Try HDPE, it will break like glass if you put it in -18C for a couple of hours and then let it Mr. Seeker - Let's design something! (I've got an idea ...)
Worth to mention that they use the same thing with glassfiber shards right now. Nanotubes have indeed better results, but the drawback that nanotubes are very problematic when inhaled, because of the dust factor you need very specialized producing technics. I am not sure that they will make 3mm round material, but sheets instead for protection against elektrostatic discharge. But its something toby Mr. Seeker - Let's design something! (I've got an idea ...)
scandragon Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I make my own icecream, and I'd love to be able to > "print" a mold for it with my own initials and a > dragon transferred to the final product > > And ofcourse it would have been nice to have had a > reprap back when my signet broke and I had to > order a new one.. New one just broke the other >by Mr. Seeker - Let's design something! (I've got an idea ...)
Hello, Just read the new Quest from holland (scientific magazine) dated april 2009, and the reprap is mentioned as a source for more information about rapid prototyping. It doesnt talk about the reprap itself, but more about the profits of using rapid prototypers to create stuff that used to take days. Worth to mention on the main site that the reprap doesnt melt plastic like the Z-corp machineby Mr. Seeker - General
Forrest Higgs Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Is that an American units or SI vile? They're > different, don'tchaknow. Sorry, tried to speak cloglish... (its the dutch form of engrish).by Mr. Seeker - General
Just joking... What I know is for building a reprap is a basic understanding of soldering and electronics (if you can solder velleman kits, you can solder this too). Also basic understanding of handtools like a hacksaw and a file. For making a reprap work, you only need a pc and a working program. If you want to screw around with the program, you should learn at least Java or C++. If you wanby Mr. Seeker - General
Then you need to go on scavaging hunt. Erikdebruijn knows a place to get steppermotors for 20 euro pp, but if you want to buy most of the electronics from america its cheaper to get them in one package together with the rest... The rest can be found in hardwarestores. Only the plastic parts need to be printed, but i hope to supply europe on demand somewhere in april early may. Think it will cosby Mr. Seeker - For Sale
The opto endstop is for stopping and calibrating your reprap. A reprap wont work without the opto endstops. It is like taking off the stick of a blind man and telling him to Mr. Seeker - General
Can you rephrase it... I couldnt understand what you tried to Mr. Seeker - For Sale
Check fab@home, they are actively using syringe Mr. Seeker - Mechanics
Moonen natural verkoopt PLA, maar dan alleen in de vorm van bekers en andere spullen. Biopearls verkoopt PLA voor spuitgieten. hycail verkoopt ook PLA, maar dan industrieel. Almond techniek kan deze in lasdraad verwerken, maar is Mr. Seeker - Dutch User Group - Archive
Ik weet het, ik mail veel met Erik en weet het bestaan van deze bestellijst af. Ben met hun bezig om wat aan te schaffen Mr. Seeker - Dutch User Group - Archive
Bits from Bytes is selling complete ones, else you need to ask someone from europe to send you Mr. Seeker - For Sale
Try the SVN for the latest laser cutting parts. If I am correctly, version Darwin 1.0.6 (on sourceforge) has the STL files, also a complete assembly. I have troubles with this assembly, but it should Mr. Seeker - General
I think that guy forgot something: 1. First of all, it is possible to get a larger scale of reproduction than we have now. I am sure about this one, but it needs some investigation. I am sure that there are more things from the reprap that can actually be made out of plastic (instead of steel, but then the reprap would cost more). 2. Mutation. If we have a program that can create/edit plastic rby Mr. Seeker - General
What I always use is a piece of paper, for example the newspaper of yesterday and put it on your desk/whatever you want to save... You can make a huge mess on it, and when you are finished you just fold the paper and throw it away. Thats how I do it on my wooden Mr. Seeker - Controllers
There are good small laserpointers with high wattage around, but they will cost you more than the reprap is worth... And then you can only cut paper or small pieces of Mr. Seeker - Reprappers
I have one thing to say: Mr. Seeker - General
Hoi, Welkom bij reprap Vergeet niet jezelf voor te stellen in de nederlandse forums You can always check, they have a fully functional reprap for around 1050-1100 euro including shipping & tax. ErikDeBruijn is helping people with making repraps in Utrecht (fablab on monday). I can provide people with parts around april, if BfB ships in march... I dont have any partsby Mr. Seeker - Wanted
A breakout board for Arduino, means that all the pins that can be found on an arduino are put on a big board where you can put the elektrical wires in without soldering. This board is placed on top of an arduino. Very handy when you have thick wires and you want to connect them to your arduino without soldering. V1.4 means that it is version 1, revision Mr. Seeker - General
You can also use Muriatic acid(HCl) and hydrogen peroxide, it wont get slower and slower and you can re-use it whenever you want. The cool thing about this is that you will end up with copper... See also this topic on etching:by Mr. Seeker - Controllers
If you know chemistry, then you know that if you provide heat, it will speed up the process. But make sure you dont heat it too much, else it will vaporise and product toxic Mr. Seeker - Controllers
Hey, I tried to find 1.0.6 on the wiki, but I found out that its not there. The sourceforge site gives me an assembly, but the relations are wrong, thus giving me a blown up assembly. Anyone who can fix this?by Mr. Seeker - RepRap Host
I have an idea, but not sure if you like it: Fixed webcam & recording software... If you know the distance from the surface to the extruder, you can calculate the distance in pixels. You know the time (x frames per second), and with this you can calculate flow speed Crappy solution, but worksby Mr. Seeker - Mechanics
What do you exactly mean? Throw the optical endstops away and use mouse sensors or use the mouse to count the teeth on the stepper motors? The problems that will occur (that I know of) are the same as with the webcam: 1. Accuracy (totally depends on the CCD camera inside the mouse) 2. Programming 3. Skipping The 1st problem can be solved, the 3rd one not actually... An optical mouse works by reby Mr. Seeker - Controllers
Novoplast: Graag bieden we aan: Polyetheen of wel PE lasdraad rond 3 mm Naturel (waterig wit) op rol van 3-3,5 kilo 14,00 per kilo Zwart op haspel van 2 kilo 14,00 per kilo Groen,blauw,rood,geel op rol van 5 kilo 24,00 per kilo Naturel en zwart zijn snel te leveren. De andere 4 kleuren op aanvraag. PVC lasdraad rond 3 mm Donkergrijs RAL 7011by Mr. Seeker - Dutch User Group - Archive
I made a wikipage for all the reprapping puzzlers... I also put a puzzle 50mm³ (cube) in it. Anyone willing to reprap and solve it? I havent checked it for errors yet, but the one that encounters an error should PM me... I have the fully assembled file just in Mr. Seeker - Let's design something! (I've got an idea ...)
They said to me a shoebox with values of 300x300x100mm should be good for a standard reprap, if you want to get bigger the best thing is to cut it in smaller parts. I never used skeinforge, so i cant tell you the best Mr. Seeker - RepRap Host
Hallo, Ik zal deze post updaten met een lijst van nederlandse verkopers van plastic die gebruikt kunnen worden in een reprap. Prijzen zijn in kg en voor spoelen. - Van Boxtel Trading ( PE lasdraad 3mm Zwart: 14,55 Naturel: 21,825 PP lasdraad 3mm RAL 7032(grijs): 21,825 PVDF lasdraad 3mm Naturel: 130,425 - Almond Techniek ( HDPE lasdraad 3mm Naturel: 16,76 Zwart: 16,by Mr. Seeker - Dutch User Group - Archive