You need to open up a terminal window, which is the linux version of a command prompt. Generally it'll be under Accessories, on the start menu. I like to set a hotkey to pop up a terminal whenever I hit cntrl-T, because I use them a lot. Anyways, once you get a terminal running, type in dmsesg | grep tty That will tell you where your USB device is attached. Try unplugging it, and plugging iby Wade - RepRap Host
I downloaded the 0.6 DVD from the torrent file posted on the wiki. If you can't get it, I can start seeding it later today. To check where your USB port is, plug in your device and then run the following command in a terminal window: dmesg | grep tty The last message should displayed will indicate your Usb port number. Good luck!by Wade - RepRap Host
Hey, I ran into this problem again, but I'm having trouble getting avr-libc 1.6.2 on Ubuntu 8.04. Any tips on where to find this or how to install it? Ack, ok, I'm installing it from source. Hope this works... So, I ran the following commands on a bog standard Hardy 8.04 install, found on Lady Ada's forums: wget tar jxfv avr-libc-1.6.2.tar.bz2 cd avr-libc-1.6.2/ ./configure --host=avrby Wade - RepRap Host
Awesome description Nophead. This is the kind of thing that we should copy to the Builders Wiki. I've often gone searching through your blog trying to figure out how you did something. Mind if I cut and paste it in? Also, Enrique, I think I found another bug in Skeinforge. I'm getting my 2nd full layers on the base and a few on the top side of my part where the center of the holes are filledby Wade - RepRap Host
Jajo, I had a fair bit of trouble with that software too. One way to check it for me was to download the 0.6 version of the RepRap Live CD, boot it, and run it there. Be aware, the 0.7 live CD version didn't work for me or a lot of other people - you'll notice that the version numbers are all 0.x - that means they're not quite finished yet. Anyway, loading up the CD should get you a clean instby Wade - RepRap Host
Nophead, I checked and you are right, ReplicatorG is Java and requires Java 1.6, so it won't work on a standard Xandros Eeepc either. Which is too bad. I don't have anything against Java per se, but I could never get any of the recent RepRap Java host versions to compile, as I'm not a great programmer. I've been going the Gcode route simply because I can't get anything else to run. As to thby Wade - RepRap Host
not the cheapest, but I'm running the whole Gcode toolchain on an eeepc. Works fine, you just have to wait a bit longer for skeinforge to finish. I did upgrade to Ubuntu, simply because I needed Java 1.6 for repgcode. ReplicatorG is working for me now though, so maybe I don't need Java Wade - RepRap Host
I got great results out of a thin piece of Plexiglass last night, right before my extruder broke down. There was a bit of warping due to the thin sheet being unsupported, but I'm off to buy some thicker plexi and bolt it to the bed. Seems very promising! Almost finished a new motor mount; I think enough of it was built to be useable thouh, a first for Wade - Mechanics
exactly the file! Thank you once again Nophead! Maybe we could stick this on the extruder alternatives page? I've also ordered a new extruder from Iain, the new design looks nice, and I could use a plan Wade - Mechanics
close, but my extruder is slow enough without the gears. I'm looking for the no gear direct drive GM3 mount. I think maybe that's what Nophead is using, but I can't find the Wade - Mechanics
that's what I was thinking, but it will create problems with maintaining a good rocker profile. The long cardboard stringers would work a lot better in that respect. Still, it'd be Wade - General
It's not specifically open source, but he does describe his methods pretty clearly. Maybe he'd be into sharing the designs? I'd love to try one of those out - I've built a few plywood kiteboards, but these days I usually ride surfboards with my kite. My Darwin lair is also a repository for surfboards - there's three in here, plus two more in storage. Making more would be a hoot! I think heby Wade - General
I was poking around the Sourceforge directories, and I can find the original flexible drive extruder (which I have built), but does anyone have a file for a direct drive adapter? My flexible extruder drive is about to let go; I may be able to make a direct drive adapter for the GM3 before it breaks if I'm lucky... Wadeby Wade - Mechanics
There's a nice writeup in Seed Magazine, page 18. Saw it at the news stand. Wadeby Wade - General
I bought a set of cast parts from Bits from Bytes, had them shipped to Canada, and then bought all the heavy hardware locally. I hope to start printing some spare parts next week, but don't hold your breath. It could be another four months. Also, at this point, I think the shipping charges are minor compared to the number of man hours I've put in building. This project is still very muchby Wade - General
erik, I had the same problem when I compiled the firmware in Ubuntu. Compiling in windows or Xandros worked fine. I haven't figure out why yet, but till then I use Wade - RepRap Host
Hey, I know there's a few Neil Stephenson fans in here, so just thought I'd mention it. I'm vising my Grandmother in the USA, and found a copy of Anathem at the airport bookstore - it's not out in Canada yet. I don't want to spoil the fun, but let's just say there's some neat stuff in there that a lot of you will enjoy. Good imagery! Now I have to go and find a body harness to carry aroundby Wade - General
Tried glass, not sticky at all with ABS. Yeah, this needs to be on the Wade - Mechanics
Aha! Yes, it turns out my gcode interpreter is actually moving to the coordinates in the comments - there's the problem! Nixing the comments may help with some buffer issues I was having as well. Thanks! Wade PS - nixing the comments doesn't work. I wiped everything, rebooted, reloaded Skeinforge from the zip file above, and the preferences file .skeinforge/export.csv gets updated to: Formaby Wade - RepRap Host
Actually, some RepRappers are making money at it right now. I've paid them myself, in fact. The trick is to provide a service that people need, for a fair price. If you can convince people to pay you for reproducing something that reproduces itself, more power to you. The problem as I see it is, the whole purpose of a RepRap is to make copying "objects" relatively effortless. Adding a doby Wade - General
I managed to print on a CD last night with ABS. It gives a great surface finish, but it's difficult to keep the CD flat. Small working area Wade - Mechanics
Another stupid question - what's the purpose of the bit of code? I've built a sparse 30mm cube, and after each outer rim is built, the code mashes the print head down a couple mm and does an orbit without extruding. I can see the extruder bending - what do I hit to turn that off? And what was the original idea there? Here's an example of the snippet: G1 X5.18 Y27.64 Z16.41 F480.0 G1 X4.45 Yby Wade - RepRap Host
cheers, Forest! You just made me feel better about the rapidly accumulating mass of failed RepRap prints piling up around my Wade - General
posting from my mobile, but if you're using a single arduino, there's not enough pins for the enable signal to be used on all axis. It works fine if you turn down the current limiting pot on the stepper driver board. Been running my Darwin like that for a month. Use the lowest setting that will keep your z axis moving. Alternatively, free up a pin and tweak the Wade - RepRap Host
Enrique, with certain STL files I'm getting the 2nd and third raft layers offset by about half the width of the raft. Here's the STL, and the layer pic: It only happens with that file; I can build a proper raft with the included HollowSquare.stl. Just to be sure, I renamed my preferences directory, and re-downloaded the zip file from this thread, but I'm still getting an odd raft. Can't addby Wade - RepRap Host
elmom, thanks for posting that! I had to compile my Arduino Gcode on another computer, couldn't figure out why it wouldn't work on Ubuntu. Will check that out when I'm back in the Wade - Controllers
This would require a bit more precision than we have, but imagine a system with a small welding laser and an accurate wire feed. If the wire feed could lay the the exposed wire against a chip leg, then use the laser to spot weld the wire, it could then feed the wire off to the next leg... oh, hang on. It's been done minus the laser, and it's called wire bonding. Maybe we can do that? Justby Wade - Plastic Extruder Working Group
Sticky rafts? Or not sticky enough? I'm having trouble getting the ends of my rafts to stick to the build area of my Reprap. I've had a couple successes by covering the build area with electrical tape, but even then I often have to push down the corners of the rafts just after they are extruded, as they have a tendency to curl up and away from the build area. Any ideas on how to stick the rby Wade - Mechanics
Wow, when I hooked my scope today (an ancient analog freebie) I saw a 48 V 60 Hz sine wave signal between my Arduino and the scope, which drowned out the 5V pwm signal I was trying to read. I have not been using the ground connections on the old scope, as I found it was causing problems with the Arduino, and now I just figured out why - that's a pretty serious signal there. This is on an Asus Eby Wade - Controllers
I'm powering my Arduino off USB for now, and it works well. One thing I noticed though, different computers have different noise levels on their USB 5V. Since my thermocouple chip is powered from the Arduino, I get a couple more deg of temp jitter from certain laptops. Not a real problem Wade - Controllers