Quoteo_lampe Just asked myself, if it would be possible to adapt a windscreen wiper wormdrive to a Stepper or a smaller wormdrive from electric window screens? This is the RepRap forum at least You can't convert one to a stepper motor, but you could convert one into a DC servo motor by attaching an incremental encoder. The encoder should be attached to the motor itself and not the gearbox outputby yngndrw - CoreXY Machines
That is a good price, even if you add UK shipping to it ! I might have to pick up a few of these. 420mm is a good length for a 250-300mm build area. The blocks look to have ball retainers, which should allow them to be removed without the balls going walkabouts.by yngndrw - CoreXY Machines
You should consider using stacked belts instead: NB: They don't have to line up where they meet the carriage:by yngndrw - CoreXY Machines
I guess you can still stick to high top-speeds and still benefit, especially with the size of your print-bed. Were both the prints done after performing the extruder calibration ? I noticed that a test cube I printed ages ago was quite shiny, but a recent one that I did had a really dull surface - I can't remember changing anything of value, except the extruder calibration so maybe it's relatedby yngndrw - CoreXY Machines
What exactly did you fiddle with on your power supply ? A video would probably help show what the issue is, it doesn't sound like the easiest thing to explain in words.by yngndrw - Reprappers
QuoteQdeathstar Yeah, i have heard some nasty things about onshape as far as the functionality goes. I've been using OnShape and it feels very much like Solidworks. I can't say there's much functionality that I've been missing in my use. My only complaint is that some of the operations feel slow, as it has to be done on the server. Quotethe_digital_dentist I ran some tests on single walled cubesby yngndrw - CoreXY Machines
The layer alignment looks really good and there doesn't seem to be any ringing, as far as I can see from the picture - Especially good considering the speeds. Where were you planning on adding the bracing ? Diagonals across the sides ? It's quite a tall printer so maybe even the 40mm (45?) extrusion wasn't quite big enough for the vertical bits. Then again, the wobble that you mentioned doesn'tby yngndrw - CoreXY Machines
Last night I had an idea about how the extruder access issue could be resolved. It moves away from the tube mount idea, but ends up requiring a single plate (10-12mm thick) being machined with little more than a few pockets and holes on each side. I used 10mm in my mock-up but 12mm would probably be better for clearances: It's based off the MGN15 rails as I haven't found any of the low-profileby yngndrw - CoreXY Machines
I'm not sure what to make of the layer alignment issue, if it was related to resonance you'd expect to see a consistent pattern given that the sides of the cube are all the same. I'm thinking that it could be backlash, although I'd also expect a consistent pattern in that. The more I look at your X carriage setup the more I like it, I think the only thing I'd change would be to turn the extruderby yngndrw - CoreXY Machines
Looks great and the print quality looks good even at those speeds, or at least as far as I can see from the video and without cooling. What kind of print cooling fan do you have in mind ?by yngndrw - CoreXY Machines
I've just recieved and installed the new belt on the X axis. My test print now comes out perfectly. I printed a couple of these belt clamps using my old belt and my dodgy ziptie tensioner, then compared to the new belt, tweaked the size and re-printed to get it spot on - I've attached my modified .scad file with the parameters I used in case it's of use to anyone) I did away with the dodgy M3by yngndrw - Reprappers
Thank you, they have a good range.by yngndrw - CoreXY Machines
I suppose the only way I'd know for sure is to try it. I had a look for some aluminium tooling plate in the UK earlier and couldn't really find any - I wonder if it has a different name over here ? Then again I can't machine it myself so I could pay someone to source the necessary materials and machine it. I'll make sure the design works with and without a plate, then I'm covered.by yngndrw - CoreXY Machines
Thanks, that gives me an idea as to what to expect from mine then. I might have to look at swapping to a wider / low profile rail like you have for the X span as that should reduce sagging.by yngndrw - CoreXY Machines
Well I don't usually like the idea of using a spring for tensioning as the belt is already a giant spring, but in this case it seems that I don't have the option. My new belts haven't arrived yet, but I used some cable ties to re-tension my current T5 belt so that I could print some 2mm pitch belt clamps. While printing I noticed that the motor stalled when moving towards the motor side and theby yngndrw - Reprappers
Sorry if I've missed this in your thread but I couldn't find any mention of the X and Y linear guide rails that you're using - What size (And make) are they ? Do you have any deflection issues for the X span ?by yngndrw - CoreXY Machines
Good idea, at least then I only need to drill holes. I'll have to continue with the design and see how it all fits together. Thanks.by yngndrw - CoreXY Machines
Thanks Mark, that would give me another couple of mm by removing the funny slot edge from the extrusion and would stop the rail from slipping off the slot while assembling. Would the rails be okay with just a total of 5mm width of metal behind them ? I suppose there's not a huge force behind them. I'll also have to make sure the fixed pully and notor blocks are corrected for the new height as Iby yngndrw - CoreXY Machines
I was hoping to get some advice on mounting some MGN15 linear rail onto some Bosch Rexroth 40x80 aluminium extrusion. A picture is a thousand words, so please see attached. The 40mm extrusion has a 10mm slot, which doesn't leave very much metal for the 15mm wide rail to sit on. What's the best way to resolve this ? I don't want to have to get a piece of solid aluminium box section machined forby yngndrw - CoreXY Machines
Thanks for the tip, I don't think I'll be able to do that with the current T5 belts as the gap is only small, but I should be able to fit a nyloc nut in with the new belts as these are thinner. It should certainly keep me going until I get something more reliable. (Or finish my new CoreXY design) I need to do some test prints of the belt tensioner for my new design so this might be a good guineaby yngndrw - Reprappers
So I double checked the pulley and that is fine, but I then put my finger on the belt while it was printing that portion and the filled in portion moved right over to the inner shell - Clearly it's a tension issue. My printer uses this X carriage, which uses an M3 screw pressed against the belt to create tension - It looks like the screw has been pushing through the belt, meaning that tension caby yngndrw - Reprappers
Results: Infill Overlap Percentage: 10% Infill Overlap: 0.04mm Skin Overlap Percentage: 5% Skin Overlap: 0.02mm Print 1 - Wall Thickness: 1.0mm -> 0.8mm - No difference. Print 2 - Infill, Inner Wall & Support Speeds: 80mm/s -> 60mm/s - No difference. Print 3 - Infill Overlap Percentage: 10% -> 15% - No difference. Print 4 - Rotated Print (180 Degrees) - Error was on opposite siby yngndrw - Reprappers
Quotescottybfg You changed too many parameters at the same time to get any useful information. You should change one at a time to see what affect it had, now that the problem has shifted we know its something to do with cura or the acceleration. Try a print changing the acceleration back to the old, if the print looks the same as #2 (shells not joined) then you know its something to do with tby yngndrw - Reprappers
So I've just tried another print with the following changes: Wall thickness changed from 1.0mm to 1.2mm Verified that cura set the line width to 0.4mm and the wall line count to 3 Changed the infill speed, inner wall speed and support speed from 80mm/s to 60mm/s Lowered the accelerations Old accelerations: (mm/s^2) M201 X3200 Y3200 Z128 E3200 New accelerations: (mm/s^2) M201 X1600 Y1600 Z64by yngndrw - Reprappers
QuotescottybfgTry slowing down your infill print speed, if the infill is printed too fast, it will not have enough time to bond to the outline perimeters. Start at say 60mm/s then work your way back up. I dont use cura myself but seeing a shell wall thickness of 1mm makes me think this could be the issue, with a 0.4mm nozzle try a wall thickness of 0.8mm or 1.2mm and see if that changes the prinby yngndrw - Reprappers
I have a problem with my prints, please see attached picture - Sorry for the low quality image. Essentially there seems to be a gap between the outer shell of my print and the filled portion - The test print was just two layers high, but it happens across all layers including infill. I've just tried reversing my belt so that the smooth side runs over the idler but this didn't help. The belt isby yngndrw - Reprappers
I've started designing the business end - Currently work in progress of course: (I'll use a short 13Ncm 20mm stepper motor for the extruder) The carriage is built around a single MGN15H block, a 4mm thick aluminium plate (Carved out to a thickness of 2mm, with a 4mm edge for rigidity) and a 40x30x2mm aluminium box section piece to support the belts and cable carrier: There's space on the fby yngndrw - Reprappers
Thank you both. o_lampe: Do you have a build thread you can link me to ? I tried searching for it but couldn't spot it. I suppose one consideration with the proper linear guides is that they weigh quite a lot, I'm thinking of the MGN15's especially for the X span although it's quite a lot of weight to move. On the other hand, rigidity should allow me to move a larger mass without any quality iby yngndrw - Reprappers
Hello all, So I was hoping for some advice on where I should go with my printer. I currently have an old Prusa i2 frame that I had started to build a few years ago - I'd shelved the project due to hot-end issues but I've just recently finished it off and got it printing. As I'm sure most of you know the i2 is about as rigid as a wet piece of pasta and is really limited in build volume, thereforby yngndrw - Reprappers
Currently my hot-end isn't working and I'm waiting on some parts so I can't test how my machine will work when printing. I do have smooth rods and good ball bearings so I might be okay. If these springs would be okay for the usage as you say I may order them and then when I get my hot-end sorted out I can try the machine as is and if it needs the springs I'd have them to hand. Head crashes shouby yngndrw - General Mendel Topics