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Do you really need to convert some geometry + acceleration profile - > steps - > quadratic (cubic) functions of t - > steps? After first conversion to steps you loose some information. Maybe skip it and convert to cubic functions directly? At least that's what I was planning to do.
As to possible compression algorithm I can think of splitting step series in some segments (0.1 sec) and t
Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
I tried to access site at but it seems there is nothing about Skeinforge. Is project dead? It sounds great from decription - Python, plugins etc - great for people who want to tinker with their gcode.
Please consider using not quadratic, but cubic curves - to implement real jerk limiting/S-shape acceleration profile.
Great project, I was thinking about doing similar myself.
Also with this architecture it's easy to use FPGA as controller - it can achive tenth of millions of steps per second if there is need for such speeds.
Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future