Well now they work just fine, so never mind Honestly no idea what went wrong yesterday.by PropellerHat - Firmware - mainstream and related support
Hi I have a weird problem of not being able to extrude by any method. My printer has Duet 0.8.5 and DueX4 with Paneldue as controllers and I have tried to extrude via Console with direct G1 commands, from the paneldue's Extrude-menu and by printing. I have used cold extrusion and heated up the nozzles and combined these 2 situations, all result the same - no extrusions but extruder motors powereby PropellerHat - Firmware - mainstream and related support
I changed the channels to 0-6 and the same extruders show temperature as with the previous channel numbers, allthough much more realistic temperatures. The rest remain in the -273,1°C. I am tempted to dismantle the wiring and trying with another Duet.by PropellerHat - CoreXY Machines
I had them 0-6 in the beginning. Then I read from from somwhere (can't remember was it from Think3dPrint3d or other Duet guide) that in recent Reprap firmware they start from 100 to implement thermocouples. It might have been some other reason for them not to work with channels 0-6 too, for sure. I'll try them again in a couple of hours. Thanks for the fast reply!by PropellerHat - CoreXY Machines
Hello! I am building a CoreXY printer with multiple extruders. It is a CoreXY (allthough my problem is not about that, probably) with Duet 0.8.5 (with the extension board) and external drivers for XYZ. Now I am facing a problem with the temperature channels (and probably also with the heaters). What are the channels to map them? Here is my config on that part: M305 P100 T100000 B3650 R4700 H0 Lby PropellerHat - CoreXY Machines
I did not manipulate the WWW-folder, instead all the changes have been done in config.g file in the SYS one.by PropellerHat - Ormerod
I did that and equally negative result. I suppose I forget this web UI until I get somebody in flesh to set it for me - probably there is something very simple wrong that you guys would roll your eyes on, that is supposed to be right but is not. Thanks for the help anyway!by PropellerHat - Ormerod
I did that, but: Propellerhats-MacBook-Pro:~ Propeller$ ping PING ( 56 data bytes Request timeout for icmp_seq 0by PropellerHat - Ormerod
Here we go: Propellerhats-MacBook-Pro:~ Propeller$ ifconfig lo0: flags=8049 mtu 16384 options=3 inet6 ::1 prefixlen 128 inet netmask 0xff000000 inet6 fe80::1%lo0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x1 nd6 options=1 gif0: flags=8010 mtu 1280 stf0: flags=0<> mtu 1280 en0: flags=8863 mtu 1500 options=10b ether c8:2a:14:06:7d:91 inet6 fe80::ca2a:14ff:fe06:7d91%en0 prefixlen 64 scopeidby PropellerHat - Ormerod
OK, in an hour or so I'll post the outcome when connectedby PropellerHat - Ormerod
All right, this looks more informatic: PropellrhatsMBP:~ Propeller$ ifconfig lo0: flags=8049 mtu 16384 options=3 inet6 ::1 prefixlen 128 inet netmask 0xff000000 inet6 fe80::1%lo0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x1 nd6 options=1 gif0: flags=8010 mtu 1280 stf0: flags=0<> mtu 1280 en0: flags=8863 mtu 1500 options=10b ether c8:2a:14:06:7d:91 nd6 options=1 media: autoselect (none)by PropellerHat - Ormerod
PropellrhatsMBP:~ Propeller$ ipconfig getifaddr usage: ipconfig getifaddr PropellrhatsMBP:~ Propeller$by PropellerHat - Ormerod
In my laptop's network settings I can't see any gateway - it is blank. Laptop's IP is PropellerHat - Ormerod
Ipconfig run results: Propellerhats-MacBook-Pro:~ Propeller$ ipconfig usage: ipconfig where is one of waitall, getifaddr, ifcount, getoption, getpacket, getv6packet, set, setverbose Propellerhats-MacBook-Pro:~ Propeller$ Doesn't look helpful... Config.g from the SD card; ; RepRapPro Ormerod ; Standard configuration G Codes M550 POrmerod; Set the machine's name M551 Preprap; Set the passwordby PropellerHat - Ormerod
Pinging the printer gave a negative result (Request timeout for icmp_seq). I pinget that same IP as is put in the SD card's sys/config.g, so what do I do wrong? The Duet is on, and the SD is in it's slot, ethernet cable nicely connected and leds lit. Pinging the computer itself gets results like this: 64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=255 time=0.067 ms.by PropellerHat - Ormerod
Well, I changed the printer's IP into while the computer is The subnet mask is put, but in the network settings of my macbook it is and I tried also to put it same as in the Duet, No connection. Looks like my problem is elsewhere in the end.by PropellerHat - Ormerod
Thanks, Dave! Makes a lot of sense. Mainly I was confused if the IP in the Duet SD refers to what machine to "get involved with" or the way you explained. I'll give it another try.by PropellerHat - Ormerod
Thanks, Dave! Makes a lot sense. I'll give it another try.by PropellerHat - Ormerod
Hello I have connected the Duet straight into my laptop's ethernet port. I have flashed DC42 firmware on my Duet and replaced the SD files accordingly with the included ones. In the config.g file I changed the IP address into the same as my laptop's IP, as well as the netmask (that was already matching by default). I did not touch the Gateway, since there is no visible one in my coputer's netwoby PropellerHat - Ormerod
All right, thanks! There it is where supposed in 1.6.1 indeed. Maybe now things start to roll...by PropellerHat - Firmware - mainstream and related support
From Shumatech, of course So it is already in Arduino Ide, like 1.6.4? Is this a right version to use for flashing Duet?by PropellerHat - Firmware - mainstream and related support
Hi I hope this is in the right place.. I have difficulties getting started with the Duet boards. I installed Bossa 1.2.1 on my mac (dragged the Bossa.app into the apps folder and bossac and bossash into the bin folder) and connected the duet with the USB and pushed the Erase and Reset buttons but the board just doesn't show up. Instead I get the error message saying "Could not connect to deviceby PropellerHat - Firmware - mainstream and related support
Hello I am looking for a very reliable controller with a nice CPU and pins for external drivers for big motors. A "professional" board so to say. So far Smoothieboard 4XC looks the most interesting. I checked out the Alligator Board but they don't carry pins for external drivers. I only need 4 axis. The board should be suitable for use with LCD and SD card. What would be the best? Let's not letby PropellerHat - Controllers
Hello I need to get my printer to notice the end of filament, move the extruder aside from the print, allow me to exchange the filament and go back where the previous roll ended and continue from there. Isn't this the basic procedure of filamen change in Marlin? Now when I try to get the thing working I get a compiler error saying FIL_RUNOUT_INVERTING was not declared in this scope: #if definedby PropellerHat - Firmware - mainstream and related support
Well, now I got to tighten things in the printer and the problem DID get better indeed! One motor pulley was not completely tightened and now about half of the misalignment is gone. Maybe all the littlest play in the parts produces the rest of the problem and it just needs endless fine tuning and perfecting...by PropellerHat - CoreXY Machines
Thanks for the reply. 1: No 2: Yes 3: No 4: I will tighten them up today but probably they are fine 5: Yes 6: It feels tight and nice No play in the idler pulley attachements, for example. I was hoping to find something like this that could be solved with a screw driver. The electronics stay cool all the way. I have external DM806A drivers and big Nema 23s for XYZ and the Ramps with only E-driby PropellerHat - CoreXY Machines
Hello I have a quite large CoreXY-printer and I noticed there is weird behaviour when I print on the full scale of the machine. I tried to print a text consisting only the outlines of the letters. So I had several objects to build at the same time. In the center of the build area there is huge misalignment with the layers printed on opposite directions - Cura sliced the file so that every otherby PropellerHat - CoreXY Machines
This is not a solution. If I turn the polarity of the cabling of the motor then the extruder can only move backwards. That way the printer is completely useless. For me it looks like there is a fault in the direction pin circuitry but I have no other solution than to get a new Mega or Ramps or both that I can't afford. This small voltage in the DIR pin all the time is a wonderous thing. In my othby PropellerHat - RAMPS Electronics
Hello again. Back to the problem... When trying to retract, the extruder turns wrong direction aka forward. I have tried also with the FWRetracting on, and then it moves twice forward instead of first retracting and then forwarding. My DRV8825 on the RAMPS has 1.7V between DIR pin and GND pin what ever is happening, was the printer retracting, printing normally or standing idle.by PropellerHat - RAMPS Electronics
I had not checked the connection, but it is 0.4 Ohms. I also have used several drivers. My initial setup was made with Easy Drivers as the extruder drivers, and I was blaming my prototype boards for this issue. Now I have a DRV8825 directly on the Ramps, and the problem remains.by PropellerHat - RAMPS Electronics