hassle we were getting from various people simply wasn't worth it, and we both ended up quite time-by AndrewBCN - RAMPS Electronics
Hi, Thanks for your input. QuoteDust You have to do serious work to do that. thats why people designed new boards. it was easier Main issue is voltage. Due is 3.3v while ramps and mega are 5v logic levels. I have checked the datasheet for the DRV8825 (which is the Pololu-style carrier board that I am using right now) and it seems to work fine with 3.3V logic levels. QuoteDust so you have to rby AndrewBCN - RAMPS Electronics