He said anytime soon the site will be back up... also waiting for him.by Mr. Seeker - General
See my other post for EDIT, and its 4 gig a month, not 4 gig a dayby Mr. Seeker - General
nophead, is that file also available through the SVN? And if so, where can I find it? I can try to create a obj file from it, but I need to find the STP file first (I can try downloading the cartesian bot zip but I have bandwith problems (limited to 4 gig a month). EDIT: I tried opening the STL file, and it looked like the whole thing just had been exploded... Opened in Rhino.by Mr. Seeker - General
Someone go trough all the forums and put them on wiki if they have value?by Mr. Seeker - Administration, Announcements, Policy
The plunger is used to make sure that there is a constant flow...by Mr. Seeker - Mechanics
Zeg unfold, waar ergens in Antwerpen woon je? Want dat zou voor mij dus heel erg handig zijn, want dan heb ik iemand waar ik op de maandagavond mee terug naar belgiby Mr. Seeker - Dutch User Group - Archive
Nice to hear about you Dries. I was wondering when you are coming to Eindhoven and Hasselt. I am currently studying "bachelor of Product development" in Antwerpen and it would be nice to see what Bits and Pieces would be aiming at... Welcome to the forums, and also post something in the dutch corner while you're hereby Mr. Seeker - Paste Extrusion Working Group
Its either arduino or sanguino... Dunno which one exactly is in the part list.by Mr. Seeker - Reprappers
I was thinking: Instead of webcams and "force touch sensors", think cheap and just use a simple pressure switch? I dont know who invented the opto endstop (but I do know its foolproof) but if you have a simple on/off button it will work the same way.by Mr. Seeker - General
At school we use "giotto pongo" for modelling with clay. Its some sort of hard clay that is usable when heated. You dont need to add any water with it. Have you tried these kind of clay? And what do you mean with "affecting the clay underneath"? That it begins to transform?by Mr. Seeker - Plastic Extruder Working Group
FAT16 means that you cant put SDHC in the machine, so you're limited to 2 Gb. I am not a guru with programming pics, stopped learning programming langues when vb6 turned over to .net but i got this idea: - Read the file letter by letter, and put them in a memory slot. - When coming to the character 10 or 13(enter key), execute the text in the memory slot. - Start over until character is 3 (EOF)by Mr. Seeker - Controllers
I use Rhino, but I want to change to solidworks (got a free school edition) 3d models:by Mr. Seeker - RepRap Host
Check here: Maybe you can find some more?by Mr. Seeker - Controllers
Python runs on Windows, Linux/Unix, Mac OS X, OS/2, Amiga, Palm Handhelds, and Nokia mobile phones. Python has also been ported to the Java and .NET virtual machines. Java can be run on every machine that can run Firefox And if I wanna want to use Python on things like Solaris then I need to download a 3rd-party software... And if I consider the fact that everyone has Java... and a few have pyby Mr. Seeker - RepRap Host
I dont think this will ever be a "Core" function for darwin, but the "pick & place" tool is listed as something that we can maybe use in future development, and I am willing to test if thats really possible or that we can scrap it as "not for homebrew". There are some things I really like to try/find out, if Mendel does get to support multiple heads like a CNC milling machine: - Grabbing anby Mr. Seeker - General
Here's your man:by Mr. Seeker - Plastic Extruder Working Group
Since I dont know where to put it, I put it in general... I was looking at the conversation about SMD, and I was wondering why we need a pick & place tool for electronics, if we can use the same system for bolts & nuts. The machine would just pick up a bolt from a small production line, put it in the plastic and you got a bolt in plastic. I think if you have some sort of changable toolby Mr. Seeker - General
Have you checked the spambox? Sometimes mail can end up there.by Mr. Seeker - Administration, Announcements, Policy
Hallo, Weet iemand mij iets te vertellen over eventuele "fablabs" in Tilburg en Eindhoven? Ze stonden op de kaart, maar nu zijn ze weer verdwenen...by Mr. Seeker - Dutch User Group - Archive
Annirak Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > 1)Solder paste can be distributed with a paste > extruder head. Ok, possible. > 2)Parts can be placed using a vacuum wand. But > therein lies the first problem: How do we get the > parts in range of a vacuum wand? A conventional > pick&place machine has a complex reel dispenser > system that tby Mr. Seeker - Controllers
If you have some time (week or less), you can order complete kits from www.bitsfrombytes.com. I think they dont sell plastic parts like the original, but lasercut parts. If you really want to copy the original then I would recommend asking further...by Mr. Seeker - Wanted
proto Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Our nylon-11/12 sinters at around ~195C, but thats > powdered nylon and a strictly controlled inert > nitrogen atmosphere (nylon likes to react with > oxygen/water (though I don't imagine its that > major of a problem with extrusion)). I think that will be of a great problem. Since it can react with normal airby Mr. Seeker - General
If you are thinking about building some simple ventilation, I would suggest a hose from a dryer and a fan (normal pc fan will do), and just put the hose outside your window... Voila, you just made yourself a fume extractor... You can eat from plastic, but make sure you aint eating plastic (you wont die instantly, but its not really healthy...) If you want to eat from it, I would suggest plasticby Mr. Seeker - General
What is also possible is just having a long thin rod in the middle of a tube. When the rod touches the tube, the IO goes zero... Same principal, different layout.by Mr. Seeker - General
BDolge Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Why bother with a barrel at all? Just build a > toolhead with a soldering pencil tip and a device > to feed solder wire in at the top of the hot zone. > To use position the tip where you want to deposit > solder, power up the tip, wait x time to heat up > the tip and any wire/pad you're touching and then &by Mr. Seeker - Plastic Extruder Working Group
Wade Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > but, an accelerometer on the write head might be > useful. Keep an eye on the RMS power of the > vibration the head experiences; that might be able > to detect the next time I have an all-night long > series of head collisions due to a bad programming > job. Why dont you get a shock absorber? Foam works pretby Mr. Seeker - General
Its possible to use it, but I think there are much better alternatives on the market that are sometimes free, sometimes not... Try to look at this site: I also found this: Maybe something for reprap machines? But if you want to be cheap, then I would recommend doing this: Take lots of pictures from the same angle, on a rotating frame. Maybe even put a cross on the platform. Then you open gooby Mr. Seeker - 3D Scanners, Book Scanners, and Optics
I dont know if anyone has tried this (maybe something for mendel), but its a good question: Solder are alloys that have melting points between 90 and 450C, and is commonly found in almost every store that sells electronic parts. Since the extruder can be warmed up until 250C and the normal solder is somewhere between 180-190C, I dont think it would be very hard to have an extruder running on solby Mr. Seeker - Plastic Extruder Working Group
I would say: Check what maps there are in /dev and try to locate the right map... Are you using ubuntu or some different kind of linux? (i know from experience that even if they are in dev, the names can be different (like /dev/usb/ttyUSB0)by Mr. Seeker - Reprappers