@Nophead > I have no experience of the Kapton version but it does seem that one down side is that you need PID control rather than bang-bang with it. I think I have missed the part regarding the need for PID control if using Kapton tape can you point me to that part pls...by BodgeIt - General
"the Creative Commons tells GOSH to buzz off because they don’t want to help make an Open Source Hardware-specific license, instead they basically said, “hey guys, go learn about patents.” And now, Apple’s 64 bit update java dev team conveniently decided it was time to refactor the library base for 64 bit, leaving anyone who had coded an app for 32 bit hanging in the dark."by BodgeIt - RepRap Host
Is the power to the steper controlers connected in a dasiy chain of power connectors? If the are just try swaping the order on the dasiy chain. Or run sepearte power leads from the PSU. I have mine all connected on seperate power leads from the PSU.by BodgeIt - Mechanics
I have bought both skate and skateboard bearings they were identical bearings. They all have the standard 8x22x7 dimensions. Skates/ Roler blades use two bearings per wheel. I have not looked at a skate board I would expect them to be identical as in Two bearings per wheel.by BodgeIt - Mechanics
As the system stands I dont think controll of multiple RepRaps is easily achivable. If a secondary xyz positioning controller was designed in a similar way to the extruder controller 2.2 it could make this idea a posibility by making use of the RS485 bus. This would involve a fair ammount of software reorganization for how many users wanting more than one RepRap ~ it would also add to the overaby BodgeIt - Controllers
This reminds me of the early 80s and the Inmos transputer arrays connected ~ back then they were 20-30MIPS each device Here is a link. This looks like a nice idea to play with however the pricing is not so good for RepRap users at the moment. I will have to find the original Inmos peliminary data book now. On my Nascom 1 I used an Inmos high speed colour palete chip retrofitted to Pluto graphicby BodgeIt - Controllers
Its the old problem of how to put a square peg in to a round hole. I find it very Strange that a file was changed without the new version of the object being printed and tested before releaseing a new version of that object file? Can the files not be rolled back to the previous version?by BodgeIt - Mechanics
Its the old problem of how to put a square peg in to a round hole. I find it very Strange that a file was changed without the object being printed and tested before re-relese of a new file? Can the files not be rolled back to the previous version?by BodgeIt - Mechanics
You can get Kapton tape from www.dealextream.com at Price: $2.92 with free shipping link to 10mm tape 300cby BodgeIt - Mechanics
Here is the link to the Y axis motor mount and slider for belt, ball chain or bike chain drive drive Bike chain requires a four pices of MDF to make a 4 sided construction fore the other two only two pieces of MDFby BodgeIt - Mechanics
I cut off the pully with a hack saw running down the motor shaft using it as my saw guideby BodgeIt - Mechanics
Oh Im using 4 stepper motors for Z it was cheaper than bike chain and the original belt .. I cant think of a way of Joining the chain so that the join is like any other part of the chain.. Bike chain is easy to join but extemly heavy.. I got the Nema 17 motors at £12 each,by BodgeIt - Mechanics
Possibly a cheap easily avalible component Ive seen used on a home brew controlers of this type. Was a halogen car bulb instead of a power resistor it could have been instructables from the same guy who did the small cnc if I remember correctly It will make a flashy display too.by BodgeIt - Controllers
There I was thinking I had not been doing much as I have been planning my Solar system and starting the next bathroom in midges house.. The ideas I have on a making a cheap easy to build Darwin were thought of in January. I have had many other more important jobs to do and iv been frustrated as I wanted to try the ideas out. When it came to applying the ideas the application was incredably quiby BodgeIt - Delta Machines
I started rebuilding Bertha to do the same.. I got carried away and made it a little bigger too... Ive not made any Drawings thou as I built it with left overs and some legs from some kind of Australian saw kit B&Q were selling off Cheap.. Bertha now contains a Micro ATX PC running Emc2 Linux so its realy a CNC machine. Just figuring out the PSUs and the stepper controllers cooling system wby BodgeIt - Mechanics
I have taken a copy thou it might be a while before I can try it out... I started to rebuliding Bertha at the weekend making it a little bigger and more of a stand alone CNC now i have a couple of Darwins built. Im removing the very noisey couplings and removing the draw slides and replacing rail slides. Very keen to try it out thou thank you....by BodgeIt - Delta Machines
I have taken a copy thou it might be a while before I can try it out... I started to rebulid Beartha at the weekend making a little bigger and more of a stand alone CNC now i have a couple of Darwins built. Very keen to try it out thou thank you....by BodgeIt - Delta Machines
What kind of noise levels have you been measuring? Exactly where in the cct are you seeing this noise? Have you captured an image of the noise?by BodgeIt - Controllers
There is a post from Adrian.. I saw saying the site is going to be fixed..by BodgeIt - General
Their technology looked very good when I first saw their site about 3 years ago. I found Desk topfactory several days I think before I found RepRap. From then to now I would be inclined to say that the RepRap technology is better. Certainly from the pictures of printed result that we are seeing now. Back 3 years and their technology was far superior. From watching the Desktop factory site foby BodgeIt - General
It will eventualy have the Arms running veticaly paralell not as they are at present with an Off set of 60 degrees this was not the orginal intention. It was however the only way it would fit together due to the size of lower arms.by BodgeIt - Delta Machines
Some conclusions from my tests on Method 3 & Method 2... After testing method 3 with Bike chain I found that you must use method 2 for bike chain. Its a bit of a catch 22 ~ toothed belt runs great with method 3 and method 3 is the closest to a printed Darwin. However with bike chain the extra weight causes too much friction and method 3 with the skate bearings is needed. that was easy.. aby BodgeIt - Mechanics
I was planning to blog with the picture below and the title "a new kind of bread boarding.. " I built one of thes delta robots in two evenings the day after my last post here. I used ball joints as I thought it might work better but it needs a simple pin swivel.. I have decided to play again with this later this weekend if i get time. If I get a resonably working version will provide full dimby BodgeIt - Delta Machines
Hi Phil Yep thats the chain I liked it because of the colour too.. I have 4M here I intend useing Peek for strength. I was also going to try wood doweling as that could sanded down to size. Looks like you got some ASDA chopping board .. its nice and easy to drill and work with.. Im only have to take a few photos of the Y slider mounts and motor holder then will post the next part of repstrap dby BodgeIt - Mechanics
Yes that is very nice I cant quite see how the z axis is being handled or how the material is being re spread for the next layer though. Maybe its being done by hand.. or im just not seeing how it works..by BodgeIt - Mechanics
The main aim of my many many builds of 3D type cnc structures has been to make it affordable. The strange thing thats has come about this search is that its is much cheaper to make RepRap Darwin than any other structure. By cheap to build I mean at home without RP parts without special tools so any one can have or every one can build a Darwin with Lego like simplicity an extremely low cost I amby BodgeIt - Mechanics
Im not keen to try using cable.. my self however for many many years nylon & cable was used for driving pointers dials and many other display contraptions. Just look in any old Radio old TV, curtains in a cinema.. theatre etc. any old military electronics.. I look every where of bits to use for REPRAP when searching the internet thou its not often you find a European product sites the oby BodgeIt - Mechanics
That looks interesting thanks energetic I bought 3 of the metal geared servos from DX to play with as they were > 1/4 of the UK price. I had not thought of what to do with them till now.. making a wow factor delta robot with them is such a good idea for a fun project.by BodgeIt - Delta Machines
Hey Sid... In the UK it costs a bomb to get stuff from the USA in postage then we get unofficially taxed by the post-office who charge about $16 just to collect the tax which is 15% is usually a tiny fraction of that charge. The UK is not as big as the US so the amount of available resources are considerably smaller. following your 2$ Ebay example shipping costs for 4 of those $2 motors is $2by BodgeIt - Mechanics
X&Y sliders method 3 I am total amazed by this one I expected this to have more friction than the skate bearings and for it to have a lot of play.. neither is the case it is also very very much lighter as it has not got 32 skate bearings. I cant belive how simple the X & Y mechanisims are now and its £16 cheaper to buy.. I just have to figure out an easily repeatable method for the Yby BodgeIt - Mechanics