There are a few other points which I have been looking at: -Thick film pastes -Conductive polymers -Laser sintering<--probably too dangerousby Annirak - Controllers
Should be pretty easy to ebay an isa motherboard. They were used as late as PII. Otherwise, have a look for ISA slotcard computers and PC/104 computers. Both of those still use ISA. has loads of this stuff. It's used for embedded systems, so some of it is quite expensive, but there are PC/104 computers that can be had for about $ Annirak - Controllers
I'm new to reprap, and I'm looking to start putting together some designs. I need a piece of modeling software. I'd prefer linux and open source and, of course, capable of generating stl files that reprap can use. What should I look at? I took a brief look at blender, but it looked far more focused on 3d animation than I Annirak - RepRap Host
The current recommendation for Mendel uses low-melt metal. The channel size is something that I was trying to get away from due to the limitations that it causes. See here for the work done on Mendel at U of Bathby Annirak - Plastic Extruder Working Group
As far as I understand, the process for creating rod goes like this: Run a hopper feed into a melting pot, with a hole at the bottom. The size of the hole is the first-order determining factor on the size of the rod. Next, take the ooze of plastic that comes out the hole, and extend it horizontally under a cooling fan to set the plastic. Then put it through a couple of rollers, which will draby Annirak - Plastic Extruder Working Group
Hmmm... there is another option. Carbon impregnated PLA is a weak conductor, but it is conductive enough for electroplating. Do you think it's viable to print then plate? It would mean that the fabbing process would have to be stopped for each layer of circuit, which adds the requirement of an alignment system which, AFAIK, reprap does not have. Attachment methods for components would be eiby Annirak - Plastic Extruder Working Group
I have great hopes for reprap'd circuits. Particularly in the deposited conductor form. Currently, the best chance appears to be conductive polymers. Conductive epoxy is too expensive to be practical and requires mixing. If we can deposit the polymer well enough, we should be able to build 3D circuits--Massive applciations. I had wondered about sintered copper powder, but that looks like itby Annirak - Plastic Extruder Working Group
You might consider the LPC23xx range of controllers. They have a load of features, including built-in USB, built-in ethernet MAC (don't know if this is useful or not) and lots Annirak - Controllers
Well, I won't be able to start building for a few months. I just wanted to know if self-built parts will be available when I do. Thanksby Annirak - Canada, Vancouver RepRap User Group
I'm thinking about building a reprap. I don't have the budget to do it right now, but in the next few months I may be able to start ramping up to build it. Does anyone in the Vancouver area have a reprap far enough along to replicate?by Annirak - Canada, Vancouver RepRap User Group
I have two questions about the metal being used for reprap2: Why choose Wood's metal, which is toxic, over Field's metal, which is not? Why not consider conductive epoxy, which is solderable?by Annirak - Controllers