Stoof, contact and they will rework it for johnnyr - Controllers
Chi Mei natural is cream johnnyr - Polymer Working Group
A cheap PSU with GND at a higher voltage than mains GND caused the other similar case. Please check for a differential voltage between (-) on your PSU and your PC case. Traumflug: There is no way to connect USB 5V to the PSU 5V on RAMBo. It is jumper select. VCC is sourced from either USB or the onboard johnnyr - Controllers
I have helped debug a similar issue in the past. It was as VDX suggests. To test for the differential ground issue: Disconnect USB from RAMPS. Connect and turn on your power supply. Put one voltage (multi-)meter probe on GND on RAMPS, the other probe to the metal USB shield from your computer. Check for DC volts and AC volts. Both should read johnnyr - Reprappers
You can connect the green wire to the PS_ON pin next to the reset button. Most firmwares are already setup to control this pin with the following gcodes. M80 for on M81 for offby johnnyr - RAMPS Electronics
Sounds like the motherboad setting in Configuration.h does not match your version of RAMPS. For v1.4 you need to set it to johnnyr - RAMPS Electronics
Hi Jonze, You need to connect yellow and black wires to the other pair of connectors in the green input connector. The pair marked 5A supplies the motors, D9, and D10 johnnyr - General
I didn't read your issue well enough earlier. The manual extrude command in repsnapper is way too high for the way extrusion is currently controlled. Use the slider by the extrude button to reduce speed to something close to 200mm/s. Pronterface is currently more up to date and will, by default, send manual extrude commands w/ sane johnnyr - RAMPS Electronics
Also check that all the jumpers are installed under the driver. You can switch the driver with another (Z) and see if the issue follows the driver. Make sure to disconnect power and USB johnnyr - RAMPS Electronics
Sounds like your endstops are connected to - and + on your PCB. When you trigger the endstop you are tripping the fuse. Connect them to - and S(ignal).by johnnyr - General
No problem, glad you are making progress. cr3a7ure Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Still nothing, the LED isn't supposed to light up? > or it is there for other purpose? The LED is controlled by firmware. In Sprinter the LED turns on when the extruder heater is on. > As far as the D8-10 i found that +12V through the > fuse are ok, but there is a proby johnnyr - RAMPS Electronics
cr3a7ure Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I have plugged on the RAMPS only the > opto-endstops, X axis pololu driver & stepper > motor and the fan. > Opto's work but i think the are powered from > arduino right? Correct > On the middle MOSfet (Q2) found 11V. > I also measured pololu's voltages and found: > Vdd=0.4V > Vmot=0.1V >by johnnyr - RAMPS Electronics
You can use the easydrivers to run your motors. The MS3 pin is used to set 1/16 microstep, and is not required. 1/8 is suitable. You can use the RAMPS schematic as a reference to wire up your own thermistor circuit and heater mosfets johnnyr - RAMPS Electronics
Loosing connection with Arduino when RAMPS is installed sounds like a short on 5V tripping the fuse on Arduino. Unplug endstops and stepper drivers if they are attached to remove them from the equation and try again. If it still doesn't work test if 5V is shorted to ground on the RAMPS johnnyr - RAMPS Electronics
If you are using RepSnapper try reducing extruder speed in the control panel the default in RepSnapper is too high for the default e steps/mm in johnnyr - RAMPS Electronics
Are you sure RepSnapper has finished loading the gcode before starting the print? In my environment, repsnapper does not automatically refresh the 3d render pane. It is only refreshed when I click in the render pane. It sounds like maybe you do not let the file load complete ("Done" will show in the status bar) before clicking johnnyr - General
zzarbi Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I try to get the gcode of > > Here the gcode generated by skeinforge 39 with > ultimachine profile > > le_export.gcode > Here what repsnapperBeta show me > The gcode file you linked is raising 40mm each Z each layer. What is set in Skeinforge under Craft->Carve->Layer Thickness The profileby johnnyr - RAMPS Electronics
Nicolas Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > No, No! I did select the profile PLA that > ultimachine made. Now When I import the gcode into > repsnapper i get the following picture: > > I didn't want to try printing... Anyway it's > simple any gcode I load with repsnapper (linux OR > windows) doesn't show up correctly with > repsnapper, it's alby johnnyr - RAMPS Electronics
BodgeIt Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > A.. Store the list/table of working combintaions. > B.. Store these frozen working combintaions for > users to down load in 1 zip file. > > This all needs to be a seperate enity to the code > within the development cycle. I agree. We need to get this done ASAP and I will help. Do you think we should appenby johnnyr - RAMPS Electronics
zzarbi Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I use the > profile/alteration of > ultimachine( > notes) but the gcode doesnt produced doesn't work > with repsnapper... Sounds like possibly you did not select the profile in Skeinforge, there should be a button by profile at the top. Select the profile name you want. Iby johnnyr - RAMPS Electronics
Hi hexitex, I would feel bad you are having so much trouble if you were not so busy making a troll out of yourself. Yes I read these forums, however I do have other responsibilities and do not do so every day. First and last time I read this thread it looked like 34 hours after the initial post you announced it was solved. At that point it changed topic midstream. For a better answers to yourby johnnyr - RAMPS Electronics
makeme, your placement diagram looks good. You got it all correct. The diode is supposed to be 3mm. It never got updated in the BOM from version 1.0. I updated the wiki page. Also, the stackable headers being easier to solder on "home fabbed" single sided PCBs is the reason they are still in the johnnyr - RAMPS Electronics
The only component change from 1.1 to 1.2 is needing a 20 pin 0.1" header instead of 10 pin. I updated the wiki page. The eurostyle connectors are good, but you can replace them with some other 5.08 connecotor We have been getting the connectors from here. . You can get them from me at also. I have not located the proper part number for them. And of course there are tons of other connectorsby johnnyr - RAMPS Electronics
Elmar: Welcome to the Forum I don't have a Mac here, but asked prusajr in #reprap on IRC. He confirmed that Repsnapper build you linked executes and works for him. Although you are using RAMPS your issue seems to be getting Repsnapper to run on OS10. You will be more likely to get helpful answers, and help others encountering the same issue in the future by posting your question in the Repsnapby johnnyr - RAMPS Electronics
Hi Grogyan, thanks for noticing my efforts. One thing I notice about your design that will probably catch you by surprise. The fuse footprint is not the same as the actual part. I used a stock littlefuse footprint. The part overhangs it some and probably interfere with the johnnyr - RAMPS Electronics
The firmware needs to be configured for the electronics used. It is not difficult. You just comment or uncomment the settings you need. Here is the configuration file There are firmwares with the configuration set for RAMPS available at . The list shows which software they confirmed to be compatible with. Host Software = original reprap programby johnnyr - RAMPS Electronics
Yes, I have printed both versions that I have published. Many of the pictures on the RAMPS wiki page are of RAMPS boards I printed on my Mendel. . There is also some narration on the UltiMachine blog. Surface mount is definitely good stuff. RAMPS has so many headers, connectors and, sockets that have to be through hole it kinda makes sense not to use SMT on the few remaining components(with theby johnnyr - RAMPS Electronics
The polygon is generated based on your DRC settings. After you set the clearance measurement in DRC and run ratsnest it will automatically set the polygon spacing to that width. You can select the polygon by clicking on it's outline. The gnd polygon on RAMPS shares it's outline with the dimension line. You can left click on the outline and then right click to cycle through the objects you are seby johnnyr - RAMPS Electronics
Did you try adjusting the potentiometer? It contols the current limit for the stepper johnnyr - Controllers
The silver sticks fine here, but I print on blue painters tape and don't use a heated johnnyr - Reprappers