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I am having a strange problem with my prints: when printing this part I end up with an extra wall, but the shape is otherwise fine (and actually quite nice). I tried with two versions of skeinforge and the results are the same.
For the details, this wall is the first line that is being drawn when the extruder passes from the small part to the large one. The small part is unaffected by this p
I mean, for Gen3 electronics?
ok, I understand better now.
Appart from support for new hardware, does the new firmware provide any additional features that facilitate the printing?
Thanks for all the answers!
I am using the motherboard v1.2 + extruder board indeed, just like you apparently. Do you have any particular problem with the old firmware? Could it be an option to install it back? Why don't you want to use the Gen3+ board?
Do you know by any chance which is the latest version of the firmware that still supports Gen3 without the Gen3+ addon please?
Thanks for the answer!
I have seen something similar on a blog, but in my case it doesn't make sense: I can read the temperature using Printrun v32, I can set a point and control the temperature correctly, I can extrude the filamenet and control the potision of the extruder, so I should be able to print an object?
The only thing that seems to be a problem is to control the speed of the extruder,
Hi all,
I managed to re-comission my Mendel reprap, which uses Gen3 electronics and FiveD 20111115 firmware version, but I am having a problem with the print software.
So far I could only have a temperature reading by using PrintRun, all other softwares fail to give me anything. From google I understand that this is due to loss of support from the new fimware/softwares. (if true, I would apprec
I am having similar issue with gen3 electronics: I just cannot make it work anymore, even with the hack from Anton. Have you found the cause of the problem?
Link added in the 'further reading' section
RepRap Host
not hard enough it seems... my mistake!
Thanks for the link. It could be good to show it from the software installation page, I'll add it.
It doesn't seem like there is any info about the ending of a print though. What happens when the print is finished? My version of the code places the Y-axis at its maximum value, parks the extruder and waits. It looks fine to me, except that the extruder kee
RepRap Host
I cannot find a manual (or a wiki or anything of the sort) to explain how the reprap software works and what the different parameters are.
It is quite straightforward to understand how to load an STL file and all, but I cannot quite get the meaning of all the tweaking parameters.
Also, I just succesfully finished my very first print test (YEs !!!! even though there was no filament yet) and now t
RepRap Host
Yes, that is what it does here too. I was initially thinking that the extrude length parameter was affecting the speed of extrusion, but it does not.
Yes, I did that already (, but (unless I missed something) there were no instruction about linking the grounds of the main board and extruder board together.
I though that this topic may help the designers to get more feedback from their work. I can start this thread with one of my own experience:
I am using Gen 3 electronics,
I experienced a problem with the stepper motor, which was stepping randomly when it was powered.
It turned out that this behaviour was due to noise between the ground of the motherboard and the ground of the extruder board.
Next Wave Electronics Working Group
Ok, problem solved. It was a problem of noise indeed.
I joined the grounds together and held my breath while powering the whole thing: no smoke, and the stepper is now behaving correctly. Thanks for your help!
Just as a remark, I don't think it is a good idea to power the motherboard and the extruder from two different sources. I understand that it makes it easier for programming the sanguino w
At the moment, the motherboard is powered by USB and the extruder board is powered by the power supply.
Do you think I can link both grounds together? I am not sure if that will be fine for the USB.
Ok, I've been working on that problem and here are the results:
- I added a shielded cable. The shield is connected to the extruder ground via the ground pin of port D10.
- I restarted the interface, and pushed the extrude button several times using several extrusion speeds.
- First of all, changing the value of the extrusion speed doesn't affect the speed of extrusion, it only affect t
Thanks for the answer, Wade.
You're right, the coils are not energised when the extruder board is resetted. And you're right again, It is a Mendel.
I will try to shield the cables or at least to shorten them and see what happens.
I have an issue with the extruder: when I control it from the reprap console ( by pushing the "Extrude" button in the extruder tab), the extruder stepper starts and turns correctly. But when I press again to stop it, it keeps turning and the software freezes momentarily. The stepper eventually stops after 5-6 seconds and the software responds again, but after that it keeps stepping randomly at an
Thank you so much for asking your question: while looking at it, I actually found the problem on my machine! So here is the answer for you, jsut ask me again if you need more details.
The motherboards has 4 I2C ports in a corner, next to the X-AXIS port. They look like four black blocks of four pins each.
If you read the writings on the board, you can see that the pins correspond to V
Firmware - mainstream and related support
I'm having similar problems here. I have a Gen3 electronics extruder board, the heater/temp controler work but not the stepper.
I had a look around to understand how it works. As far as I understand, there are two ICs (A3949SLBT) that control the stepper outputs (1A 1B 2A 2B ). Each IC controls 2 connectors (one for port 1, one for port 2) and are controled by the microcontroler from a pin (pins
Firmware - mainstream and related support
To Greg: Thanks for the pics, I contacted Kimberly a week ago, she said they would put the indications too. I didn't have time to try this week end but hopefully I will manage to make that next week, I will let you all know.
General Mendel Topics
From scrap metal? That's great! I would like to try that myself if I had enough room at home (meaning, a second home, probably). Weel done, Stevew!
About the extruder, I have contacted Kimberley via ebay, I suppose I should have some pictures to show soon. I will post them here if I get something.
About the EMI, maybe it would be a good idea to include a good filter on the 12V supply. That woul
General Mendel Topics
Sorry for the multiple posting, I didn't read the previous messages correctly.
To Stevew: Actually, I did buy the lasercut parts to fabricate the geared extruder. I know now that it was too early in development but here I am, stuck with this set without any instruction on how to build them together. No info on the net, no info on the lasercut wiki page. Has anyone here have the lasercut geared e
General Mendel Topics
too bad for the university. Maybe it will be easier to get something there once we have a couple of machines up and running, though. I PMed you about a meeting time, let me know if you can do it.
RockDoctor Wrote:
> In theory, true. In practice, there is often a
> degree of cross-linking, oxidation and other
> reactions that also go on when even "pure"
> thermoplastics are heated in
United Kingdom RepRap User Group
Hi Aidan!
I'm glad to see that there is someone trying in here! I've been in touch with the university to try and make a reprap club, but since I'm no longer a student, I had to find some motivated people to start the club. And that is where things got stuck.
If you're motivated to organise a club, I would be happy to help. At the moment, I am building a mendel from lasercut pieces and it should
United Kingdom RepRap User Group
ok, I found the page on the geared extruder ( but I cannot make sense of what I have here: the lasercut parts don't look similar to the plastic ones. If anyone there has a lasercut extruder, can you send me a couple of pics please? That would help a lot.
General Mendel Topics
Thanks for the info. I did find a couple of pages about the geared extruder, it should be enough to make it I hope, but the extruder kit I received came without all the holes, I would have like some more details instructions.
Never mind, I will take some pictures and put the result on the lasercut extruder page if it works.
General Mendel Topics
Hi all,
I started working on a lasercut set, but some instructions are missing on the website. I managed to make the different axes but I don't know how to make the extruder. Where can I find the instuctions?
General Mendel Topics
I wouldn't advise that: the nichrome wire has to heat up to a temperature higher than the extrusion temperature, due to the thermal resistance of the barrel. That means that, for an extrusion temperature of 220C, you may have to heat the nichrome wire up to 270C, say. So you may degrade the teflon, even though the extruder works at a reasonable temperature.
The exact values will depend on your ma
Is the weight of the electronics that heavy? From what I bought, I supposed that a simple B&Q garden mesh would do the trick?
General Mendel Topics
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