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HI Traumflug
Thanks for your suggestion!
The control signal polarity of step_motor_driver_enable is correct. And the driving current of motor is also just about 1A, that should be not too large. I guess that this hot condition is caused by disable action of step_motor_driver_enable that is not applied in some situations. So I make reference to code of "Z_AUTODISABLE" and add code of step
Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
HI All
Many days ago, I have got a trouble of RS232 communication with Pronterface when I use TeaCup FW on PRUSA I3 with RAPMS1.4 and Arduino ATMEGA2560(R3) control driver board. Now printer is workable with TeaCup FW and can use Pronterface to do print action. The fail reason is that RAM of code used is out of size. Just like the compiler message shows below:
Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
COM port is ok. Actually RS232 connection is ok with marlin FW when using same COM port setting.
So I am confused about why RS232 connection fail with TeaCup FW. Marlin FW uses USART0 that is connected to PC by a "USB to RS232" bridge builded in Arduino ATMEGA 2560 board.
Is it possible that TeaCup FW's RS232 setting is different from Marlin used?
Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
Thanks for your advise, but I have already tried the baud rate setting before, whatever the setting value connection still fail.
If any possible reason relative to the setting that is not included in config tool?
Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
I have built a 3D printer that is model of PRUSA I3 with RAPMS1.4 and Arduino ATMEGA2560(R3) control driver board. It is workable with Marlin FW perfectly.
Now I want to use TeaCup FW on it. But I got trouble in connection with Pronterface printing control AP. It seems that RS232 connection fail between PC and ATMEGA2560.
I follow the installation guild web page "
Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future