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The Folger Tech-2020 firmware is very old. You would be better off bringing up the RC-6 RCBugFix branch. And that does support the Full Graphic's Controller.
Firmware - Marlin
You are most likely fighting a Delta Calibration issue and not an Auto Bed Leveling issue. You can use M665 to fine tune and adjust some of the parameters causing the problem.
I attached a couple of files I used to calibrate my Delta.
The StarBurst is useful to see where you have a problem. You will most likely see a shape to the deformed print. Most likely pointing at one of the towe
Firmware - Marlin
There are three different flavors of Bed Leveling. First, we need to know which version you have turned on. And presumably, you are running RCBugFix, right? That is the easiest for us to support.
Firmware - Marlin
I would do a diff on my current code and compare it all against the code base I was working off of. That way I could see every change I made and it probably would not take too long to find that missing semi-colon or what ever it is that is causing problems.
Firmware - Marlin
Which is the better approach?
The one that works???
Most people home towards minimum. But Delta's have no choice but to home towards max. It is configurable so you can do what ever you need to do.
Firmware - Marlin
How old is this code? About 6 weeks ago there was a problem with RAMPS boards and a literal string error like you are saying. You should pull down the latest RCBugFix and try to bring that up.
Firmware - Marlin
It probably is in your Start Up GCode. For Slic3r, that is on the Printer Tab.
Firmware - Marlin
Have you verified the sensor works? You should put it in the middle of the bed and at a height of 75mm or 100mm. Then issue an M119 command. It should say the Z Probe is not triggered. Then do the same thing with the nozzle just touching the bed. Does it say it is triggered?
Firmware - Marlin
printrbot's use of old marlin is pretty annoying.
anyone know what changes printrbot made to marlin, can they be easily rolled into a current marlin that can build with current IDE?
For the people that know how to do it, adding support for a board in Arduino is not too big of a deal. Especially if you have a board file that is close. Unfortunately, I don't know how to do it and my
Firmware - Marlin
What version of Arduino did you get it running on? I'm hoping it was something like v1.6.8 !!!
Firmware - Marlin
First... Can you move to RC6-RCBugFix? That is going to be the easiest code for us to help you with.
The G30 should work to probe the piece. But trying to do this on a Delta is going to be much more complicated. The Delta Towers complicate the movement dramatically. They require the correct usage of void prepare_move_raw() and sync_plan_position_delta(); The learning curve to
Firmware - Marlin
The Marlin Team is trying to make sure we are supporting the right hardware platforms.
If you are running a RepRap printer with Marlin, please spend 1 minute and do the survey located here:
The results of the survey are being discussed in this thread:
Firmware - Marlin
I don't know the full answer.
But the Fast I/O library is different or doesn't exist on the DUE.
I think you are running into problems because the compiler can't find the declarations (and functions) it needs to compile the code.
Firmware - Marlin
You are caught in a Catch-22. The problem is there are not instructions for getting PrintRboards to work with the latest Arduino's such as v1.6.8. But there are problems and conflicts in earlier versions of Arduino (some versions after v1.05) that cause strange behavior in Marlin. You can turn off the sanity checks to allow it to compile with v.22 or v1.05 which can be made with PrintRboa
Firmware - Marlin
There are people doing DUE versions of Marlin. But I don't think anything is ready for prime time. It might be worth your while to check out MarlinKimbra. It has a DUE fork and I know the code base is clean.
Firmware - Marlin
I have got the bed to park in the X and Y where I want but Z still stays in the position of the last print. Is this controlled on the same page in Repetier or is Arduino Marlin file controlling it? Still do not have a firm understanding of the responsibility of the two programs.
You probably just want the print head to go up 1 mm or so, home x and y, and then tell
Prusa i3 and variants
Thanks for clearing this up for me! I couldn't get the firmware to upload with ramps on board. Oh1 How I wish these neat toys could have appeared earlier in my life.
I am having a very hard time getting around the Marlin setup. I seem to find guidelines for older version or something. Anyhow I have been unable to get the firmware set up right. It fails on
upload saying won't come
Firmware - Marlin
Thanks Boffster! I added a nut trap (along with making the bore hole longer).
Prusa i3 and variants
Working thru my problems one at a time and having fun. Can anyone recommend a good working adjustable Z end stop fpr my folger 2020 i3? Printed out two and not pleased with how they work.
Similar to what Roxy suggested above, when printing a new x-carriage due to a leadscrew upgrade, I took the opportunity to add a small section to the bottom that would take an M3
Prusa i3 and variants
If the ramps is onboard the Arduino do I need to have the power to the ramps hooked up or will it still get power thru the USP.
I just flashed a Mega board yesterday using only the USB port to power it. I had to take the RAMPS board off in order to do that. I think the RAMPS was eating too much power for the USB but I'm not sure if that is really true. I do know I could not f
Firmware - Marlin
I wasn't happy with the Z-Axis end stop in particular. It was too hard to get accurately placed, and then it would wiggle and change position. So I printed up these end stops holders, and then I put a screw with three nuts on the back side of the X-Carriage. I glued the 3 nuts to the carriage with E6000 glue. Now I can very precisely set the Z-Stop trigger by just turning the screw a parti
Prusa i3 and variants
i have a Folger 20/20 i3 up and running. Wanting the add bed leveling. Found information on setting it up Marlin and the printed servo parts. I am needing some basic information from the start. Can't find an explanation of operation and parts needed. Can someone point me in the right direction?
I included very inexpensive eBay sources for this one:
Setting it up? Well, you
Prusa i3 and variants
Please post what ever you did on the duct fan. Somebody here can take that and finish cleaning up the design. If it is done in OpenScad, I'll do it my self.
Prusa i3 and variants
Attached is a modification for the Folger Tech 2020 i3 to facilitate Auto Bed Leveling.
You need a standard servo and micro-switch from eBay. You will also need several M3x45 bolts because the servo cage mounts behind the extruder's stepper motor and the bolts need to be 5mm longer than what came with your kit:
When engaged, the probe rests against the extruder's right hand feed l
Prusa i3 and variants
What is the problem with switching layers? Is it leaving the laser turned on as it changes position? And I presume, you want the laser off while it is changing layers???
Firmware - Marlin
We have opened up a new section in the MarlinFirmware repository for documentation. The very first thread in this new area was chosen to be on this topic.
(So in other words... I feel your pain!)
The rules ThinkyHead gave me helped. He said if the electronics has a function defined on the board, it should be in the Pins.h file associated with the board. (I had deleted the Z_MIN_PIN beca
Firmware - Marlin
Yes, that is correct. And there is a new I, J, K parameter set to handle Delta Radius trim numbers. But that is not in the RC mix. That is over on the MarlinDev side.
Firmware - Marlin
The problem is that this not possible to do in Marlin FW due to the extended MarlinSerial .....
How do I solve this???
Why isn't it possible? A lot more information is needed to understand your problem.
Firmware - Marlin
I don't know what your inductive probe puts out for a signal, but you could tie that pin either high or low so that the firmware thinks it is untriggered. But really, compiling the firmware is so easy and it really is the right way to handle this.
Firmware - Marlin
There are some other bugs in the LCD Panel control of things. They are being worked on. But you should be using RCBugFix and not the RC-? branch. RCBugFix is always an improved version of the RC-? branch.
Please try the RCBugFix branch and see if your problem is still there.
Firmware - Marlin