QuoteValSimDim Hi guys, I'm an old happy piezo user, currently using two Orion modules on my 2 custom CoreXY printers with Duet Maestro boards. I remember someone in the past shared a macro for duet boards for repeatability, something like probing the bed at one point 10 times and giving the results. I'll appreciate if you point me where I can find it. I have shared a bunch of those: G28 ; homiby Laton - General
QuoteMoriquendi What I'm saying is that I think you have too much weight on the Andromeda sensors. Why do you need to dive 400mm? Does your bed not rest at z=0? Idris Because my tools are mounted at the top, as they are not reachable for the kinematic at the bottom, once the print is further along. It appears the problem is not related to the z-probe, but was only revealed by the z-probe. Appby Laton - General
Hi Moriquendi! Weight of the bed including surface (etc.) is roughly 3.1kg. I just tried the same measurements with only one sheet of aluminium I had lying around. Results are better, however, there is still some drift apparent: Z-probe Testing gDrive File Please look at it and give me your thoughts on it! There is still a drift of 30mue and whats more worrying is that the drift is repeatableby Laton - General
Hi Moriquendi! It is a sandwich construction Heatbed with two 4mm Aluminium sheets that are sitting on a kinematic coupling. The kinematic coupling consists of a ball, held on a screw from below (fixed in the andromeda sensors). The printbed is hexagonal with three shorter and three longer sides and has a diameter in the middle of about 250mm. It is a delta with Haydn Huntley Mag-Arms that haveby Laton - General
Hey all! So I have been playing with the piezo probes a couple of times now. However, even after having had my hands on 4 sets of piezo probes, it just does not work. My setup is a Duet Wifi with under-the-bed piezo sensors. They are Andromeda sensors hanging under the bed, screwed to the frame, with the central Screw propping up the bed. The relevant Duet Code I am using is as follows: M558by Laton - General
Awesome! So, is it enough? Printing with 2 materials? Always when I think of cool new objects I run into the problem of them being made up from one material only...by Laton - General
Hej Srek, you mean those strips it runs over when it moves to the sides?by Laton - General
... accidental double posting ...by Laton - General
So is there really no solution for more than one or two materials? Quotedc42 ...non printing nozzle to a reduced standby temperature, which in combination with retracting some filament when a nozzle goes to standby totally avoids ooze... Does the Hotend cool down quickly enough? Did you never have problems with a clogging hotend than with the constant removal of the filament? QuoteDaGameFaceby Laton - General
Hej there guys! Unfortunately I cannot find any affordable solution for 3D printing different materials at once. I mean, sure, there are a couple of 3D printers out there like the "Pharao" solution which can carry 2-3 separate nozzles or the 4 in one "Kraken" solution from E3D. But as far as I have read until now it always leads to extensive dripping of unused material onto the building plate/mby Laton - General
I still like the approach! Did you manage anything untill now?by Laton - Polymer Working Group
Sorry Guys for bumping this, but as there is a new 7" Pi-LCD available I was curious whether someone in here has tried that procedure with the RaspberryPi LCD Screen. Furthermore, watterott appears to have moved all their online materials to github, is there still the possibility to download the preconfigured Raspian Image somewhere? I cannot find it... If anyone could enlighten me, or at leastby Laton - General
As my first venture into 3D machines still works well after 1,5 years running. Now I have changed a little of the delta design, making it more and more precise, adjusting a couple of thing here and there and ran into the discussion with a friend of mine concerning the precision of the stepper motors I currently use. They are of the very cheap chinese (robotdigg, 6,5€) sort. Of course I do beleaveby Laton - Stepper Motors, Servo Motors, DC Motors
Hallo angelo! Ich nehme an die v1.1 sind mittlerweile alle, und die meisten haben damit das Sommerloch erfolgreich überwunden. Im Shop hab ich nur die v1.0 gefunden. Wann kommen denn der nächste Schub v1.1? edit: ziehe Kommentar zurück, war auf der falschen Seite. Asche auf mein Haupt. Bei den Steppern steht "zurzeit nicht bestellbar"...? Wäre es allerdings nicht förderlich wenn dein Shop aufby Laton - Elektrik & Elektronik
Naaa. Cant be an hardware issue. I am running the same, unmodified hardware off my PC and get no such bubbles. On top, the bubbles did not appear when the printer started a new layer. It appeared pretty random. Although there was a tendency to get the bubbles somewhat on the same place in one of the following layers. But without a obvious pattern... I made a video to better explain it. There isby Laton - General
Sorry to bump this, but I had the same problem the other way round. I had very similar pause-bubbles in my first print using a LCD and an attached SD-card. If anybody ever encountered that problem this way round, please say so!by Laton - General
Seems to be have been a connection problem between the controller and the shield.by Laton - RAMPS Electronics
UPDATE: I just thought it cant be any worse. Well, I got the x-axis to work by juicing up the output of the potentiometer a little more. Unfortunately, the z-axis was still standing still. I replaced the driver, forgot to unplu git and since i plugged the z back in (under power) the x-axis stopped turning as well...by Laton - RAMPS Electronics
Hej! Just came into the final straights of assembling my kossel mini, after a rather long shipping delay. The Problem now is rather peculiar. Most seems to be working, namely, the endstops, the fan the heater and the thermistor. While the y-tower appears to be in working order, it moves when I press the buttons in Pronterface, the x and z-towers don't move at all. I had the same issue with theby Laton - RAMPS Electronics
I wanted to go with the spectra line. I really appreciate the idea of using it. Besides it being a little harder to work with, are there any other drawbacks about it? Thats also the reason, why I did try to avoid the Kossel. The Kossel Legacy seems to have those features, but as I said, its my first 3D printer which I plan to make and to make a decision a quote on github facilitated the decisioby Laton - Delta Machines
What size prints do I need? Approximately the size of a A4 Sheet of paper possibly more. I tried to get away from the small printers as quickly as possible. Though that its not going to be plug and play was kinda clear. Calibration seems to be the main topic quite a lot of times. 10l? Sounds amazing! I try to go as big as I dare for now, as I am not able to calculate eventual swinging of beams aby Laton - Delta Machines
First of all: Hello! I recently got back into the topic of 3D printing after following it a couple of years but having to concentrate on other things. As I never learned too much about electronics it had been quite difficult to dive into this topic for me. Now is the time. I am specifically intrigued by the family of Delta RepRaps originating from the Rostock. As the objects I'd like to printby Laton - Delta Machines