Thank you @skarab As for the screws in the right XZ holder to avoid Z rod warping, why did you decided to not have them in the final setup? cheers Miguelby barrasman - General Mendel Topics
Hi again @skarab, I'm now building my iTopie-C (C stand for chamber, since it will have a closed chamber). For that I have increased the horizontal plate, but I still have to figure out the chamber itself. For now I went to the Lisbon FabLab and had the frame done in the CNC router: The DXF file can be downloaded from here: And here is my B.O.M.: The RepRap wiki and manuals are great, butby barrasman - General Mendel Topics
Thanks Skarab, As for the holes I was talking about are the ones you see in the inside corners marked in red: But I also noted that in some other inside corners there are no holes (green circle). With the corner holes, one needs to fill the resulting gap with something (I was thinking glue with sawdust)... without the holes, those corners need to be made square with a file, right? I'll sharby barrasman - General Mendel Topics
Hi Skarab, I saw your iTopie the first time in Thomas Sanladerer video, and I just knew this had to be my choice for my 1st 3D printer. But I plan on expanding the horizontal plate, so that I can install some kind of greenhouse to keep the temperature more stable, and also to be able to print ABS with a proper exhaust system. It will have a slightly larger footprint, but not by much. Any thougby barrasman - General Mendel Topics
Excelente ter encontrado este tópico. Estou agora a começar nestas lides, e encontrar gente aqui em Portugal para evoluir será uma grande ajuda - @keeplisted irei certamente fazer uma visita à vossa loja!by barrasman - Portuguese RUG