Doesnt matter, with heat,laser whatever..the point is how to use such a tool if you fit it on your bergsprekken - General
Hows the support currently for using other types of tools on a reprap mendel? F.ex if someone wanted to fit an etcher where the extruder is on a mendel, how hard would it be to actually make the software fit the use of this tool? I was thinking about how to mount a tool, and I want to design a way to fit an etcher(wood etching). Figured you could do this by redesigning the extruder stl to make iby bergsprekken - General
I always take it to the home position right after powering up the mendel. Also, it will home itself yes when you print,so that it knows where it is. If you have the Z optoflag on the bottom which i believe is the standard, you can make sure the Z 0 position is about a paper height above the bed by first moving the z down to that heigh and then adjust the z optoflag so that the opto endstop lightby bergsprekken - Reprappers
Make sure you have the correct firmware and re-download reprap host and dont touch any settings. Then try. And remember,dont just open the .stl file and hit print, you have to make gcode first. You are saving the .stl to gcode file first right? I think we got strange results the first time too but we didnt remember to open the stl and "print to gcode file", then open the gcode file and bergsprekken - Reprappers
Does the bootloader firmware for the arduino IDE come with arduino0018 ?by bergsprekken - Sanguino(lolu)
I have 3 sanguino boards including 1 from iprint3d that was tested before it was sent and working. In the reprap host software Im trying to do the motherboard test procedure, enabled commdebug in preferences and then its supposed to report a temperature 0. in the console window I see this when starting reprap: *lots of java messages* ========================================= Native lib Versionby bergsprekken - Sanguino(lolu)
Just wondering if anyone tested running a virtual machine linux or windows and had the usbttl cable work correctly inside the virtual machine? No problems with the host OS also having the cable installed?by bergsprekken - General Mendel Topics
Almost the same happened to us, the power supply wouldnt turn on before we jumped those bergsprekken - General Mendel Topics
Yes but when setting up the camera its a problem with the scale of the camera view in ortographic mode to get the "seams" onto paper for cutting. You have to figure out the correct resolution of the render related to the camera scale so that all the lines are in real size on the bergsprekken - General
How did you find the correct resolution for printing from blender? I used the tutorial here but I dont fully understand how to do it with millimeters since the tutorial and examples use bergsprekken - General
Has anyone tried to open the stl files for mendel in sketchup? I get wrong size on the object. Also, in blender it shows thousands of millimeter when it should be much bergsprekken - General
We have found some plasti parts online but have decided to make some in wood, by hand/normal tools. I have done a test to make the part manually in sketchup by opening the .stl file of a part in a .stl view program and measure the sides etc and recreate it in Google Sketchup, this way I could print out cutting templates i think on paper in real size. But this is very tedious task because its noby bergsprekken - General
We want to print the stl files in a commercial machine but we are asked what the scale is used in the stl files, is it millimeter?by bergsprekken - General
Hi Me and my buddy are going to make a reprapper and were following the wiki as closely as possible.. BUT we have some trouble understanding the extruder. We have found some extruder barrel&nozzle parts on ebay but we want to know how important the "mm" of the barrel is. Can we basically use any kind of extruder on the basic mendel design? Im worried that we order the wrong type of extruderby bergsprekken - General