You can read the G-code file and see if your slicer is telling it to extrude... or not... here's a line from one of mine " G1 X201.28 Y224.81 E0.0446 " G1- feed/extrude straight line>> move to X... Y... E - Extrude 0.0446 of material. (E just happens to be the letter) but... from the sounds of it. more than likely its an issue with the stepper driver/stepper motor for your extruder... &aby Epop - Printing
Its sooo... much easier to do average fit threads than a slip fit. It doesn't need to be 'ground' as E3D has stated they do on cyclops & kraken. just needs a smooth finish on a controlled surface(both faces, the ID of the hole, and the OD of the heat break). Which might cost slightly more to do... if at all. But from where I'm at I would prefer it, but market wide... The biggest problem wby Epop - Developers
Layerthickness is usually about looks .3 is about as coarse as anyone goes with a .4mm nozzle .1 seems to be as fine as anyone goes... most stick with .2 height. Infill is usually about strength. Hollow/low infill and thin walls will flex when you put the squeeze to them, the more solid you go the less it will give. PLA is super weak if you go .4mm wall thickness, think stiff plastic Epop - Printing
That's pretty awesome! Most would pull the part off the platform and you would end up with a rats nest. Yep... how your wires are routed is pretty important... especially around/on/connected to moving Epop - General
Hmm... I don't know of one off hand... maybe when you're printing close to the minimum melting temp? But even then It can help with bridging as it would cool the material as soon as it comes out of the hotend and stiffens it in mid air. but if you don't do a lot of bridging stuff... meh... It's at least nice to have as an option, my machine currently has 3 regular ~50mm fans pointed down atby Epop - General
Lots of commercial CNC machines do this already simply using G code. You can also 'stream' programs, though it has drawbacks. Off the top of my head, I think it was Okuma uses 10 line look ahead while machining 6-axis @ several hundred ipm with .0002" repeatability. A big part of that performance is firmware/machine params that limit how fast/which axis or drive can move/accelerate/deccelerby Epop - Let's design something! (I've got an idea ...)
Okay so I didn't find anything on this problem. I started ramping up print speeds for giggles and I got it fast enough that my platform started tapping on something(if I hold it(not much force) the tapping stops) But... even if I don't go that fast it still bounces/jiggles up&down~.5mm on the farthest end from the linear rods/bearings, worst case (so far). One answer, I'm sure, is to jusby Epop - Mechanics
I agree, its about the material needs. Cooling on ABS isn't usually helpful IMO. PLA is melted easily enough that when you print small areas/details &@ slow speeds PLA stays hot/too warm and deforms/burns. If you're printing simple parts/wide footprints &@ higher speed I don't think the fan is all that helpful. If you can't print fast or are detail focused I would recommend forced airby Epop - General
Does it crackle/pop while printing?by Epop - Printing
Looks about right to me... I run a Duet(Allegro A4982- max @ 1.7A...I think)) Running 2 NEMA17 in parallel (y formation) I had to max out my driver and it still seemed a bit low. I changed to serial at DC42's recommendation and it seems to be working out a lot better for me. I also run 1 NEMA23 using a leadscrew for Z motionby Epop - Controllers
I don't know anything about arduino other than it seems to be aging... though I've also read Duet is based on it and some say the firmware is a wreck because of it. Though I don't program, it doesn't seem to affect operation. Other than that I haven't seen much comparison between the two that I can remember atm. I'm running build envelope about half your size with a12v Duet+x4 & PanelDUby Epop - General
I would try raising the temp, even if you pull the filament out and touch the outside of the hotend with it to see @what temp it melts quickly. If it really was PLA and your temp was really at 230c... PLA would be oozing out of the HE in a long string. litterally soo hot/melty its falling out of the Epop - Reprappers
Yep... the saying is "the devil is in the details" Letting people know more information than "my prints suck" is FABULOUS when people are trying to help you Epop - Printing
In Salt Lake City, Utah(USA) I usually go to a place called Ra-Elco... they are messy, but cheap, and a few of their guys REALLY know their stuff. its my goto when I can just walk in the door and show them "I need -this-" they usually have it or know where I can get it. the MOLEX connectors are cheap, I think the tool to crimp the ends on the wires to insert into the plastic block is ~$60 Epop - General
I call 'too good' when I destroy the part trying to get it off the printbed. You could be a little bit too close or extruding a little too much on your first layer... if you print without a raft etc. and scrape the side of your part with your fingernail and feel a lip/ledge/bump on the last layer it could be either at a glance. But... tape is cheap, if thats the only issue you have if you get iby Epop - General
Heya, I have a CubePro Trio. I replaced the 3DS electronics with Duet+x4, kept the motioncontrol motors though... The Hotends they use have a funky wiring(thermistor- the 'thermostat' is wired in line with heater, most repraps have a separate wires for heater/thermistor), reprap software won't read the temperature correctly will come up with an error. the hotend will not heat/machine willby Epop - Reprappers
SD init fail = it isn't reading the SD card ? So... is it plugged in? maybe you have a bad one?by Epop - General
I have the Duet+x4 and PanedDUE(the dev on this one takes a long time to reply to PM's though*cough* ) (~$122 is what I paid for Duet) I haven't had any problems with it that I haven't caused. As DC42 said you don't have to keep recompiling the firmware, you make almost any change though the config.g on the SD card(that can be updated though web interface). restart the Duet to take effect(alsby Epop - General
I've been thinking about getting the bulldog xl(?) and am currently running a different direct drive extruder(standard nema17). If you have a .4mm nozzle and have it set to .3mm in the slicer I think you would be feeding 25% LESS filament than needed... That's assuming your filament is ACTUALLY 1.75 dia. At anything less than 8 hours I have confirmed its fine at running 1100mA. My DD extruderby Epop - General
I replaced factory electronics from a commercial machine and chose Duet+X4 (and PanelDUE) to run> 3 extruders/hot ends 1 nema23 for Z 2 nema17 for y 1 nema17 for x and A relay for a 110v chamber heater(plugged in the 'bed' pins). I *HATE* WiFi so the ethernet port is awesome supports dhcp and dns (can connect using printer name in browser instead of ip address... personally I don't use it,by Epop - Controllers
*I would also call over prime/under suck as 'over extrusion' I'm looking at how big you're blobbing(or REALLY thick stringing) in between shapes and the 'bubble' on top of the part. If you've measured ACTUAL to programmed and that's where you're at, I believe you. It looks to me that you've got a lot more material deposited than I believe should Epop - Mechanics
I'm in the competing brands boat. similar setup but they had the switches set in the upper left, 'purge bin' in the upper right. So in my case home is upper left(x, max -/ y, max+), purge/wipe is upper right(x,y max+) and yep, z+ moves table down. yeah... its Epop - General
I haven't done CSS/HTML for a decade so I'm likely going to destroy it... Anyone want to figure out how to -only- display -enabled- pins/items on web control? Namely E0 that is forced displayed regardless of its *.CFG status... so undefined/disabled items in general are not shown/controlable. Thanks,by Epop - Ormerod
I suppose you could argue that the spots are some kind of weird pixilation going on with the pic. but from your first post is an exibit of poor customer service/support and enough that most will either avoid them or not return. I went to the url... dunno... didn't see any red flags at a glance. This is (of course IMO)... typical behavior for booming industries like 3dprinting and vapingby Epop - General
Rods of any kind will 'wobble' to have a rod(s) that is very long with "no wobble" will cost you more than any budget 3dprinter will. If your z axis is held securely the wobble you can see while the rod spins is usually controlled well enough not to cause visible issues with the print. I agree with the digital dentist it could be x/y rigidity issues... slop/slack/deflection. Though... theby Epop - Mechanics
v1.06 is what I've been using <!DOCTYPE HTML> Ormerod Control v1.06 If I remeber right I followed ZPL web control links to download that /www from github separately when I updated panelDUE and the Duet shortly before I saw v1.09 duet released. but... the link you posted has this ... <!DOCTYPE html> <!-- Duet Web Control v1.06 written by Christian Hammacher licensed unby Epop - Ormerod
Thanks, but that happend to be me screwing around trying to get something to work and I missed it when I tried to change it back and post a proper *.cfg. Sorry. If I start enabling tools the web control will add "0.0, " in the 'head position' frame under the 'extruder' sub heading for each but will not add controls/graphs for any (currently 5 listed) I also gave iexplore.exe v10'ish a shot forby Epop - Ormerod
DC42-1.09a It populates the extruders in the 'head position' window(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0). The extruder control is Head1- Head2 and seems to be locked to E0-E1 pins ; Ormerod 2 config file for dc42 Duet firmware M111 S0 ; Debug off M550 PDUET^2+1 ; Machine name (can be anything you like) M551 Preprap ; Machine password (currently not uby Epop - Ormerod
I'm pretty sure he can't do anything with retraction... the level of software typically bundled with the uPrint is a basic 'coarse- medium -fine' layer height setting. at least thats what the sales/marketing... person... told me when I went to a sales pitch to check it out. I don't know if there is much to do other than call your local Stratasys service company and tell them to fix Epop - Printing
Anyone know how to adjust the web control to add or subtract extruders in use or not currently in use to web control? (prefferably with correct labels smiling smiley ) Seems like the extruders are static and I'm using 3(maybe try kraken later for 4) but web control doesn't reflect my CFG... I'm using a (heavily?)modified Ormerod cfg setup Thanks,by Epop - Ormerod