I need to learn how to use rhinoceros (or rhino for short) for my study as product engineer, and since its a pretty easy program to make rapid prototyping things, I am wondering how you would like it. Its not freeware (sadly enough). It is costly, and it wil cost at least $995 for a starters package. You can get a trail version, but the manual is saying "The Rhino evaluation version is fully funby Mr. Seeker - 3D Design tools
I got a lot of good things to think about when I saw the message of DeGroof. I hope I can draw some 3d things while waiting, but its a bit hard in school with the new drawing programs they're using... I am pretty sure that I can make some nice reprap chess pieces for you guys. At this moment I got a small game pawn, but building the support is giving me a hard time. See the attachments for the fby Mr. Seeker - Plastic Extruder Working Group
Hello, Since I am planning on building a reprap printer, I was wondering what the limits are for the machine? I know that the max dimensions for a reprap design were 300x300x100mm, but what about the following things: Minimum for: - a sphere - a cone - a cube - a supported sphere with a cone - a hole I was wondering this because if I want to make something like a pawn chess piece, i dont wantby Mr. Seeker - Plastic Extruder Working Group
Hoi, Hier bij mij heb ik hetzelfde probleem. Ik woon zelf in Tilburg, maar zit in Antwerpen op school, voor de opleiding productontwikkeling. Zelf zou ik heel graag zo'n reprap willen hebben, aangezien de printer bij ons op school alleen maar in gips dingen kan produceren en ik soms iets stevigers in mn handen wil hebben. Ik weet alleen niet of het zo verstandig is om een reprap in gips te produby Mr. Seeker - Dutch User Group - Archive