I joined Makerspace a couple of years ago....you were one of my sponsers!! I remain a member even thou I haven't been able to get in there. I finally had a little time and started playing with this old printer and to my surprise was able to get it running. I guess now I'm more interested in printing and if possible getting smarter at cad software. How often are you at Makerspace? I'll try and rby HereIgoAgain - General
Is this Mark from Makerspace Milwaukee ?by HereIgoAgain - General
A number of years ago, I built a Mendel and then upgraded it to a Prusa Mendel. I had the time of my life ordering parts from all over the world and learned a lot.. It was is a bit clunky with all the PLA parts and so I upgraded many of the gears and such to metal and replaced the electronics to Ramp4 and Arduino. Recently I blew the dust off the old thing and after a bit (lot) of tinkering noby HereIgoAgain - General
Thanks for the comments. I made a number of changes and these seem to be working. I readjusted the pot for the motor, reset the z axis, and cleaned up the printer head. Not sure which helped but it running better. Now if only I could control the warp.... thanks againby HereIgoAgain - General
I'm having trouble laying down my first layer of filament. The second and subsequent layers seems to work fine but the first layer is always sporadic and uneven. Please see pictures and commentby HereIgoAgain - General
It looks interesting but pretty $$$$ expensiveby HereIgoAgain - Reprappers
I apologize if this is the wrong place to post this but I'm interested in building this extruder and was wondering what comments and or experiences others have had with this.by HereIgoAgain - General
I hate to admit this but after countless attempts and rechecking everything I realized that the print head always seemed to cool at the same point in the print. I searched the code and found that at a certain point, the print turned on the cooling fan and alas the temperature was reduced to the point where filament wouldn't flow...I add this comment to aid anyone else that may have a similar proby HereIgoAgain - Printing
My prints now seem to work great except sometimes during the print the temperature of the printerhead just seems to drop. Sometimes if I'm watching I can often manually reset the heat on and off to get it to respond but then other times it just drops...regardless of my controls. Any ideas on this one ?by HereIgoAgain - Printing
Thanks for the advice. I did play with the F7800 and slowed it down....that seemed to do the trick. I suppose it was gettting there just a bit too fast. thanks againby HereIgoAgain - Printing
I'm having trouble keeping my print head from ramming into the platter after I generate gcode with slicer. Below is a few lines. I see the nozzle is lifted to 5000 ?? (line 5) but then after heating goes to 0.2 and rams into platter. Is there somewhere where I can make sure all units are the same ??. ; generated by Slic3r 1.2.9 on 2015-12-16 at 18:28:02 ; external perimeters extrusion widthby HereIgoAgain - Printing
As interesting as I find working and building Repraps, the comments and people I meet on this forum continually amaze, inspire, and cause me to think a bit farther out of the box. Thanks for your comments. I see I have a bit more reading and ideas to consider.by HereIgoAgain - General
Hi, I'm finally finishing up a Mendel Prusa now (Ver 2) that I started some time back. Which electronics do folks recommend these days? My older mendel has ramps 1.4 with mega 1280 and runs like a sewing machine. I know the new chip is Mega2560 but I also see a sainsmart ramps V2. Any suggestions and recommendations ? Thanks in advanceby HereIgoAgain - General
Hey everyone...anyone who reads this. I managed to solve my dilema. What I did was to go around to each of the pots and adjust while holding the pully of the motor being adjusted. By gently holding the pully i could adjust the pot so that enough power could be delivered...Well ok, now onto the next issue.by HereIgoAgain - Printing
Hi again. Since my last correspondence, I replaced the moror on my xaxis , reset all pots , replaced all drive pullys (with metal ones), and still I get this shifting along the x axis (see photo). To recap, the printer worked fine before a move a made (now a couple of years ago). Ever since then there has been shifting on the x axis for which I don't seem to be able to find a cause. Any ideasby HereIgoAgain - Printing
woops.!! here's the photoby HereIgoAgain - Printing
Hey again, Haven't had a chance to respond lately but still having the same issue (see photo). Many great suggestions but still a weird issue. Took X and Y apart and made sure everything moved freely, Checked and tightened pullies attached to motors, Adjusted pot on X axis but still I get this weird shifting. Have any other ideas ? On another matter ...When slicing the object, on a few of tby HereIgoAgain - Printing
Thanks for responding. I checked the motors and the set screws are tight. Good suggestions thou...I would never have thought to check that. Paul, the printer is old. I packed it away when we moved last year and just recently got it out again. It worked pretty well before I moved. It does have me perplexed.by HereIgoAgain - Printing
Hey everyone please view the attachment, Don't know what else to do. I've tried checking both the x and y axis for binding and they both run smooth. I've calibrated X, Y, and Z as far as how far they travel. Every time I print at some point the X and Y get off set. Any ideas ? I'm printing on a mendel with arduino 1280 and ramps 1.4. I've tried pronterface and repetier software with basicallby HereIgoAgain - Printing
Hey haven't played with this for awhile and i see the future is 3d is gone. Anyway, Anybody know where I can get the machine type (xml) info for a 1280 using replicator G?by HereIgoAgain - General
Hi again, I have included a video of what I am experiencing. Like I mentioned, I am using a reprap mendel with ramps 1.4 and pronterface software. I rebuilt a computer and reinstalled the software. Went thru the z axis setup (ie. placed a mark 50 mm up on filament, extruded 30 mm and then measured and there is 20mm left, so seemingly all is fine. However, whenever I just get this small amountby HereIgoAgain - RAMPS Electronics
I've installed ReplicatorG and am trying to use with Ramps 1.4 on a mendel reprap. All axis' work w/o problem, extruder and heat bed both heat properly BUT the extruder motor fails to operate, nothing. temperatures are fine but no extruder. If I then run Pronterface all mechanics work fine (X,Y,Z, and extruder). Anyone have any idea why the extruder motor won't work and does with Pronterface??by HereIgoAgain - RAMPS Electronics
thanks for responding everyone. I believe the answer to all questions is yes. The bed is ~2mm from bed. The extruder temp is 185 and I always extrude 5 or 10 mm of filiment before printing. I'm going to make a video of what's happening and submit. I am going to try using ReplicatorG and see if I can get that to work.by HereIgoAgain - RAMPS Electronics
I am using ramps 1.4 and Pronterface software. Whenever I begin printing a print I get a small dribble of PLA for the first couple of layers and and then it seems to flow normally. No matter what I do I have been unable to resolve this. The dribbling tends to get stuck at the nozzle and then I end up with a blob. I have tried heating the bed to 75, I have even put painters tape on the heatedby HereIgoAgain - RAMPS Electronics
thanks for the suggestions. I was wondering about using a fan. I'll give it a shot.by HereIgoAgain - RAMPS Electronics
Hey everyone, Please take a look at the photo I've attached. Print starts out fine and is very detailed but then it almost looks like the filament gets too hot ...I thought at first that the thermistor was reading incorrectly and the pla was overheating. I turned down the temps and actually can get the pla to flow at about 150. However, I placed a thermometer on the hot end and found that theby HereIgoAgain - RAMPS Electronics
What do you use in place of stl files ??by HereIgoAgain - General
I have been using pronterface software with good success. However, occasionally I get a message similar to : Warning: The input file is not manifold near edge 26.000000-29.000000. You might want to check the resulting G-code before printing. => Processing input file => Processing triangulated mesh The model has overlapping or self-intersecting facets. I tried to repair it, however youby HereIgoAgain - General
Just a short message to say that once you spend the time to calibrate, play with and understand the ramps electronics and software, it is a thing of elegance and perfection. So smooth, precise and quiet. It's really fun to watch it print. thanks everyone for all the help. till the next issue then.by HereIgoAgain - RAMPS Electronics
Thanks for responding Jcabrer. I have been using the Budaschnozzle 1.1 on a mendel reprap with a Wades extruder. It works but the X-carriage is too narrow to accomodate the width of the buda and I have mounted it below the x-carriage. I was hoping someone has made a modified x-carriage that will accommodate the 1.1. Hope this is explained better.by HereIgoAgain - General