DAM that looks tight I wanted to paint mine so bad but I got too excited and just built it I was gonna go with like an oak stain but that black looks sick....darn my impatience ...I'm having some trouble with Greg's extruder as well the motor gear doesn't seem to match the other gear when I put it on like colin does on the video it was a bitch trying to take that gear off after I put it on the mby spin - General Mendel Topics
I purchased mine as well and am in the process of building colin is very fast at replying I ended up short on my belt let him know and he sent me a new one no questions asked its a fun build I don't have much time so I just build a Lil at a time I'm currently just waiting on that beltby spin - General Mendel Topics
hey harsh reallity did you get yours in yet i just ordered mine a couple days ago and i had the same experience with the fast response im supeer stokedby spin - General Mendel Topics