I was planning on swapping out the fans and the extruder heat cartridge for 24 volt versions, and the bed has an alternate connection configuration for 24 volts. At first glance, this would tell me that the 15 amp 24v PSU is fine, except that I would guess that the bed draw does not halve. It probably will continue to draw 11 amps at 24 volts which won't leave enough for the other components.by jbernardis - Smoothie
I am in the very early stages of converting one of my printers to smoothie (it currently used RAMPS) and at the same time am considering upping the PSU from 12V to 24V. I have been successfully running the printer using a 12V30A PSU, but I don't think I'm using anywhere near that capacity. I just have the usual 4 steppers for axes, 1 for extruder, one heated bed and one ESD v6 extruder. The doby jbernardis - Smoothie
If you look carefully at pronterface, you'll find a python module there called printcore.py. It's not very well documented, but if you study it you'll find that it does all of the low level communication with the printer. You can base you own user interface on top of it. That's exactly what I did with my first generation control program. It worked well enough, but I kept wanting to add featurby jbernardis - Experimental
I use it a bit. Especially now that I have an ubuntu version. The main problem is that it doesn't fit into my tool chain. You can't use it as a background slicer - it can only work if you load up the GUI and import your objects, slice them, export them as g code files, and then load them in your host program (I too have not gotten craftprint to work, and quite frankly have no interest in doingby jbernardis - Experimental
I didn't realize that openscad detects recursive code. However having said that, I should also state that there is nothing wrong with recursive code. It is a valid programming concept that I use often. The trick to recursion is to have logic to limit it. The most I would hope that openscad would do would be to limit the depth of recursion. I think it would be perfectly valid for it to erby jbernardis - OpenSCAD
In general, you'll get more help if you post these questions down in the software section. There is a thread for teacup where people are willing to help out. Regarding the configtool window disappearing too fast to see what's going on, it soulds to me like you might be missing some python packages. If you open up a command window, and in the command window, change into the folder where configtby jbernardis - General
Quotedmould IMO the first solid layer over sparse (<25%) infill should be printed with bridging parameters, because it is bridging over fairly large gaps between the infill. I agree with Dave in this one - the first solid layer SHOULD be a bridge. However, my observation is that slic3r does this. At least when I am printing with PLA, my fan comes on - which is part of my bridging behavior.by jbernardis - Slic3r
Yes - it is a matter of your printer calibration. Most software is actually unitless. You might enter units, but basically they mean nothing until you try to get a physical version of that object. The printer needs to be told how many steps are necessary to produce a millimeter of movement not only for the X, Y, and Z axes, but also for the E axis - you need to know that filament is being extrby jbernardis - Printing
I use PLA for everything except for things near heat - basically only the extruder and the X carriage. Yes it's not very machinable, but I find it very rigid and strong and have never had a delamination problemby jbernardis - Printing
G code does provide for two commands - G2 and G3 - do draw smooth arcs - although I'm not sure that it's supported by any firmware. The main problem, as Digital_Dentist has pointed out, is that the STL format is really just a collection of triangular facets. It is possible to get very fine detail by controlling the size of those facets, but it would be a difficult task for the slicing softwareby jbernardis - Slic3r
Why are you going to use YMAX. It would be simpler to use all MIN end stops. Don't be mislead by that diagram you posted. Even though it is saying that YMAX is at the back of the bed, what it is really saying is that the bed is in YMAX position when the head is above the rear of the bed. A YMIN endstop should go at the rear of the printer. When Y=0, the bed is fully to the rear position, aby jbernardis - Printing
The usual culprit is people invert the direction of the Y axis. They think in terms of the bed moving and should be thinking in terms of the print head moving instead. When the Y axis is moving in a positive direction, the bed should be moving forward. This is because the head is "moving" to the rear where the Y coordinates are larger. It is also possible to make this same mistake on the X axby jbernardis - Printing
QuoteRigor_M What do you guys think of the tr8*8 rods sold on ebay and robodigg (that comes already installed on a stepper) ? And if thoses are a good choice, a plce the i could get some in Canada. Thanks I have the robodigg motors/rods and they are very nice. They are fairly "steep" though compared to my older screws. Because they are steep, it is possible to "back-drive" when exerting anby jbernardis - General
Quotedpeart I'll just add a small disc to the top of each hex inset as I can't find a way to get automatic supports created without filling up every hole. This is what I do. Generally I make the "membrane" 0.25mm high and it works out OK - that way it's just a single bridging layer. If I am creating my own part in openscad, this is easy to do. If someone gives me an STL to print and it needsby jbernardis - General
There are 3 different axes to rotate around and infinite number of degrees around each one. How in the world could slic3r know how to "automatically" rotate??by jbernardis - Slic3r
no way to do this. You need to download the marlin source code and re-build.by jbernardis - Firmware - mainstream and related support
I'm not familiar with the error, but usually a brown out is a low power situation. Can you verify that your power supply is providing proper voltage/current? If the PSU is OK, look at the wiring that delivers that power to the printer board. My experience with so called computer induced failures are always related to a communications failure on the USB cable. This can happen in noisy electricby jbernardis - General
QuoteRRuser I've always wondered which command had priority: Start Gcode, or the slicer setting. I guess the Start does. Neither statement "takes priority". They are both executed - but in the order provided. The start G Code is put onto the front of the G Code generated by Slic3r, so the Slic3r generated code will actually trump the start G code by virtue of being executed later. To answer yby jbernardis - Slic3r
I'm not familiar with meshmixer. I have it on my PC but I've never invested the time to learn it. The first question I'd have to ask, though, is what is the condition of the two input objects? Are they manifold? If they are not, that might be the cause of your problems.by jbernardis - 3D Design tools
That's a well-known artifact in openscad when subtracting two objects that have the same dimension. As you say, it goes away in the rendering. The typical way around it is to make the dimension of the object being subtracted slightly larger. I typically add 0.01mm and it works fine. It you're worried about the effect of doing this on the final rendering, instead of using a literal value, useby jbernardis - 3D Design tools
Openscad CAN import and combine STL files, but the capabilities are limited - although later versions are better at it than earlier versions. The key word in the previous sentence, though, is import. Youc annot open them through the "file" menu. You need to create a small openscad "program" that imports the files. Once imported, then can be manipulated, but you do not have access to the matheby jbernardis - Reprappers
I had nothing but problems with LCDs that were connected via a parallel interface. I have since swapped out with a serial LCD using the panelolu2 and the difference is night and day. I have had absolutely NO garbage on the screen since making the change. I doubt that you can find a retailer selling panelolu2 - so it's in the domain of the do-it-youselfer. I had to use the eagle files to fabriby jbernardis - General
Thanks for the filastruder link. A $16 investment is inexpensive enough that I might give it a try before redesigning things.by jbernardis - Reprappers
I am set for 5mm of retraction at 50mm/s with a 2mm minimum distance. I'm actually quite happy with the flow rates and I am getting very minimal stringing (actually almost none)by jbernardis - Reprappers
I have recently commissioned a printer with a dual bowden extruder arrangement. I am using these fittings that I have purchased from McMaster. Twice now, I have left a print unattended only to come back to find that the tube has slipped out of the fitting at the extruder, and there is a pile of filament on the floor. Afterwards, the fitting no longer holds on to the tubing. I can insert it, bby jbernardis - Reprappers
Another obstacle that occurred to me after my last post is that the 3D printer is an additive process, whereas the CNC is a subtractive process. The G Code for 3D printing is to fill in the interior, whereas the G Code for CNC is to remove the exterior.by jbernardis - Slic3r
Many of the parameters are printed when Marlin first connects with the host. They can also be printed on demand by various G Code commands. There are MANY parameters, however, that are not visible anywhere other than in the source code.by jbernardis - Firmware - mainstream and related support
Here is a quick work-up. I have no idea your dimensions, but I tried to parameterize it so you can change it easily. For a perfect match, you might want to print 2 //change the next 6 lines to match your dimensions dim=20; //the width/height of the extrusion wall=4; //how thick you want the walls to be height = 50; //the length of the "sleeve" hookwall = 6; //howby jbernardis - Object repositories
Or you could post-process the gcode to strip out the temperature controls and the E axis. BUT: You'd need to reconcile that fact that on a 3D printer your Z axis starts at 0 and increases whereas on a CNC machine Z generally starts at 0 and decreases. most CNC machines are capable of producing arcs via G2 and G3, but I'm not sure slic3r can generate them. you'd have to somehow account for toolby jbernardis - Slic3r
Quotethe_digital_dentist Computers and host software decrease the reliability of 3D printing, an already unreliable process. Your mileage may vary here. I have been 3D printing for over 2 years using host software I wrote myself and have never had a print fail due to the fact that the printer was being driven by a host. I used pronterface early on, but have long since replaced it with host soby jbernardis - Extruded Aluminum Frames