I'll likely be there. prob won't bring the printer this time though.by se5a - New Zealand RepRap User Group
if you're wanting them quickly then $42US sounds like a fairly good deal for 28 of the things. I'd be interested in giving it a shot, and may give it a go anyway to see how they come out, but I can't promise anything any-time soon. (whenever you want to print something which has a timeframe, you can be sure you're printer will act up and break), and I'm away next week.by se5a - New Zealand RepRap User Group
yeah I had fun! we should defiantly do this again. I'll be more organised next time and maybe actually get something printing before it's time to go... I'd been messing with the arduino earlier that day and needed to re-upload the firmware. I'd cut a trace on the arduino to stop it resetting when pronterface connects (real pain when you're printing from SD and want to quickly just adjust the floby se5a - New Zealand RepRap User Group
Depending on how organised I am I'll bring my Prusaby se5a - New Zealand RepRap User Group
sounds good. I'll probibly be there.by se5a - New Zealand RepRap User Group
oh yeah, heat bed makes a huge difference. I was going to try build one, but then just bit the bullet and ordered a pcb one.by se5a - New Zealand RepRap User Group
I've printed in Natural, Black, Kiwi lime, and gold. I found the gold to be a little more troublesome than the rest, I think it's a little harder and more likely to slip on the hobbled bolt.by se5a - New Zealand RepRap User Group
Duno if any of you use a buda, but this is what I did: might be possible to adapt/redesign it for other types.by se5a - New Zealand RepRap User Group
25ft for 15.80US? nice find Dust. let me know when you've got it, I might buy a few meters from you - unless you're intending to use the whole amount :pby se5a - New Zealand RepRap User Group
keep me posted, I often forget to read the forum here, but I'm nearly always on IRC.by se5a - New Zealand RepRap User Group
I use brim all the time when I slice. it's very good.by se5a - Slic3r
I'd probably be interested depending on day/time etc. etc. You're moving down here too NelsonRap? cool, I was just up in nelson this last weekend.by se5a - New Zealand RepRap User Group
Ohh yes, what SanjayM Said. this could just be a side feature of an ability to have different settings at different Z heights.by se5a - Slic3r
I designed an object, and wanted to print some 1mm slices of it at different z heights to check for size/fit etc. then thought, what if slic3r had a feature where you tell it 'slice from z height Xmm to z height Ymm?by se5a - Slic3r
brim is awsome, I'd been using loops prior to brim. unfortunately for low layer heights, one layer brim is just not enough. we need a brim height, either in layers or mm.by se5a - Slic3r
I used the same stls (it was two, both with 4 copies) without closing slic3r and removed the lift, and 0.2mm layers (realised 0.1mm was way overkill) and the whole thing printed fine. I see where the z is in this gcode now, I'll check the full one when I get home. maybe you're right about the lash... though it seemed to be going back down too far... lift has worked just fine for me in the pastby se5a - Slic3r
This is the Gcode for some thumb wheels and nut traps. when I print this, the printer does not increase Z I suspect that there's something wrong with lift, since after re-slicing without lift it printed fine. can someone check this gcode and tell me if I'm correct? or rather I would have posted the Gcode, but aparently it's too big. Edit. Lift, not retraction. duh.by se5a - Slic3r
Oh, I see somone has now fixed this to MUST be omitted. coolby se5a - RAMPS Electronics
I don't follow what's wrong with the 5v barrel connector, are you saying that if you power it through the barrel you get less than 5v? is that bad? why?by se5a - RAMPS Electronics
D1 should only be installed if the 5A rail is powered by 12V. It can be omitted and the Arduino will be powered from USB. You will want D1 installed if you add components to print without a PC. To reiterate, D1 MUST be installed if you are powering the 5A rail by more than 12V, or the power is not absolutely clean, otherwise you may damage your ramps. Shouldn't this be "D1 MUST NOT be installedby se5a - RAMPS Electronics
the firmware is easy. why do I want a driver rather than a mosfet and resistor?by se5a - RAMPS Electronics
except I can't really see how to wire it. I'm a tad electronicaly stupid.by se5a - RAMPS Electronics
Ijust found this: if I'm reading that right, I can use the servos as well yes?by se5a - RAMPS Electronics
I've managed to kill 3 fets on D9 somehow, I was extra carefull last time too... so I've given up trying to replace the fet on D9, managed to damage the tracks a little on the ramps trying to get fets off the board now. so want to try adding a fet on a breadboard to another (pref PWM) pin. does RAMPS have pinholes for the other arduino PWM pins? - I see there's a couple of aux pins on the rampsby se5a - RAMPS Electronics
some improvement at 50mms but not a huge amount. this was on rectilinier at 0.15 fill 0.2mm layers infill every 2 layers (so infill was 0.4mm... were the solid layers 0.4 or 0.2?...) I might print that bridge calabration test thing and see how that comes out.by se5a - Slic3r
oh duh. there is an option for the solid layer speed in slic3r I'll try 50mm/s for that instead of the 100 I've been doing.by se5a - Slic3r
I guess I could splice in a slower speed for the solid layers... how else would I change the 'stretching'? extrusion width is set to automatic, if anything I'm over extruding slightly. temp? up? down?by se5a - Slic3r
causes all sorts of problems, it can sometimes take 5 layers to get a nice solid layer, depending on the thickness of your layers. not only does it leave holes but it can also drag through when the filament has curled up where it's broken. maybe if it's calculated as bridges it would help? in the past I've sometimes cut and spliced different fill amounts to get a higher fill pattern ontop of aby se5a - Slic3r
did you disconnect the belt and see how smooth it was when you moved it by hand?by se5a - General