Edi's Locker Bot Auto Mode Issue Hi all, I need HELP!, we have a few three axes robots with a gripper that is used to move small parts to and fro. I'm using triggers to check for switch closure. If you have an easier way of dealing with Inputs, I would be grateful. Trigger issue, with a robot repeating a task over and over. Duet 2 WiFi FIRMWARE_NAME: RepRapFirmware for Duet 2 WiFi/Ethernet Fby Techman2930 - Firmware - mainstream and related support
dc42, Thank You ! Thank You ! Thank You ! I will give segmentation a try until FEED HOLD is implemented.by Techman2930 - General New Machines Topics
M0 stops at the completion of a move. This works well on a print where the moves are all short. Some times with CNC and robotic equipment you need or want to decelerate during a long move, do something and accelerate and continue the motion.by Techman2930 - General New Machines Topics
Hi All, I'm a 40+yr vet of developing hardware and software for automated equipment, CNC, Pick&Place, Etc. Lately I have been purchasing Duet PCAs with RepRap Firmware loaded for motion control applications. The Only thing I can't find that I need on every application is an equivalent to "FEED HOLD". What I mean by feed hold is, during any movement pressing feed hold decelerates all motion iby Techman2930 - General New Machines Topics
Hi All, I'm a 40+yr vet of developing hardware and software for automated equipment, CNC, Pick&Place, Etc. Lately I have been purchasing Duet PCAs with RepRap Firmware loaded for motion control applications. The Only thing I can't find that I need on every application is an equivalent to "FEED HOLD". What I mean by feed hold is, during any movement pressing feed hold decelerates all motion iby Techman2930 - Firmware - Marlin